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Benson County Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Benson County is about the same as North Dakota average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Benson County is about the same as North Dakota average and is lower than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #23

Benson County
North Dakota

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Benson County
North Dakota

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #16

Benson County
North Dakota

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 4,219 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Benson County were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:68Cold:61Dense Fog:0Drought:4
Dust Storm:0Flood:289Hail:2,358Heat:1Heavy Snow:57
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:9Landslide:0Strong Wind:72
Thunderstorm Winds:1,097Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:3Winter Storm:86Winter Weather:8

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Benson County.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Benson County.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Benson County.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 14 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Benson County.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
7.91974-05-20247°56'N / 99°25'W47°59'N / 99°21'W3.80 Miles33 Yards00250K0Benson
7.92001-08-08248°00'N / 99°35'W47°55'N / 99°12'W7.00 Miles250 Yards0050K0Benson
 Brief Description: The tornado began northwest of Maddock and travelled along a path intermittently to near Flora and near Oberon. A 40x60 foot metal shed was demolished. About 2 miles northeast of Maddock, a grain bin was pulled from its foundation and thrown about 500 yards. A hopper bin and concrete pad were also turned on end at this location. Many large trees were flattened all along the path until the tornado weakened from Flora to near Oberon.
10.72001-08-08247°59'N / 99°33'W47°58'N / 99°32'W2.00 Miles250 Yards00300K0Benson
 Brief Description: A grain elevator was heavily damaged and will likely be shut down for the rest of the year. Many trees were uprooted and a camper was overturned. 1.5 miles of powerline was blown down with 24 poles snapped.
17.31958-05-30347°56'N / 99°48'W48°03'N / 99°38'W10.70 Miles33 Yards0025K0Benson
21.41966-08-05248°06'N / 98°54'W01250K0Ramsey
24.41976-06-12248°05'N / 98°50'W000K0Ramsey
27.81974-07-11247°41'N / 99°12'W0025K0Eddy
34.71954-07-06247°42'N / 99°52'W2.00 Miles880 Yards0025K0Wells
35.11973-08-21248°22'N / 99°59'W00250K0Pierce
41.21971-06-21248°16'N / 98°31'W0.10 Mile50 Yards003K0Ramsey
43.41971-06-21248°40'N / 98°52'W48°32'N / 98°50'W8.90 Miles50 Yards0025K0Cavalier
43.81972-07-29247°34'N / 98°47'W47°36'N / 98°44'W2.30 Miles20 Yards0025K0Foster
45.71965-05-20247°38'N / 100°06'W003K0Wells
47.21952-06-15347°24'N / 99°33'W1.70 Miles33 Yards0125K0Wells

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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