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Fairfield, KY Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Fairfield is about the same as Kentucky average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Fairfield is higher than Kentucky average and is higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #657

Fairfield, KY

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Fairfield, KY

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #329

Fairfield, KY

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 4,015 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Fairfield, KY were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:2Dense Fog:0Drought:0
Dust Storm:0Flood:555Hail:883Heat:1Heavy Snow:7
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:4Landslide:0Strong Wind:7
Thunderstorm Winds:2,434Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:11Winter Weather:2

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Fairfield, KY.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Fairfield, KY.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Fairfield, KY.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 80 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Fairfield, KY.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
2.91974-04-03437°56'N / 85°25'W38°00'N / 85°18'W7.70 Miles33 Yards0025K0Spencer
7.31984-07-26238°02'N / 85°21'W2.50 Miles70 Yards00250K0Spencer
8.31996-05-28338°03'N / 85°29'W38°02'N / 85°10'W14.00 Miles850 Yards001.0M0Spencer
 Brief Description: The supercell that crossed the Ohio River from Harrison county produced the second a most destructive tornado in its long history. This second tornado formed 4 miles northwest of Brooks at 540 pm est in extreme south central Jefferson county. The tornado was initially estimated at F0-F1 intensity and moved east-southeast and quickly strengthened as it moved into north central Bullitt county near Holsclaw Hill road and Top Hill road where numerous trees were snapped off and some tree bark was stripped. At 545 pm est, the tronado then crossed near the Brooks exit at interstate 65 turning over 5 tractor trailers and damaging a Comfort Inn, Arby's and a Cracker Barrel. From there the tornado continued into the towns of Pioneer Village, Hillview and Mount Washington. Widespread severe structural damage occurred to over 1000 homes in these towns. 10 people required hospital care. The worst injury was from a man who was treated for broken ribs. The tornado was rated a strong F3 in Pioneer Village and Hillview, where winds were estimated at around 200 mph. F4 damage occurred to at least one house in Hillview which was totally leveled. Here wind speeds were estimated at 210 to 220 mph. The path width across Bullitt county was around 1/3 of a mile. Eyewitnesses and the National Weather Service survey as well as video footage revealed multiple-vortices within the parent tornado. This multiple-vortex tornado appeared to consolidate into one funnel as it moved through the Northfield subdivision near Mount Washington at 558 pm est. Here, the tornado was categorized as an F3 with wind speeds up to 200 mph. The tornado then moved into Spencer County 3 miles west of Mount Washington at 608 pm est. The tornado passed over Route 55, 1 1/2 miles south of Route 44 and Taylorsville at around 630 pm est damaging a few homes. It then passed very close to the Taylorsville Lake Dam and the ranger station at the Taylorsville lake. There, it sank and destroyed several boats, snapped and debarked numerous trees while maintaining its F3 intensity. The path width here was from 1/3 to 1/2 of a mile. Damage patterns again again suggesting multiple-vortices. The tornado then dissapated around 645 pm est just east of Little Mount. The total path length across the 3 countiess was estimated at 30 miles.
8.62008-02-06237°48'N / 85°22'W37°49'N / 85°22'W1.00 Mile300 Yards02250K0KNelson
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado destroyed or heavily damaage two shop buildings at a construction company. A couple trailers on the company site were rolled over. Farther along the tornado's path, it knocked a mobile home off the foundation, and rolled it over two nearby cars. Two occupants of the mobile home were injured. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front along with a strong upper level low produced a squall line that crossed central Kentucky. This set off widespread severe weather, and spawned several tornadoes.
