Chester County, SC Government Employment and Payroll
8.5 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$280.2 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 258 | $733,119 | $34,099 | 52 | $40,620 | 281 |
Airports | 1 | $3,724 | $44,688 | 1 | $852 | 1 |
Correction | 36 | $80,610 | $26,870 | 0 | $0 | 36 |
Financial Administration | 23 | $62,275 | $32,491 | 1 | $2,130 | 23 |
Fire - Other | 2 | $5,163 | $30,978 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Judical & Legal | 44 | $145,765 | $39,754 | 10 | $10,213 | 49 |
Other Government Administration | 7 | $25,629 | $43,935 | 6 | $4,373 | 10 |
Health | 40 | $119,341 | $35,802 | 10 | $7,780 | 44 |
Streets & Highways | 6 | $14,759 | $29,518 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
Police Protection - Officers | 47 | $144,010 | $36,769 | 0 | $0 | 47 |
Police-Other | 8 | $16,479 | $24,719 | 0 | $0 | 8 |
Welfare | 2 | $5,311 | $31,866 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 5 | $11,579 | $27,790 | 24 | $15,272 | 16 |
Other & Unallocable | 37 | $98,474 | $31,938 | 0 | $0 | 37 |
8.5 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$274.4 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 262 | $725,166 | $33,214 | 50 | $32,601 | 282 |
Airports | 1 | $3,764 | $45,168 | 2 | $1,697 | 2 |
Correction | 39 | $85,840 | $26,412 | 0 | $0 | 39 |
Financial Administration | 20 | $49,693 | $29,816 | 1 | $2,120 | 20 |
Fire - Other | 2 | $5,216 | $31,296 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Judical & Legal | 47 | $138,720 | $35,418 | 5 | $1,058 | 48 |
Other Government Administration | 19 | $71,365 | $45,073 | 6 | $4,352 | 21 |
Health | 41 | $114,255 | $33,440 | 9 | $5,420 | 44 |
Streets & Highways | 7 | $16,782 | $28,769 | 0 | $0 | 7 |
Local Libraries | 10 | $26,611 | $31,933 | 3 | $2,886 | 12 |
Police Protection - Officers | 49 | $146,154 | $35,793 | 0 | $0 | 49 |
Police-Other | 6 | $13,694 | $27,388 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
Solid Waste Management | 2 | $4,280 | $25,680 | 24 | $15,068 | 13 |
Other & Unallocable | 19 | $48,792 | $30,816 | 0 | $0 | 19 |
8.4 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$271.7 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 258 | $717,526 | $33,373 | 49 | $32,756 | 279 |
Airports | 1 | $3,724 | $44,688 | 2 | $1,705 | 2 |
Correction | 38 | $84,936 | $26,822 | 0 | $0 | 38 |
Financial Administration | 20 | $49,169 | $29,501 | 1 | $2,130 | 20 |
Fire - Other | 2 | $5,161 | $30,966 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Judical & Legal | 46 | $137,259 | $35,807 | 5 | $1,063 | 47 |
Other Government Administration | 19 | $70,613 | $44,598 | 6 | $4,373 | 21 |
Health | 40 | $113,051 | $33,915 | 9 | $5,446 | 43 |
Streets & Highways | 7 | $16,605 | $28,466 | 0 | $0 | 7 |
Local Libraries | 10 | $26,331 | $31,597 | 3 | $2,900 | 12 |
Police Protection - Officers | 48 | $144,614 | $36,154 | 0 | $0 | 48 |
Police-Other | 6 | $13,550 | $27,100 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
Solid Waste Management | 2 | $4,235 | $25,410 | 23 | $15,139 | 14 |
Other & Unallocable | 19 | $48,278 | $30,491 | 0 | $0 | 19 |
8.8 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$279.2 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 254 | $707,563 | $33,428 | 68 | $49,439 | 285 |
Airports | 1 | $3,724 | $44,688 | 2 | $1,114 | 2 |
