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51014 Zip Code Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in 51014 Zip Code is about the same as Iowa average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in 51014 Zip Code is lower than Iowa average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #90

51014 Zip Code

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

51014 Zip Code

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #662

51014 Zip Code

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 3,197 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of 51014 Zip Code were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:14Cold:5Dense Fog:0Drought:4
Dust Storm:0Flood:284Hail:1,544Heat:1Heavy Snow:13
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:4Landslide:0Strong Wind:20
Thunderstorm Winds:1,172Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:20Winter Weather:26

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near 51014 Zip Code.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near 51014 Zip Code.

No historical earthquake events found in or near 51014 Zip Code.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 86 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near 51014 Zip Code.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
2.11958-04-01242°44'N / 95°42'W42°51'N / 95°38'W8.30 Miles200 Yards0025K0Cherokee
4.51952-06-23442°45'N / 95°51'W42°54'N / 95°25'W24.10 Miles400 Yards042.5M0Cherokee
4.71991-08-07242°49'N / 95°49'W42°45'N / 95°47'W5.00 Miles80 Yards0025K0Cherokee
6.01984-06-07242°39'N / 95°44'W42°46'N / 95°35'W10.00 Miles77 Yards002.5M0Cherokee
7.91991-08-07242°49'N / 95°54'W42°49'N / 95°49'W3.00 Miles80 Yards0025K0Plymouth
8.91964-09-07242°47'N / 95°58'W42°47'N / 95°48'W7.90 Miles200 Yards00250K0Plymouth
11.11964-05-05342°34'N / 96°21'W43°11'N / 95°26'W62.90 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Plymouth
13.91963-03-16242°47'N / 95°26'W2.00 Miles250 Yards003K0Cherokee
14.61968-04-03242°59'N / 95°49'W0.50 Mile100 Yards0025K0O'brien
18.02008-06-11242°58'N / 95°32'W43°03'N / 95°30'W6.00 Miles300 Yards00200K0KO'brien
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado destroyed several outbuildings, moved a 1.5 ton wagon, heavily damaged a machine shed containing farm equipment and also damaged a nearby house on the same farm. Also destroyed another machine shed at a different location, destroyed a pole barn, damaged a grain bin, broke or blew down several power poles and power lines, and caused tree damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Thunderstorms produced several tornadoes, along with large hail, damaging winds, and flash flooding in northwest Iowa during the late afternoon and early evening of June 11th.
18.11954-05-27242°49'N / 96°05'W42°51'N / 96°02'W2.30 Miles200 Yards0025K0Plymouth
18.51980-07-19243°01'N / 95°37'W43°04'N / 95°34'W3.30 Miles160 Yards002.5M0O'brien
18.61964-05-08342°47'N / 96°10'W42°49'N / 95°59'W9.30 Miles200 Yards0025K0Plymouth
19.71970-07-14242°36'N / 96°00'W1.00 Mile100 Yards0025K0Plymouth
21.21979-08-08243°04'N / 95°53'W0.40 Mile100 Yards002.5M0Sioux
23.31991-08-07242°47'N / 96°10'W1.50 Miles63 Yards00250K0Plymouth
23.31984-06-07242°25'N / 95°35'W42°35'N / 95°21'W16.00 Miles150 Yards012.5M0Ida
23.81968-09-22343°01'N / 96°04'W43°04'N / 95°59'W4.70 Miles50 Yards002.5M0Sioux
24.21967-06-14242°53'N / 96°10'W1.00 Mile100 Yards0025K0Plymouth
24.71965-06-07342°52'N / 96°18'W42°48'N / 96°05'W11.50 Miles100 Yards0025K0Plymouth
25.01963-03-16242°48'N / 96°12'W2.00 Miles200 Yards0025K0Plymouth
26.11971-10-01343°02'N / 95°29'W43°09'N / 95°19'W11.20 Miles33 Yards00250K0O'brien
26.21978-07-05243°02'N / 96°15'W42°56'N / 96°03'W11.90 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Sioux
27.61981-06-13243°10'N / 95°53'W003K0Sioux
27.81973-06-18242°29'N / 96°04'W2.00 Miles400 Yards210250K0Woodbury
28.11984-06-07242°39'N / 95°12'W42°42'N / 95°09'W4.00 Miles100 Yards032.5M0Buena Vista
28.21964-09-07242°42'N / 96°15'W2.00 Miles250 Yards00250K0Plymouth
28.21973-06-18242°28'N / 96°03'W1.00 Mile300 Yards05250K0Woodbury
28.31969-08-08242°37'N / 95°12'W2.00 Miles70 Yards00250K0Buena Vista
28.41954-04-26243°03'N / 95°18'W42°58'N / 95°10'W8.40 Miles33 Yards000K0Clay
31.71953-06-07242°22'N / 95°29'W42°29'N / 95°10'W17.80 Miles833 Yards000K0Ida
32.02004-06-11243°08'N / 95°23'W43°12'N / 95°18'W5.50 Miles200 Yards00500K0Clay
 Brief Description: A tornado destroyed a hog barn, killing ten hogs, destroyed a greenhouse, destroyed a barn, outbuildings, a machine shed and a garage, and damaged several other farm structures including a horse barn. Several horses were injured. At least two houses were damaged, with windows blown out. Several vehicles were also damaged. Numerous power lines and trees were blown down. The tornado also damaged crops.