12.11974-04-03437°46'N / 85°45'W37°56'N / 85°25'W21.40 Miles33 Yards124250K0Nelson
14.91969-05-10337°57'N / 85°42'W37°57'N / 85°37'W4.30 Miles200 Yards014250K0Bullitt
15.61996-05-28438°06'N / 85°44'W38°03'N / 85°29'W15.00 Miles575 Yards010100.0M0Bullitt
 Brief Description: The supercell that crossed the Ohio River from Harrison county produced the second a most destructive tornado in its long history. This second tornado formed 4 miles northwest of Brooks at 540 pm est in extreme south central Jefferson county. The tornado was initially estimated at F0-F1 intensity and moved east-southeast and quickly strengthened as it moved into north central Bullitt county near Holsclaw Hill road and Top Hill road where numerous trees were snapped off and some tree bark was stripped. At 545 pm est, the tronado then crossed near the Brooks exit at interstate 65 turning over 5 tractor trailers and damaging a Comfort Inn, Arby's and a Cracker Barrel. From there the tornado continued into the towns of Pioneer Village, Hillview and Mount Washington. Widespread severe structural damage occurred to over 1000 homes in these towns. 10 people required hospital care. The worst injury was from a man who was treated for broken ribs. The tornado was rated a strong F3 in Pioneer Village and Hillview, where winds were estimated at around 200 mph. F4 damage occurred to at least one house in Hillview which was totally leveled. Here wind speeds were estimated at 210 to 220 mph. The path width across Bullitt county was around 1/3 of a mile. Eyewitnesses and the National Weather Service survey as well as video footage revealed multiple-vortices within the parent tornado. This multiple-vortex tornado appeared to consolidate into one funnel as it moved through the Northfield subdivision near Mount Washington at 558 pm est. Here, the tornado was categorized as an F3 with wind speeds up to 200 mph. The tornado then moved into Spencer County 3 miles west of Mount Washington at 608 pm est. The tornado passed over Route 55, 1 1/2 miles south of Route 44 and Taylorsville at around 630 pm est damaging a few homes. It then passed very close to the Taylorsville Lake Dam and the ranger station at the Taylorsville lake. There, it sank and destroyed several boats, snapped and debarked numerous trees while maintaining its F3 intensity. The path width here was from 1/3 to 1/2 of a mile. Damage patterns again again suggesting multiple-vortices. The tornado then dissapated around 645 pm est just east of Little Mount. The total path length across the 3 countiess was estimated at 30 miles.
19.12008-02-06237°43'N / 85°37'W37°43'N / 85°36'W1.00 Mile300 Yards0050K100KNelson
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A long swath of wind damage showed signs of an intermittent embedded tornado. The tornado destroyed an outbuilding, and knocked the top half off a silo. Near Patton Road, there was an enhanced area of tree damage, with the trees laying in a convergent path, consistent with tornadic damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front along with a strong upper level low produced a squall line that crossed central Kentucky. This set off widespread severe weather, and spawned several tornadoes.
20.51964-03-25238°13'N / 85°32'W38°13'N / 85°27'W4.70 Miles33 Yards00250K0Jefferson
20.91982-03-20238°07'N / 85°11'W38°09'N / 85°01'W10.00 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Shelby
21.41982-03-20238°13'N / 85°14'W1.00 Mile30 Yards0825.0M0Shelby
22.41990-06-02238°14'N / 85°14'W1.00 Mile100 Yards002.5M0Shelby
22.61964-03-25238°11'N / 85°43'W38°13'N / 85°32'W10.30 Miles33 Yards01250K0Jefferson
23.11974-04-03438°03'N / 85°04'W38°07'N / 84°57'W7.60 Miles33 Yards000K0Anderson
24.81996-05-28237°59'N / 84°58'W37°58'N / 84°54'W8.00 Miles575 Yards011.0M0Anderson
 Brief Description: Another tornado, from the supercell that caused extensive damage across Bullitt county, was formed near Fox Creek. It moved south of Lawrenceburg. Along Route 513 near the intersection of the Blue Grass Parkway and Route 127, 13 homes and several barns were damaged. 4 homes were destroyed. The worst damage was in the Gilbert's Creek road area 5 miles south of Lawrenceburg. A number of trees were snapped off. Damage was also noted near a car dealership in the same area. One women was injured by flying glass. The storm was an F2 on the Fujita scale. The tornado continued into Woodford county but weakened to an F0 as it did some damage to trees and limbs along Lillards Ferry Road. The tornado then lifted.