Correction | 33 | $71,687 | $26,068 | 0 | $0 | 33 |
Financial Administration | 25 | $68,497 | $32,879 | 1 | $2,130 | 25 |
Fire - Other | 2 | $5,161 | $30,966 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Judical & Legal | 45 | $139,424 | $37,180 | 7 | $3,985 | 48 |
Other Government Administration | 14 | $45,425 | $38,936 | 6 | $4,373 | 16 |
Health | 33 | $102,761 | $37,368 | 23 | $20,287 | 44 |
Streets & Highways | 5 | $12,219 | $29,326 | 0 | $0 | 5 |
Local Libraries | 10 | $25,483 | $30,580 | 3 | $2,382 | 12 |
Parks & Recreation | 1 | $2,185 | $26,220 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Police Protection - Officers | 41 | $122,058 | $35,724 | 0 | $0 | 41 |
Police-Other | 8 | $20,134 | $30,201 | 0 | $0 | 8 |
Welfare | 2 | $5,311 | $31,866 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 4 | $9,396 | $28,188 | 23 | $13,240 | 15 |
Other & Unallocable | 30 | $74,098 | $29,639 | 3 | $1,928 | 31 |
8.2 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$265.5 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 246 | $680,881 | $33,214 | 63 | $38,864 | 267 |
Airports | 1 | $3,724 | $44,688 | 1 | $664 | 1 |
Correction | 35 | $73,959 | $25,357 | 1 | $784 | 36 |
Financial Administration | 24 | $65,205 | $32,603 | 0 | $0 | 24 |
Fire - Other | 2 | $5,161 | $30,966 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Judical & Legal | 37 | $118,728 | $38,506 | 8 | $7,931 | 38 |
Other Government Administration | 13 | $43,273 | $39,944 | 6 | $4,373 | 15 |
Health | 26 | $81,670 | $37,694 | 13 | $9,410 | 31 |
Streets & Highways | 5 | $12,219 | $29,326 | 0 | $0 | 5 |
Local Libraries | 11 | $30,790 | $33,589 | 5 | $3,237 | 13 |
Police Protection - Officers | 43 | $125,923 | $35,141 | 0 | $0 | 43 |
Police-Other | 24 | $57,752 | $28,876 | 0 | $0 | 24 |
Welfare | 2 | $5,311 | $31,866 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 5 | $11,752 | $28,205 | 28 | $11,077 | 14 |
Other & Unallocable | 18 | $45,414 | $30,276 | 1 | $1,388 | 19 |
26.8 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$857.6 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 685 | $2,111,001 | $36,981 | 245 | $213,941 | 872 |
Airports | 3 | $5,388 | $21,552 | 0 | $0 | 3 |
Correction | 0 | $0 | N/A | 3 | $3,595 | 2 |
Financial Administration | 25 | $72,615 | $34,855 | 0 | $0 | 25 |
Firefighters | 2 | $8,335 | $50,010 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Fire - Other | 2 | $5,191 | $31,146 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Judical & Legal | 38 | $110,364 | $34,852 | 0 | $0 | 38 |
Other Government Administration | 13 | $41,643 | $38,440 | 8 | $7,555 | 17 |
Health | 50 | $151,988 | $36,477 | 0 | $0 | 50 |
Hospitals | 429 | $1,336,309 | $37,379 | 186 | $150,852 | 558 |
Streets & Highways | 7 | $19,681 | $33,739 | 0 | $0 | 7 |
Local Libraries | 12 | $32,923 | $32,923 | 9 | $9,156 | 19 |
Police Protection - Officers | 80 | $267,849 | $40,177 | 0 | $0 | 80 |
Police-Other | 5 | $10,145 | $24,348 | 0 | $0 | 5 |
Welfare | 2 | $6,394 | $38,364 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 0 | $0 | N/A | 39 | $42,783 | 45 |
Other & Unallocable | 17 | $42,176 | $29,771 | 0 | $0 | 17 |
20.5 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$572.3 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 594 | $1,507,774 | $30,460 | 186 | $123,836 | 702 |
