De Witt County, TX Government Employment and Payroll
5.0 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$180.0 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 97 | $295,495 | $36,556 | 5 | $5,926 | 100 |
Correction | 16 | $43,549 | $32,662 | 0 | $0 | 16 |
Financial Administration | 12 | $33,618 | $33,618 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
Judical & Legal | 9 | $27,620 | $36,827 | 0 | $0 | 9 |
Other Government Administration | 12 | $40,594 | $40,594 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
Health | 4 | $14,155 | $42,465 | 0 | $0 | 4 |
Streets & Highways | 21 | $53,594 | $30,625 | 2 | $1,766 | 22 |
Natural Resources | 3 | $6,273 | $25,092 | 1 | $1,105 | 4 |
Police Protection - Officers | 13 | $53,739 | $49,605 | 0 | $0 | 13 |
Police-Other | 5 | $16,965 | $40,716 | 0 | $0 | 5 |
Other & Unallocable | 2 | $5,388 | $32,328 | 2 | $3,055 | 3 |
4.7 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$139.0 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 90 | $224,050 | $29,873 | 5 | $4,510 | 92 |
Correction | 15 | $33,020 | $26,416 | 0 | $0 | 15 |
Financial Administration | 11 | $25,490 | $27,807 | 0 | $0 | 11 |
Judical & Legal | 8 | $20,942 | $31,413 | 0 | $0 | 8 |
Other Government Administration | 11 | $30,779 | $33,577 | 0 | $0 | 11 |
Health | 4 | $10,733 | $32,199 | 0 | $0 | 4 |
Streets & Highways | 19 | $40,636 | $25,665 | 2 | $1,344 | 20 |
Natural Resources | 3 | $4,756 | $19,024 | 1 | $841 | 3 |
Police Protection - Officers | 12 | $40,746 | $40,746 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
Police-Other | 5 | $12,863 | $30,871 | 0 | $0 | 5 |
Other & Unallocable | 2 | $4,085 | $24,510 | 2 | $2,325 | 3 |
4.8 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$115.3 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 90 | $181,384 | $24,185 | 16 | $11,438 | 97 |
Correction | 14 | $28,886 | $24,759 | 1 | $759 | 14 |
Financial Administration | 11 | $22,339 | $24,370 | 0 | $0 | 11 |
Judical & Legal | 10 | $24,299 | $29,159 | 2 | $1,158 | 11 |
Other Government Administration | 14 | $30,004 | $25,718 | 0 | $0 | 14 |
Health | 3 | $7,167 | $28,668 | 0 | $0 | 3 |
Streets & Highways | 20 | $35,876 | $21,526 | 2 | $1,822 | 21 |
Police Protection - Officers | 8 | $17,209 | $25,814 | 2 | $2,289 | 9 |
Police-Other | 10 | $15,604 | $18,725 | 8 | $4,576 | 13 |
Welfare | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $832 | 1 |
4.8 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$91.2 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 91 | $146,436 | $19,310 | 5 | $3,022 | 94 |
Correction | 12 | $18,558 | $18,558 | 1 | $797 | 13 |
Financial Administration | 15 | $25,620 | $20,496 | 1 | $531 | 16 |
Judical & Legal | 12 | $21,542 | $21,542 | 1 | $596 | 12 |
Other Government Administration | 8 | $16,663 | $24,995 | 1 | $877 | 9 |
Health | 3 | $3,292 | $13,168 | 1 | $221 | 3 |
Streets & Highways | 20 | $30,549 | $18,329 | 0 | $0 | 20 |
Natural Resources | 4 | $4,302 | $12,906 | 0 | $0 | 4 |
Police Protection - Officers | 11 | $16,410 | $17,902 | 0 | $0 | 11 |
Police-Other | 5 | $7,087 | $17,009 | 0 | $0 | 5 |
Welfare | 1 | $2,413 | $28,956 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
4.8 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$82.8 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 87 | $126,242 | $17,413 | 7 | $3,793 | 90 |
Other & Unallocable | 87 | $126,242 | $17,413 | 7 | $3,793 | 90 |
The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.