25.12008-02-06237°41'N / 85°03'W37°41'N / 85°03'W1.00 Mile250 Yards0015K0KWashington
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado touched down on Russell Lane about eight miles east-northeast of Springfield. The tornado completely blew away a large, well-constructed out-building. Six-by-six inch posts were snapped and piled up, while metal sheeting was blown about a quarter of a mile away. Concrete joists weighing two hundred pounds were displaced. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front along with a strong upper level low produced a squall line that crossed central Kentucky. This set off widespread severe weather, and spawned several tornadoes.
25.82008-02-06237°42'N / 85°46'W37°42'N / 85°45'W1.00 Mile300 Yards00150K0KHardin
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado knocked a trailer off its foundation at the intersection of Miller Road and Porter Lane. Another trailer near this location was completely destroyed. Another trailer along Miller Road was turned on to its roof. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front along with a strong upper level low produced a squall line that crossed central Kentucky. This set off widespread severe weather, and spawned several tornadoes.
26.01972-04-21237°54'N / 84°57'W37°56'N / 84°52'W5.10 Miles30 Yards00250K0Mercer
26.51974-04-03438°12'N / 85°45'W38°19'N / 85°32'W14.20 Miles33 Yards32250K0Jefferson
27.01954-08-02237°27'N / 85°20'W37°39'N / 85°13'W15.10 Miles33 Yards0025K0Taylor
27.31974-04-03437°43'N / 85°54'W37°46'N / 85°45'W8.80 Miles33 Yards257250K0Hardin
27.41974-03-29238°02'N / 84°54'W1.00 Mile100 Yards02250K0Anderson
27.72008-02-06238°16'N / 85°12'W38°18'N / 85°05'W7.00 Miles250 Yards00175K0KShelby
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: Most of the damage caused by this tornado was concentrated in the Flood Road area, as it intensified while moving to the northeast. The tornado destroyed a large, well built barn, and threw the structure 50 yards. It moved an 18 thousand pound trailer four feet, and flipped it. Another barn was destroyed, and every shingle was blown off a well constructed roof top. Several other homes suffered some degree of roof damage. Besides the structural damage, around 40 large hardwood trees were uprooted along the path. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front along with a strong upper level low produced a squall line that crossed central Kentucky. This set off widespread severe weather, and spawned several tornadoes.
28.01965-11-26238°02'N / 84°55'W38°03'N / 84°52'W2.70 Miles33 Yards082.5M0Anderson
29.11974-04-03438°19'N / 85°32'W38°22'N / 85°29'W4.30 Miles33 Yards000K0Oldham
29.51997-03-28237°30'N / 85°29'W37°31'N / 85°26'W3.00 Miles300 Yards0000Marion
 Brief Description: A second tornado formed on the southern flank of the supercell that produced the tornado from Bonnieville to Magnolia. This second tornado formed as the first one dissipated. This second tornado touched down in Creal and did some damage there including a barn that was thrown across Highway 61. County road 2762 was also blocked by downed trees. Then the tornado proceeded northeastward and crossed Highway 210 into southern Larue county where again several trees and some power lines blocked the road there. There were 5 mobile homes and 4 barns destroyed and a church damaged in Pleasant Ridge. From there, the tornado moved northeastward into Marion county and dissipated 3 miles west of St. Joseph. Numerous trees and power lines were down across western Marion county.