Airports | 3 | $3,848 | $15,392 | 0 | $0 | 3 |
Correction | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $2,081 | 1 |
Financial Administration | 22 | $51,865 | $28,290 | 0 | $0 | 22 |
Firefighters | 2 | $5,953 | $35,718 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Fire - Other | 2 | $3,708 | $22,248 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Judical & Legal | 33 | $78,827 | $28,664 | 0 | $0 | 33 |
Other Government Administration | 11 | $29,743 | $32,447 | 6 | $4,373 | 13 |
Health | 43 | $108,557 | $30,295 | 0 | $0 | 43 |
Hospitals | 372 | $954,453 | $30,789 | 141 | $87,318 | 446 |
Streets & Highways | 6 | $14,057 | $28,114 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
Local Libraries | 10 | $23,515 | $28,218 | 7 | $5,300 | 14 |
Police Protection - Officers | 69 | $191,310 | $33,271 | 0 | $0 | 69 |
Police-Other | 4 | $7,246 | $21,738 | 0 | $0 | 4 |
Welfare | 2 | $4,567 | $27,402 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 0 | $0 | N/A | 30 | $24,764 | 26 |
Other & Unallocable | 15 | $30,124 | $24,099 | 0 | $0 | 15 |
20.0 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$478.0 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 582 | $1,244,271 | $25,655 | 191 | $89,748 | 670 |
Correction | 21 | $37,647 | $21,513 | 0 | $0 | 21 |
Financial Administration | 22 | $41,090 | $22,413 | 1 | $122 | 22 |
Fire - Other | 1 | $2,980 | $35,760 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Judical & Legal | 19 | $34,642 | $21,879 | 8 | $4,776 | 24 |
Other Government Administration | 16 | $26,172 | $19,629 | 0 | $0 | 16 |
Health | 45 | $86,029 | $22,941 | 4 | $3,151 | 48 |
Hospitals | 376 | $860,617 | $27,467 | 139 | $59,262 | 431 |
Streets & Highways | 9 | $18,491 | $24,655 | 0 | $0 | 9 |
Local Libraries | 16 | $19,762 | $14,822 | 5 | $3,131 | 19 |
Parks & Recreation | 5 | $10,435 | $25,044 | 1 | $456 | 6 |
Police Protection - Officers | 33 | $74,187 | $26,977 | 0 | $0 | 33 |
Police-Other | 1 | $1,625 | $19,500 | 1 | $631 | 2 |
Welfare | 2 | $3,356 | $20,136 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 7 | $12,046 | $20,650 | 28 | $15,699 | 25 |
Other & Unallocable | 9 | $15,192 | $20,256 | 4 | $2,520 | 11 |
20.6 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$476.3 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 605 | $1,235,354 | $24,503 | 163 | $93,830 | 690 |
Correction | 9 | $13,646 | $18,195 | 1 | $704 | 10 |
Financial Administration | 20 | $35,202 | $21,121 | 2 | $1,580 | 21 |
Fire - Other | 1 | $1,888 | $22,656 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Judical & Legal | 19 | $31,962 | $20,187 | 1 | $500 | 19 |
Other Government Administration | 9 | $12,518 | $16,691 | 0 | $0 | 9 |
Health | 43 | $84,714 | $23,641 | 5 | $3,220 | 46 |
Hospitals | 372 | $839,542 | $27,082 | 141 | $79,866 | 446 |
Streets & Highways | 7 | $14,156 | $24,267 | 0 | $0 | 7 |
Local Libraries | 8 | $15,450 | $23,175 | 6 | $3,652 | 11 |
Parks & Recreation | 7 | $12,124 | $20,784 | 2 | $1,390 | 8 |
Police Protection - Officers | 34 | $93,402 | $32,965 | 0 | $0 | 34 |
Police-Other | 12 | $21,558 | $21,558 | 1 | $394 | 12 |
Welfare | 2 | $3,312 | $19,872 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 47 | $30,228 | $7,718 | 0 | $0 | 47 |
Other & Unallocable | 15 | $25,652 | $20,522 | 4 | $2,524 | 17 |
