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Dock Junction, GA Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Dock Junction is about the same as Georgia average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Dock Junction is much lower than Georgia average and is lower than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #725

Dock Junction, GA

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Dock Junction, GA

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #729

Dock Junction, GA

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 1,702 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Dock Junction, GA were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:1Dense Fog:0Drought:22
Dust Storm:0Flood:82Hail:474Heat:6Heavy Snow:2
High Surf:0Hurricane:1Ice Storm:2Landslide:0Strong Wind:7
Thunderstorm Winds:983Tropical Storm:2Wildfire:9Winter Storm:0Winter Weather:1

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Dock Junction, GA.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Dock Junction, GA.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Dock Junction, GA.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 15 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Dock Junction, GA.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
6.81963-02-24231°12'N / 81°24'W1.00 Mile33 Yards003K0Glynn
15.92008-05-11431°24'N / 81°27'W31°24'N / 81°18'W11.00 Miles700 Yards0912.5M0KMcintosh
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A survey team from the National Weather Service Office in Charleston, South Carolina along with other damage survey experts from across the country determined that the Tornado that struck McIntosh county Georgia on Sunday morning May 11, was a violent EF-4. The Tornado beginning and end times are based on radar data combined with credible ground truth reports. The Tornado formed at 952 am, approximately 3 miles northwest of Darien, Georgia and tracked east about 11 miles before dissipating at 1007 am as a water spout in Doboy Sound. The Tornado formed in a wooded area about a half mile west of Route 251 where numerous trees were snapped off. The Tornado strengthened rapidly as it approached and moved across Route 251. The Tornado struck a Marine Sales and Services Business located on the east side of Route 251. The bolts for all but one of the anchored metal support beams for the metal building were snapped off just above the concrete slab. With the exception of the one metal support beam that was bent to the ground, the slab was wiped clean. Approximately 50 boats were tossed around and destroyed, with one 18 foot 4000 pound boast carried about 650 yards into some trees. A 32 foot 8000 pound boat was carried about 130 yards onto the top of the Gateway Behavioral Services Building. A vehicle that was parked in the parking lot was carried in the air 150 yards. One 125 horsepower boat motor weighing 300 to 350 pounds was carried 250 yards and deposited into the roof of a building. In addition, one of the boats had yet to be accounted for at the time the survey was conducted. Several other vehicles near the business were rolled or tossed and severely damaged or destroyed. No one was in the building at the time the Tornado struck and damage to the building and all the boats were estimated to be 5 million dollars. Approximately 100 yards to the south-southeast of the Marine Sales and Services Building, the McIntosh Emergency Medical Services Building was destroyed by the Tornado with damage to three ambulances and one fire truck. Many of the metal support beams from this facility were torn from the concrete slab or snapped off. This building was rated for 120 mph winds. No one was in this building at the time of the Tornado because they were out on a non weather related call. The Gateway Behavioral Health and Services Building was totally destroyed. This metal framed building with brick exterior was located about 100 yards east-northeast of the McIntosh Emergency Medical Services Building and 130 yards east-southeast of the Marine Sales and Services Building. The roof of the Gateway Building collapsed along with many of the outer brick walls. Many of the large load bearing metal beams were bent or knocked down. Portions of the metal roof were carried a mile away onto Interstate 95. Some of the roofing material was found 11 miles away on Sapelo Island. Of the 12 people that were in the building when the Tornado hit, 9 were injured sustaining broken bones and or lacerations. Six vehicles around this building were damaged or destroyed and a metal light pole and several trees were snapped off in this area. Two other businesses in this area suffered damage including damage to satellite dishes and two overturned tractor trailers. Damage to the Marine Sales and Services Business and the Gateway Behavioral Health and Services Building indicated that EF-4 damage had occurred with winds estimated to be between 