32.21957-06-16242°30'N / 95°24'W43°00'N / 94°45'W47.60 Miles33 Yards00250K0Ida
32.91975-06-04243°02'N / 95°09'W003K0Clay
33.01979-05-08342°27'N / 96°10'W0425K0Woodbury
33.12008-06-11243°00'N / 95°16'W43°09'N / 95°06'W13.00 Miles100 Yards00300K0KClay
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado destroyed or heavily damaged numerous outbuildings on at least 8 affected farmsteads, with damaged buildings including several large sheds. The tornado damaged numerous grain bins, most of which were carried off their foundations, with some being carried as much as a half mile. The ornado also overturned a camper, blew the top off a silo, destroyed a garage, broke windows on a house, and caused considerable damage to trees, power poles, and power lines. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Thunderstorms produced several tornadoes, along with large hail, damaging winds, and flash flooding in northwest Iowa during the late afternoon and early evening of June 11th.
33.21978-07-05242°54'N / 96°33'W42°47'N / 96°10'W20.80 Miles30 Yards002.5M0Plymouth
33.41983-09-05242°23'N / 96°04'W2.50 Miles127 Yards00250K0Woodbury
34.41965-05-05243°10'N / 95°29'W43°24'N / 95°47'W21.80 Miles33 Yards003K0O'brien
34.81984-06-07242°19'N / 95°23'W42°27'N / 95°13'W12.00 Miles100 Yards012.5M0Ida
35.31966-06-02243°06'N / 96°24'W43°02'N / 96°11'W11.50 Miles300 Yards0025K0Sioux
36.32004-06-11342°55'N / 95°03'W42°59'N / 95°00'W6.00 Miles400 Yards0050K0Clay
 Brief Description: A large cone shaped tornado tore a steel bridge from a road. The tornado raised a large debris cloud as it moved over open country, causing damage to crops and power lines. The tornado moved into Clay County after forming just south of the County Line.
37.71980-09-20343°09'N / 95°09'W1.50 Miles300 Yards0025K0Clay
37.71984-06-07243°09'N / 95°09'W2.00 Miles77 Yards00250K0Clay
38.31964-05-05342°31'N / 96°25'W42°34'N / 96°21'W4.10 Miles300 Yards072.5M0Woodbury
39.41968-06-13242°27'N / 96°20'W0.10 Mile100 Yards0025K0Woodbury
39.51971-05-31343°13'N / 95°57'W43°30'N / 95°20'W36.50 Miles100 Yards000K0O'brien
39.61958-08-05242°45'N / 95°10'W42°30'N / 94°45'W27.10 Miles60 Yards003K0Buena Vista
40.21975-05-22242°28'N / 96°22'W0025K0Woodbury
40.71963-05-12242°13'N / 96°12'W42°18'N / 95°55'W15.20 Miles50 Yards0025K0Woodbury
40.81991-04-26243°16'N / 95°14'W18.00 Miles60 Yards00250K0Dickinson
41.01953-06-07242°45'N / 96°36'W42°52'N / 96°26'W11.30 Miles200 Yards000K0Plymouth
41.32010-06-25443°24'N / 95°51'W43°22'N / 95°42'W8.00 Miles800 Yards0133.0M0KOsceola
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado destroyed at least two houses, injuring two people in one of them. the tornado also destroyed several garages and severely damaged several other homes, destroyed at least 4 hog confinement buildings, several barns and silos, and numerous outbuildings. The tornado destroyed three vehicles that had been parked under an Iowa Highway 60 overpass, injuring 11 people in the vehicles, and removing the engine from one of the vehicles. The tornado damaged power lines, causing power outages, and caused damage to trees and crops. The tornado also destroyed a shelter belt and severely damaged heavy farm equipment, removing the wheels from some of the vehicles. Much of the damage occurred a short distance west to south of the town of Sibley. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Thunderstorms produced tornadoes, one that caused considerable damage and at least two injuries along a 14 mile path, along with damaging winds, in northwest Iowa during the evening of June 25th.
41.31987-07-07243°01'N / 96°29'W43°00'N / 96°27'W2.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Sioux
42.01967-06-14342°48'N / 96°35'W42°52'N / 96°29'W6.20 Miles500 Yards03250K0Plymouth
42.22008-05-01243°08'N / 96°18'W43°15'N / 96°22'W9.00 Miles400 Yards000.5M0KSioux
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado damaged numerous trees, including large trees uprooted, blew windows out of a home, destroyed a metal shed, blew two windows and part of a wall out of a metal building, damaged at least three grain bins, destroyed or damaged numerous outbuildings and small sheds, blew down or snapped off at least 15 power poles, bent a metal light pole, tipped one wagon and blew the top off another, blew down a barb wire fence and pushed fence posts almost to the ground, destroyed a hog barn, and flattened corn stubble, before crossing the county line into Lyon County. Contents inside several damaged or destroyed buildings and sheds were also damaged, especially on one farm where damaged buildings housed a farm and trucking business. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Thunderstorms produced 5 confirmed tornadoes over extreme northwest Iowa during the early evening hours of May 1st. One large long track tornado caused considerable damage, while the other 4 tornadoes were short lived and weak.
