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98593 Zip Code Housing

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As of 2010-2014, median price of a house in 98593 Zip Code is $120,000, which is much lower than the state average of $257,200 and is lower than the national average of $175,700. The 98593 Zip Code median house value has grown by 21.70% since 2000. The growth rate for the price of a house in 98593 Zip Code is lower than the state average rate of 52.82% and is lower than the national average rate of 46.91%. The median year that a house in 98593 Zip Code was built is 1980, which is about the same as the median year for a house built in the state which is 1980 and is newer than the median year for a house built in the USA which is 1976.

Topics:House ValueHousing OccupancyYear Structure BuiltMortgage StatusMortgage Owner's CostsNone-Mortgage Owner's CostsUnits in StructureRoomsBedroomsHouse Heating FuelGross RentVehicle Available

House Value

Median Value of a Total of 296 Owner Occupied Houses in 98593 Zip Code, see rank
98593 Zip Code
120,000 USD
257,200 USD
175,700 USD
Median House Price Growth Since 2000, see rank
98593 Zip Code
House Value Distribution98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.$50k orLess$50K to$100k$100K to$150k$150 to$200k$200k to$300k$300k to$500k$500k to$1 million$1 millionor more0204060Percentage of All Houses (%)
Ranks: $50K or Less, $50-100K, $100-150K, $150-200K, $200-300K, $300-500K, $500-1M, $1M or More

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical house value data.

Housing Occupancy

 98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.
Total Housing Units508, see rank, 100%2,921,364132,741,033
Occupied Housing Units397, 78.15%, see rank90.55%87.55%
Owner Occupied296, 58.27%, see rank56.77%56.34%
Renter Occupied101, 19.88%, see rank33.78%31.21%
Vacant Housing Units111, 21.85%, see rank9.45%12.45%
For Rent0, 0.00%, see rank1.80%2.34%
For Sale Only12, 2.36%, see rank1.09%1.20%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied0, 0.00%, see rank0.74%0.92%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use57, 11.22%, see rank3.19%3.97%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.03%0.03%
Other Vacant42, 8.27%, see rank2.59%4.00%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical housing occupancy data.

Year Structure Built

Median Built Year, #256
98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.

Year Structure Built Distribution98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.1959 or earlier1960 to 19691970 to 19791980 to 19891990 to 20002000 to 2010010203040Percentage of All Houses (%)
Ranks: 1995 or earlier, 1960-1969, 1970-1979, 1980-1989, 1990-2000, 2000-2010

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical year structure built data.

Mortgage Status

 98593 Zip Code%WashingtonU.S.
Owner-Occupied Units296100%1,658,54074,787,460
With a Mortgage18863.51%, see rank70.72%65.58%
Without a Mortgage10836.49%, see rank29.28%34.42%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical mortgage status data.

Monthly Owner Costs for Housing Units with a Mortgage

Median Owner Costs, see rank
98593 Zip Code
973 USD
1,764 USD
1,522 USD

Owner Costs Distribution
Monthly Owner Costs98593 Zip Code%WashingtonU.S.
$299 or Less42.13%, see rank0.23%0.20%
$300 to $49921.06%, see rank0.99%1.59%
$500 to $699115.85%, see rank2.61%5.01%
$700 to $9999248.94%, see rank8.20%14.32%
$1,000 to $1,4994926.06%, see rank24.12%27.90%
$1,500 to $1,9992211.70%, see rank25.18%20.35%
$2,000 to $2,99984.26%, see rank26.99%19.52%
$3,000 or More00.00%, see rank11.68%11.12%

Owner Cost as a Percentage of the Total Income, Median Percentage, see rank
98593 Zip Code
31.30% of the Total Income
24.90% of the Total Income
23.70% of the Total Income

Owner Cost as a Percentage of the Total Income, Distribution
 98593 Zip Code%WashingtonU.S.
10% or Less52.66%, see rank4.79%5.86%
10% to 20%3518.62%, see rank28.34%31.95%
20% to 30%4423.40%, see rank30.04%27.64%
30% to 40%5227.66%, see rank15.82%13.74%
40% or More5227.66%, see rank20.55%20.29%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical monthly owner costs for housing units with a mortgage data.