170 and 180 mph. After leaving this area the Tornado traveled east and weakened. The Tornado reached its maximum width of 700 yards as it crossed Interstate 95, and then decreased in size and was mainly from 200 to 500 yards wide during the remainder of the path. The Tornado damaged or destroyed four billboards along Interstate 95, produced mainly minor roof damage to several dozen homes mainly in the Ridgeville area, snapped off or uprooted thousands of trees, some of them falling on homes or vehicles, and damaged or destroyed numerous outbuildings. A resident of Ridgeville, Georgia whose home suffered minor damage in the Tornado, took shelter in a closet after seeing a National Weather Service Severe Weather Statement on the television mentioning that Ridgeville was in the path of the Tornado. The Tornado also damaged the Blue-N-Hall Marina and Fishing Dock. In this area, a large boat hoist along with 18 boats and several boat trailers were damaged or destroyed. Several power poles were also snapped off and several vehicles were damaged. Numerous trees were also snapped off on Hird Island. The Tornado likely dissipated over Doboy Sound as a waterspout. Besides portions of the Gateway roof, lots of other debris including signs were deposited on Sapelo Island. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A warm front lifted northward through southern South Carolina and southeast Georgia during the morning, with a strong cold front then sweeping through the area during the evening. This resulted in several rounds of severe weather across the region.
19.11963-01-13231°20'N / 81°48'W1.00 Mile300 Yards0025K0Brantley
22.81984-02-27230°51'N / 81°36'W30°54'N / 81°32'W3.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Camden
35.32005-03-22231°29'N / 82°01'W31°29'N / 82°01'W2.00 Miles880 Yards0000Wayne
 Brief Description: NWS Storm Survey revealed 56 homes were damaged or destroyed (includes mobile and manufactured homes), 12 businesses were damaged or destroyed, 2 public buildings were damaged as well as 1 church. Only minor injuries were reported. Georgia Emergency Management issued a statement that stated 61 homes and 8 businesses were damaged; 10 homes and 5 business were destroyed. Below is a time line of calls the NWS received: 0430 pm EDT: Emergency Management reported 3 businesses destroyed and campers severely damaged in Screven from a tornado. 0430 pm EDT: Emergency Management reported numerous trees and power lines down in Screven. 0432 pm EDT: Tranied stomr spotter repored a tornado 5 miles south of Jesup and about 8 miles south of Odum. 0449 pm EDT: Tranied storm spotter and amateur radio operator reported quarter size hail in downtown Jesup and a tornado in Screven along 9 Run Road. 0450 pm EDT: Emergency Management reported campers were destroyed in Screven and a cabinet shop (Sreven Cabinet Company) was severely damaged with 1 person trapped inside. Other reports received about this event included 2 children trapped in a video store in Screven. They were pulled out and taken to the hospital with no major injuries. The Jesup Press Sentinel newspaper reported extensive damage occurred along J.L. Tyre Street and U.S. 84 in Screven. Two businesses hit particulary hard were the Screven Cabinet Company and Boyette's Camper Sales. One male was trapped in the cabinet shop after the tornado, and was successfully rescued with no notable injuries. A truck driver was driving at about 25 miles per hour in front of the cabinet shop when the tornado hit and flipped the vehicle, and the driver sufferd minor injuries. Additional business damaged by the tornado included the town's video store, Mary's IGA and Wasdin Cabinet and Doors. 0450 pm EDT: The general public sent an email that and reported a tornado in Screven and 2 inch hail in Jesup.
41.51971-01-15231°48'N / 81°36'W0.50 Mile100 Yards0425K0Liberty
43.61969-04-18231°48'N / 81°40'W31°52'N / 81°24'W16.40 Miles233 Yards0125K0Liberty
44.91974-05-12231°50'N / 81°42'W0.60 Mile40 Yards0225K0Long
46.41968-11-18331°10'N / 82°18'W0.50 Mile33 Yards0025K0Ware
46.51998-04-09231°50'N / 81°47'W31°51'N / 81°45'W2.50 Miles400 Yards324200K0Long
 Brief Description: Tornado touched down in the Rye Patch Community where 3 people died (all were in mobile homes).Ten mobile homes were destroyed and two others were damaged along with a roof blown off a block house. Numerous trees were uprooted or snapped off above the ground. F13MH, F30MH, M49MH
46.72009-12-02231°31'N / 82°13'W31°34'N / 82°11'W4.00 Miles440 Yards020K0KAppling