29.51951-02-20238°16'N / 85°03'W0025K0Shelby
29.81982-03-20238°09'N / 85°01'W38°12'N / 84°51'W10.00 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Franklin
30.42003-05-11237°48'N / 84°54'W37°49'N / 84°48'W7.00 Miles300 Yards1815.0M0Mercer
 Brief Description: The tornado formed northwest of Harrodsburg as an F1 tornado. It moved east northeast and strengthened to an F2 as it moved to near Bohon Road. Between Bohon Road and US 127, high F1 to low F2 damage was observed. The tornado lifted east of highway 127 with no additional damage. A 29 year old female drowned when her mobile home on Bohon Road was blown about one hundred yards toward the Salt River. Forty homes in the area were damaged, and of these, 12 were destroyed. F29MH
31.31974-04-03237°41'N / 84°56'W37°42'N / 84°52'W3.60 Miles33 Yards010250K0Boyle
31.51974-03-29237°45'N / 85°55'W1.00 Mile100 Yards08250K0Hardin
31.71952-03-22337°32'N / 85°43'W37°33'N / 85°40'W2.70 Miles33 Yards018250K0Larue
32.31971-07-18238°20'N / 85°05'W0025K0Henry
32.31964-03-25238°17'N / 85°27'W38°30'N / 85°07'W23.40 Miles33 Yards00250K0Shelby
32.41977-10-01237°50'N / 85°58'W2.00 Miles33 Yards00250K0Hardin
32.91997-03-28237°27'N / 85°37'W37°30'N / 85°30'W5.00 Miles300 Yards00100K0Larue
 Brief Description: A second tornado formed on the southern flank of the supercell that produced the tornado from Bonnieville to Magnolia. This second tornado formed as the first one dissipated. This second tornado touched down in Creal and did some damage there including a barn that was thrown across Highway 61. County road 2762 was also blocked by downed trees. Then the tornado proceeded northeastward and crossed Highway 210 into southern Larue county where again several trees and some power lines blocked the road there. There were 5 mobile homes and 4 barns destroyed and a church damaged in Pleasant Ridge. From there, the tornado moved northeastward into Marion county and dissipated 3 miles west of St. Joseph. Numerous trees and power lines were down across western Marion county.
33.32006-01-02237°40'N / 85°58'W37°46'N / 85°54'W8.40 Miles150 Yards002.0M0Hardin
 Brief Description: The tornado touched down near Cecilia, blowing the roof off a barn, but only producing shingle damage on nearby residences. It did more damage when it reached St. John Road, where it destroyed a home and some farm buildings. As the tornado continued to the northeast, it produced major roof damage to homes along Rineyville Road. Next, an office building that was under construction was lifted off its foundation. A convenience store was destroyed along U.S. 31W. A few more homes received minor damage before the tornado lifted near Longview.
33.51990-06-02338°24'N / 85°30'W38°26'N / 85°18'W8.00 Miles73 Yards052.5M0Oldham
33.71974-04-03237°42'N / 84°52'W37°51'N / 84°44'W12.60 Miles33 Yards00250K0Mercer
33.92004-05-27238°23'N / 85°14'W38°24'N / 85°06'W7.80 Miles300 Yards022.5M0Henry
 Brief Description: The tornado first touched down IN an open area east of Smithfield in southwest Henry County. It then moved east and crossed highway 55 north of Eminence. The tornado reached its maximum intensity as it moved between U.S. 421 and the Eminence-Point Pleasant Road. The tornado finally crossed Sweeney Lane and weakened or lifted. South of the tornado path, straight line winds caused some structural damage along with widespread tree damage. Twenty-five homes were destroyed in the storm, and 326 others received some degree of damage.
34.01990-06-02338°26'N / 85°18'W38°24'N / 85°16'W2.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Henry
34.52003-05-11237°43'N / 86°01'W37°47'N / 85°56'W6.50 Miles120 Yards051.0M0Hardin
 Brief Description: The tornado formed southwest of Rineyville near Highway 1375. It then skipped across the countryside and reached the town of Rineyville. The tornado then moved about 3 miles northeast of Rineyville and dissipated. It did not appear to be on the ground for the entire duration. Embedded in the tornado path was significant straight line wind damage. An estimated 40 homes were damaged or destroyed. Many of the heavily damaged structures were mobile homes.