Monthly Owner Costs for Housing Units without a Mortgage

Median Owner Costs, see rank
98593 Zip Code
336 USD
509 USD
457 USD

Owner Costs Distribution
Monthly Owner Costs98593 Zip Code%WashingtonU.S.
$199 or Less109.26%, see rank6.36%7.76%
$200 to $2992624.07%, see rank10.10%14.70%
$300 to $4993431.48%, see rank32.25%34.63%
$500 to $6993835.19%, see rank27.26%21.16%
$700 to $99900.00%, see rank0.00%0.00%
$1,000 or More00.00%, see rank0.00%0.00%

Owner Cost as a Percentage of the Total Income, Median Percentage, see rank
98593 Zip Code
14.00% of the Total Income
12.00% of the Total Income
12.30% of the Total Income

Owner Cost as a Percentage of the Total Income, Distribution
 98593 Zip Code%WashingtonU.S.
10% or Less2119.44%, see rank41.38%40.19%
10% to 20%4945.37%, see rank32.56%31.47%
20% to 30%1312.04%, see rank11.58%12.24%
30% to 40%1614.81%, see rank5.08%5.64%
40% or More98.33%, see rank8.32%9.16%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical monthly owner costs for housing units without a mortgage data.

Units in Structure

 98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.
Total Housing Units508, 100%2,921,364132,741,033
1-unit, Detached332, 65.35%, see rank63.44%61.65%
1-unit, Attached0, 0.00%, see rank3.63%5.82%
2 Units0, 0.00%, see rank2.63%3.75%
3 or 4 Units0, 0.00%, see rank3.76%4.43%
5 to 9 Units0, 0.00%, see rank4.76%4.78%
10 or More Units0, 0.00%, see rank14.55%13.08%
Mobile Home, Boat, RV, Van, etc.176, 34.65%, see rank7.22%6.49%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical units in structure data.


 98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.
Total Housing Units508, 100%2,921,364132,741,033
1 Room15, 2.95%, see rank2.33%1.95%
2 Rooms17, 3.35%, see rank3.74%2.48%
3 Rooms40, 7.87%, see rank9.41%9.13%
4 Rooms69, 13.58%, see rank16.24%16.60%
5 Rooms143, 28.15%, see rank18.01%20.41%
6 Rooms107, 21.06%, see rank16.48%18.06%
7 Rooms64, 12.60%, see rank12.37%12.27%
8 Rooms32, 6.30%, see rank9.01%8.48%
9 Rooms or More21, 4.13%, see rank12.40%10.60%
Median Rooms5.30, see rank5.505.50

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical rooms data.


 98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.
Total Housing Units508, 100%2,921,364132,741,033
No Bedroom15, 2.95%, see rank2.68%2.17%
1 Bedroom25, 4.92%, see rank11.98%11.16%
2 Bedrooms144, 28.35%, see rank26.31%26.69%
3 Bedrooms255, 50.20%, see rank37.85%39.70%
4 Bedrooms51, 10.04%, see rank16.58%16.05%
5 or More Bedrooms18, 3.54%, see rank4.60%4.22%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical bedrooms data.

House Heating Fuel

 98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.
Total Housing Units397, 100%2,645,396116,211,092
Utility Gas0, 0.00%, see rank35.08%48.85%
Bottled, Tank, or LP Gas37, 9.32%, see rank3.08%4.86%
Electricity318, 80.10%, see rank53.93%36.68%
Fuel Oil, Kerosene, etc.0, 0.00%, see rank2.50%5.86%
Coal or Coke0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.12%
Wood35, 8.82%, see rank4.39%2.12%
Solar Energy0, 0.00%, see rank0.03%0.05%
Other Fuel7, 1.76%, see rank0.63%0.47%
No Fuel Used0, 0.00%, see rank0.36%1.00%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical house heating fuel data.

Gross Rent

Monthly Rental98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.
Occupied Units Paying Rent93, 100%947,89639,201,928
$199 or Less0, 0.00%, see rank1.39%1.50%
$200 to $2990, 0.00%, see rank2.49%3.18%
$300 to $49915, 16.13%, see rank4.91%7.37%
$500 to $6998, 8.60%, see rank11.75%16.01%
$700 to $99959, 63.44%, see rank29.99%29.17%
$1,000 to $1,49911, 11.83%, see rank31.43%26.88%
$1,500 to $1,9990, 0.00%, see rank12.13%9.79%
$2,000 or More0, 0.00%, see rank5.91%6.10%
Median$904, see rank$995$920

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical gross rent data.

Vehicle Available

 98593 Zip CodeWashingtonU.S.
Occupied Housing Units397, 100%2,645,396116,211,092
No Vehicles Available13, 3.27%, see rank6.97%9.12%
1 Vehicles Available99, 24.94%, see rank30.97%33.80%
2 Vehicles Available141, 35.52%, see rank38.05%37.48%
3 or More Vehicles Available144, 36.27%, see rank24.01%19.61%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical vehicle available data.

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