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado first touched down at approximately 1415EST in northwest Pierce County near Merson Road and Crump Road. It crossed the Big Satilla Creek, entering into Appling County at this point, and continued on a northeast track. The funnel may have briefly lifted off the ground at this point. The next significant damage occurred along Metts-Overstreet Road with the complete destruction of a singlewide mobile home and a farm shed at approximately 1425EST. Additionally, at this location, a brick cider block structure had one wall knocked over. The tornado then moved into a dairy just west of the intersection of State Road 15 and Wireglass Road. The event was rated as an EF-2 with winds of 135 mph at this location. Three metal building structures were destroyed with one removed from its foundation and blown into a pile of scrap metal. It is possible the funnel may have approached EF-3 at this particular location with winds of 140 to 150 mph; however, other damage to frame and masonry structures at the dairy suggested a lower wind value should be assigned to this area. One individual escaped injury by jumping into a depressed area inside one of the structures before it blew down around her. East of State Road 15, along Wireglass Road, extensive tree blow down and snapping continued in a tree farm. Once again the funnel likely lifted off the ground touching down again at 1430EST near 4230 Antioch Church Road destroying a doublewide mobile home. At this location, two middle aged individuals were in the bedroom, preparing for work, when the funnel destroyed the mobile home. Both escaped with only minor cuts despite the fact that the doublewide was completely obliterated and the frames bent. Once again at this location the winds were rated at 135 mph for a strong EF-2 rating. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Strong mid and upper low initially over Texas was moving east-northeast while the upper level trough it was embedded in became negatively tilted. This led to a broad diffluent pattern over most of the southeastern states. As the system approached the right rear quadrant of upper jet moved into the forecast area coincident with a low-level jet of, at least, 60 knots. This created atmospheric dynamics favorable for severe weather, with the only limiting factor being modest instability. A warm front over the area during the morning moved rapidly north in response to increasing southerly flow allowing a gradual increase in low level instability. By afternoon several severe weather events and three tornadoes occurred over portions of southeast Georgia.
46.92009-12-02231°30'N / 82°14'W31°31'N / 82°13'W1.00 Mile440 Yards000K0KPierce
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado first touched down at approximately 1415EST in northwest Pierce County near Merson Road and Crump Road. Several trees were damaged and a farm shed had portions of its sheet metal roof removed. Winds here were estimated to have been near 70 mph or EF-0. The tornado moved northeast across several fields and encountered two small farm structures and a wooded area along Tiny Lane. The structures were completely destroyed with their contents strewn across the wooded area. Extensive tree blow down occurred in the woods with many pines snapped at 10 to 15 feet above ground level. The tornado was estimated to have been an EF-1 event in this location with winds of 110 mph. The funnel continued to move across fields next encountering wooded areas and structures near Scuffletown Road. At this point the funnel was one quarter mile or approximately 440 yards wide with winds estimated at 105 mph. Extensive tree blow down continued here with one mobile home destroyed and substantial damage to a wood frame structure. The tornado crossed the Big Satilla Creek at this point, and crossed into Appling County, continuing on a northeast track. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Strong mid and upper low initially over Texas was moving east-northeast while the upper level trough it was embedded in became negatively tilted. This led to a broad diffluent pattern over most of the southeastern states. As the system approached the right rear quadrant of upper jet moved into the forecast area coincident with a low-level jet of, at least, 60 knots. This created atmospheric dynamics favorable for severe weather, with the only limiting factor being modest instability. A warm front over the area during the morning moved rapidly north in response to increasing southerly flow allowing a gradual increase in low level instability. By afternoon several severe weather events and three tornadoes occurred over portions of southeast Georgia.
47.01976-03-16231°28'N / 82°15'W0.30 Mile100 Yards00250K0Pierce
47.81998-04-09231°51'N / 81°44'W31°56'N / 81°28'W17.00 Miles400 Yards1738.0M0Liberty
 Brief Description: F2 tornado moved from Long County into Liberty County, which encompasses much of Fort Stewart Army Base. One soldier was killed while in an administrative building and seven others were injured. Seven buildings were destroyed while another fifty-five(55) suffered different degrees of damage. M51BU
50.01969-04-18231°34'N / 82°38'W31°48'N / 81°40'W59.10 Miles233 Yards003K0Bacon

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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