35.32008-02-06237°39'N / 86°00'W37°40'N / 85°52'W7.00 Miles400 Yards003.0M0KHardin
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado destroyed a trailer and an outbuilding along Hansborough Road. It caused major roof damage along Bethlehem Academy Road, with one home losing the roof completely. Several boats were flipped over, and a large bus was pushed two feet. The tornado pushed in garage doors at an industrial building along Ring Road. This building also suffered significant roof damage. At Central Hardin High School, the tornado snapped concrete pillar stadium lights at the football stadium. The press box was thrown on to the playing field and destroyed. The basketball gym and a wing of the school suffered roof damage consistent with an EF2 tornado. Along Black Branch Road just east of the school complex, the tornado caused some structural damage to homes. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front along with a strong upper level low produced a squall line that crossed central Kentucky. This set off widespread severe weather, and spawned several tornadoes.
35.91997-03-28237°26'N / 85°39'W37°28'N / 85°37'W3.00 Miles300 Yards0020K0Green
 Brief Description: A second tornado formed on the southern flank of the supercell that produced the tornado from Bonnieville to Magnolia. This second tornado formed as the first one dissipated. This second tornado touched down in Creal and did some damage there including a barn that was thrown across Highway 61. County road 2762 was also blocked by downed trees. Then the tornado proceeded northeastward and crossed Highway 210 into southern Larue county where again several trees and some power lines blocked the road there. There were 5 mobile homes and 4 barns destroyed and a church damaged in Pleasant Ridge. From there, the tornado moved northeastward into Marion county and dissipated 3 miles west of St. Joseph. Numerous trees and power lines were down across western Marion county.
35.91974-04-03438°07'N / 84°57'W38°20'N / 84°44'W18.90 Miles33 Yards485250K0Franklin
38.41990-06-02338°24'N / 85°47'W38°24'N / 85°45'W3.70 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Clark
38.72007-10-18338°28'N / 85°33'W38°30'N / 85°28'W5.00 Miles440 Yards001.0M10KClark
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: An EF-3 tornado touched down near Bull Creek Road, and was on the ground intermittently before lifting near the end of Fulton Road, just short of the Ohio River. The greatest damage occurred about 10 miles east northeast of Charlestown, where a recently constructed two story home was blown off its basement and destroyed. Two large barns, a stable, a silo, and four vehicles were also damaged or destroyed on the same property. Ten other homes were damaged, with four of them receiving severe damage. Five barns and several other outbuildings were destroyed. The tornado left scour marks for nearly one half mile through corn and bean fields between Bull Creek Road and Church Road just after its initial touchdown. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front with strong upper level support collided with a very moist air mass over the lower Ohio Valley. Widespread severe thunderstorms resulted, along with three confirmed tornadoes in south central Indiana. The severe storms and tornadoes produced property damage, widespread areas with downed trees and power lines, and some large hail.
39.41979-06-29238°16'N / 84°51'W38°15'N / 84°44'W6.20 Miles40 Yards000K0Franklin
39.71997-03-28337°26'N / 85°47'W37°27'N / 85°45'W2.00 Miles1200 Yards013.0M0Larue
 Brief Description: A 40 year old man was killed as an F3 tornado with winds estimated at 175 mph touched down near Bonnieville in Hart county and moved northeast 9 miles to the town of Magnolia in Larue county before lifting. The deceased man was killed in his house in Hammonville as the house was blown 50 yards away from its foundation. A few other poorly secured homes were lifted clean off their foundations as well. Most of the injured were hurt when the tornado crossed I-65 at exit 71 causing several accidents. In Hart county, 14 people were injured in addition to the 1 death. 32 houses and 8 mobile homes were heavily damaged or destroyed most in Bonnieville. DES officials estimate total damage at 1.4 million dollars. In Larue county, 22 houses and 20 barns were heavily damaged or destroyed with most of the damage in Magnolia. DES officials estimated total damage around 3 million dollars half of which was damage to a dairy farm. The farmer lost 80 cattle as as the barn collapsed on them. One man lost a restored model-T that he was used in car shows and exhibits. The only injury was to a Deputy Sheriff who rode out the storm in his cruiser. He badly bruised his hand and said he witnessed a near-by uninhabited car thrown more than 20 feet overtop of his cruiser.