18.7 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$287.0 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 542 | $709,130 | $15,700 | 129 | $71,854 | 612 |
Correction | 14 | $22,454 | $19,246 | 4 | $4,185 | 18 |
Financial Administration | 15 | $21,838 | $17,470 | 0 | $0 | 15 |
Judical & Legal | 30 | $42,416 | $16,966 | 0 | $0 | 30 |
Other Government Administration | 14 | $16,534 | $14,172 | 0 | $0 | 14 |
Health | 31 | $54,894 | $21,249 | 2 | $376 | 31 |
Hospitals | 334 | $407,528 | $14,642 | 112 | $62,630 | 397 |
Streets & Highways | 7 | $12,164 | $20,853 | 0 | $0 | 7 |
Local Libraries | 9 | $15,398 | $20,531 | 6 | $2,781 | 12 |
Natural Resources | 2 | $3,272 | $19,632 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Parks & Recreation | 1 | $1,544 | $18,528 | 1 | $221 | 1 |
Police Protection - Officers | 33 | $66,348 | $24,127 | 0 | $0 | 33 |
Police-Other | 11 | $9,464 | $10,324 | 4 | $1,661 | 11 |
Welfare | 2 | $2,884 | $17,304 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 22 | $20,040 | $10,931 | 0 | $0 | 22 |
Other & Unallocable | 17 | $12,352 | $8,719 | 0 | $0 | 17 |
17.4 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$247.3 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 540 | $644,272 | $14,317 | 34 | $18,593 | 560 |
Correction | 18 | $19,218 | $12,812 | 3 | $1,107 | 19 |
Financial Administration | 18 | $25,910 | $17,273 | 0 | $0 | 18 |
Judical & Legal | 28 | $40,702 | $17,444 | 0 | $0 | 28 |
Other Government Administration | 7 | $5,984 | $10,258 | 0 | $0 | 7 |
Health | 29 | $51,086 | $21,139 | 3 | $2,002 | 32 |
Hospitals | 348 | $367,948 | $12,688 | 23 | $12,804 | 361 |
Streets & Highways | 8 | $14,670 | $22,005 | 0 | $0 | 8 |
Local Libraries | 9 | $14,520 | $19,360 | 4 | $1,794 | 11 |
Parks & Recreation | 2 | $1,598 | $9,588 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Police Protection - Officers | 34 | $63,090 | $22,267 | 0 | $0 | 34 |
Police-Other | 5 | $4,784 | $11,482 | 1 | $886 | 6 |
Welfare | 2 | $2,798 | $16,788 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 12 | $13,802 | $13,802 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
Other & Unallocable | 20 | $18,162 | $10,897 | 0 | $0 | 20 |
17.7 County Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$386.3 Annual County Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 527 | $971,646 | $22,125 | 102 | $63,839 | 569 |
Correction | 9 | $12,536 | $16,715 | 0 | $0 | 9 |
Financial Administration | 14 | $19,934 | $17,086 | 0 | $0 | 14 |
Judical & Legal | 30 | $28,096 | $11,238 | 0 | $0 | 30 |
Other Government Administration | 10 | $9,652 | $11,582 | 0 | $0 | 10 |
Health | 24 | $45,624 | $22,812 | 3 | $740 | 25 |
Hospitals | 352 | $721,620 | $24,601 | 88 | $56,784 | 387 |
Streets & Highways | 8 | $13,686 | $20,529 | 0 | $0 | 8 |
Local Libraries | 9 | $10,112 | $13,483 | 4 | $1,488 | 11 |
Parks & Recreation | 1 | $1,456 | $17,472 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Police Protection - Officers | 40 | $60,810 | $18,243 | 3 | $1,581 | 41 |
Police-Other | 4 | $4,662 | $13,986 | 2 | $1,302 | 5 |
Welfare | 2 | $2,718 | $16,308 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 8 | $15,758 | $23,637 | 1 | $961 | 9 |
Other & Unallocable | 16 | $24,982 | $18,737 | 1 | $983 | 17 |
The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.