Calhoun, TN Government Employment and Payroll
10.2 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$338.2 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 4 | $9,564 | $28,692 | 10 | $4,246 | 5 |
Financial Administration | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $650 | 0 |
Judical & Legal | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $470 | 0 |
Other Government Administration | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $204 | 0 |
Streets & Highways | 1 | $2,380 | $28,560 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Local Libraries | 0 | $0 | N/A | 3 | $2,086 | 1 |
Police Protection - Officers | 3 | $7,184 | $28,736 | 0 | $0 | 3 |
Police-Other | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $172 | 0 |
Solid Waste Management | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $664 | 0 |
7.7 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$235.9 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 3 | $6,466 | $25,864 | 7 | $3,738 | 4 |
Other Government Administration | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $771 | 0 |
Streets & Highways | 1 | $2,657 | $31,884 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Local Libraries | 0 | $0 | N/A | 3 | $1,829 | 1 |
Police Protection - Officers | 2 | $3,809 | $22,854 | 1 | $673 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $465 | 0 |
5.2 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$71.2 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 1 | $1,346 | $16,152 | 7 | $2,066 | 3 |
Other Government Administration | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $349 | 0 |
Streets & Highways | 1 | $1,346 | $16,152 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Local Libraries | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $670 | 1 |
Police Protection - Officers | 0 | $0 | N/A | 4 | $812 | 1 |
Solid Waste Management | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $235 | 0 |
The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.