40.11974-04-03337°35'N / 84°47'W37°42'N / 84°43'W8.70 Miles33 Yards1330K0Boyle
40.41972-04-11237°22'N / 85°35'W00250K0Green
40.51963-04-21238°05'N / 84°40'W2.00 Miles200 Yards0325K0Woodford
40.71990-06-02338°22'N / 85°57'W38°24'N / 85°47'W8.30 Miles300 Yards072.5M0Floyd
40.81974-04-03337°30'N / 84°52'W37°35'N / 84°47'W7.20 Miles33 Yards0650K0Lincoln
41.21974-04-03538°00'N / 86°10'W38°03'N / 86°06'W4.90 Miles440 Yards0025K0Harrison
41.31981-08-05237°20'N / 85°24'W1.00 Mile10 Yards0125K0Taylor
41.61974-04-01338°30'N / 85°14'W38°32'N / 85°11'W3.30 Miles300 Yards1202.5M0Henry
41.71974-04-03437°17'N / 85°24'W37°23'N / 85°10'W14.50 Miles33 Yards0530K0Taylor
41.91974-04-03337°26'N / 84°55'W37°30'N / 84°52'W5.20 Miles33 Yards002.5M0Casey
43.02004-05-27238°30'N / 85°59'W38°25'N / 85°38'W17.90 Miles75 Yards001.0M0Clark
 Brief Description: A tornado moved from Washington County, Indiana into western Clark County in the vicinity of Borden. It briefly reached F2 intensity in the Borden area, blowing the roofs off several homes. The roof was blown off an elementary school while a graduation was in progress, but no injuries were reported. In all, the tornado destroyed or damaged 10 homes in the Borden area. The tornado continued moving east southeast across Clark County, lifting intermittently. Several witnesses spotted the tornado as it moved south of Charlestown. It caused some F1 damage in the Stacy Road and Bethany Road areas, before lifting southeast of Charlestown.
44.31997-03-28337°22'N / 85°55'W37°26'N / 85°46'W9.00 Miles1200 Yards1141.4M0Hart
 Brief Description: M40PH A 40 year old man was killed as an F3 tornado with winds estimated at 175 mph touched down near Bonnieville in Hart county and moved northeast 9 miles to the town of Magnolia in Larue county before lifting. The deceased man was killed in his house in Hammonville as the house was blown 50 yards away from its foundation. A few other poorly secured homes were lifted clean off their foundations as well. Most of the injured were hurt when the tornado crossed I-65 at exit 71 causing several accidents. In Hart county, 14 people were injured in addition to the 1 death. 32 houses and 8 mobile homes were heavily damaged or destroyed most in Bonnieville. DES officials estimate total damage at 1.4 million dollars. In Larue county, 22 houses and 20 barns were heavily damaged or destroyed with most of the damage in Magnolia. DES officials estimated total damage around 3 million dollars half of which was damage to a dairy farm. The farmer lost 80 cattle as as the barn collapsed on them. One man lost a restored model-T that he was used in car shows and exhibits. The only injury was to a Deputy Sheriff who rode out the storm in his cruiser. He badly bruised his hand and said he witnessed a near-by uninhabited car thrown more than 20 feet overtop of his cruiser.
44.41974-04-03438°14'N / 84°44'W37°30'N / 84°25'W53.50 Miles33 Yards037250K0Scott
44.41959-02-10238°34'N / 85°31'W0025K0Clark
44.41961-07-23238°34'N / 85°31'W0025K0Clark
45.21990-06-02338°35'N / 85°29'W38°35'N / 85°25'W3.80 Miles440 Yards00250K0Jefferson
45.21968-04-23237°52'N / 84°35'W37°54'N / 84°32'W3.30 Miles60 Yards03250K0Jessamine
45.41990-06-02338°34'N / 85°38'W38°35'N / 85°29'W7.20 Miles440 Yards04250K0Clark
45.61990-06-02338°35'N / 85°25'W38°36'N / 85°19'W6.00 Miles50 Yards012.5M0Trimble
46.01996-04-20238°23'N / 86°01'W38°23'N / 86°00'W1.00 Mile100 Yards01250K0Floyd
 Brief Description: 6 houses were damaged 2 miles west of Greenville due to a brief F2 tornado. Also, mobile homes were overturned near the intersection of Georgetown and Greenville Roads, and a rescue unit was deployed. There were no serious injuries, however. One man was in his mobile home when the tornado struck. The tornado sent the mobile home flying, but the man only had a few cuts. Also, a roof off one house was was lifted up by the tornado and then set back down perfectly with only a few shingles missing.
46.11996-05-28238°10'N / 86°19'W38°09'N / 86°03'W10.00 Miles575 Yards0000Harrison
 Brief Description: A classic supercell thunderstorm formed over southern Dubois county and moved across Crawford and Harrison counties before moving across north central and east central Kentucky. The first tornado that the supercell produced was across Harrison county. The tornado first appeared across the far western part of the county in the southern portion of the Harrison State Forest. The tornado moved 10 miles to just 1 mile south of New Middletown before dissapating. It snapped and debarked numerous trees in rural areas and was estimated as an F2 on the Fujita scale with winds estimated at 150 mph. The path length was estimated to 1/3 of a mile.
46.21974-04-03537°54'N / 86°18'W38°00'N / 86°10'W10.00 Miles440 Yards312572.5M0Meade
47.11970-04-23338°13'N / 84°36'W0.50 Mile50 Yards0025K0Scott
47.11974-04-03437°13'N / 85°28'W37°17'N / 85°24'W5.70 Miles33 Yards032.5M0Green
47.81974-04-03438°33'N / 85°45'W38°36'N / 85°40'W5.40 Miles1200 Yards00250.0M0Clark
48.41957-05-22238°37'N / 85°12'W0.80 Mile440 Yards0025K0Carroll
48.52004-05-27338°05'N / 84°32'W38°05'N / 84°30'W3.00 Miles100 Yards067.5M0Fayette
 Brief Description: The tornado first touched down just east of Masterson Station Park on the subdivision road of Buck Lane. It continued east through the subdivision, causing F2 damage. The tornado then crossed an open field and creek, entering another subdivision. It appeared that the tornado reached its maximum F3 intensity in this section of the path. The tornado was on the ground intermittently as it moved to the east northeast. It struck a single house on State Road 1978, doing F2 damage. It crossed Georgetown Road and struck another subdivision near Citation Boulevard, doing F1 to F2 damage. It continued for a short distance into a field, and then lifted. There was straight line wind damage to the south of the tornado path, and additional straight line wind damage to the east after the tornado lifted. The tornado damaged 15 homes to some degree, and at least 50 home received moderate to severe damage. The hardest hit area was the Masterson Station subdivision.
48.82007-10-18237°47'N / 86°17'W37°49'N / 86°15'W3.00 Miles300 Yards00300K0KBreckinridge
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The EF-2 tornado began one mile east northeast of Stinnettsville, and moved to the northeast through Rosetta, where most of the damage occurred. A church was destroyed. A nearby home lost a large section of roof. Two large outbuildings were destroyed. A 16 foot trailer was moved and wrapped around a tree. Winds moved a 4500 pound tractor seven feet. A pickup truck was thrown 75 feet and flipped over. Numerous trees along the tornado path were uprooted or snapped. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front with strong upper level support collided with a very moist air mass over the lower Ohio Valley. The result was a widespread outbreak of severe thunderstorms, and six confirmed tornadoes. The storms produced property damage, downed trees and power lines, and large hail.
49.01979-06-29238°15'N / 84°44'W38°17'N / 84°27'W15.50 Miles40 Yards0725K0Scott
49.11974-04-03538°28'N / 86°00'W38°36'N / 85°44'W17.00 Miles33 Yards1230K0Clark
49.61974-04-03438°36'N / 85°40'W38°39'N / 85°35'W5.20 Miles1200 Yards1150K0Scott

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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