42.31982-06-06243°24'N / 95°43'W2.00 Miles67 Yards002.5M0Osceola
42.41968-06-13243°23'N / 95°30'W00250K0Osceola
42.91969-07-26342°20'N / 95°36'W42°02'N / 95°25'W22.50 Miles200 Yards00250K0Ida
43.11971-05-31343°20'N / 95°32'W43°27'N / 95°27'W8.60 Miles250 Yards00250K0Osceola
43.51994-07-05342°20'N / 96°18'W1.80 Miles150 Yards00500K5KWoodbury
43.81954-06-19243°17'N / 96°18'W43°15'N / 96°15'W2.30 Miles880 Yards0025K0Lyon
44.21986-07-28442°25'N / 96°23'W42°12'N / 96°11'W11.50 Miles73 Yards01250.0M0Woodbury
44.52010-06-25243°26'N / 95°57'W43°24'N / 95°51'W5.00 Miles450 Yards00500K0KLyon
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado destroyed two hog confinement buildings, killing about 12 hogs, numerous outbuildings, a metal farm building, tore the roof off a house and damaged at least 6 other houses, and caused damage to other farm buildings, power lines, vehicles, and trees, before moving out of Lyon County and into Osceola County. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Thunderstorms produced tornadoes, one that caused considerable damage and at least two injuries along a 14 mile path, along with damaging winds, in northwest Iowa during the evening of June 25th.
44.81965-05-15242°24'N / 95°00'W0.50 Mile50 Yards000K0Sac
45.01959-05-28243°12'N / 95°01'W1.00 Mile150 Yards003K0Clay
46.11987-07-07243°04'N / 96°37'W43°01'N / 96°29'W6.00 Miles50 Yards000K0Union
46.11963-06-09242°46'N / 96°37'W2.00 Miles33 Yards0225K0Plymouth
46.21981-06-14243°25'N / 95°33'W43°27'N / 95°23'W8.30 Miles1533 Yards002.5M0Osceola
46.41984-06-07242°51'N / 94°51'W42°55'N / 94°45'W10.00 Miles100 Yards012.5M0Pocahontas
46.71986-04-26243°24'N / 96°02'W43°28'N / 95°56'W8.50 Miles120 Yards122.5M0Lyon
46.71991-04-26342°13'N / 95°12'W42°17'N / 95°06'W6.00 Miles150 Yards002.5M0Sac
46.91966-07-09243°26'N / 95°25'W1.00 Mile200 Yards0025K0Osceola
47.01999-05-16242°08'N / 95°41'W42°07'N / 95°19'W16.00 Miles80 Yards00500K0Crawford
 Brief Description: As was mentioned above, the weather pattern was very active over the central U.S. A cold front had become stationary to the west of Iowa during the afternoon of the 16th. This set the stage for a serious weather situation. During the afternoon, 70 degree F. surface dew point temperatures were widespread for the first time of the season. The airmass became very unstable as the upper levels were still relatively cool. CAPE values during the few hours just prior to the development of the thunderstorms were in excess of 5000 J/kg. The situation became explosive as thunderstorms formed along and just ahead of the cold front over western Iowa. A little later in the afternoon, thunderstorms formed over northeast Iowa along the nose of the low level jet and just north of the surface warm front. These two features combined to produce a variety of severe weather across much of Iowa. The first of the severe weather broke out over west central Iowa. This was on the form of tornadoes. The strongest tornado in the Des Moines CWA touched down in Crawford County near Ricketts. The tornado was F2 strength and caused damage to 10 farmsteads along the way. One farmstead reported the house as being destroyed. The tornado had a duel structure with the two tornadoes about 2.5 miles apart north and west of Ricketts. This tornado was on the ground from near the western county line to a point north of Deloit. This was by far the strongest tornado in the CWA. There were several brief touchdowns and one that was on the ground for a couple miles, west of Denison. During the late afternoon and early evening hours, there were several reports of brief touchdowns from west central into central Iowa. One tornado touched down briefly in Audubon County, another southeast of Bedford in Taylor County destroyed a trailer there and tore a roof off of a shed. Another tornado touched down briefly in rural areas west of Perry in Dallas County. The tornado did little damage however. The same storm knocked down power lines and trees south of Perry as winds were recorded at around 70 MPH a short time later. The final touchdown was brief near Ames, in Story County. There were a few reports of high winds as the line in western Iowa transformed into more of a bow echo structure. A 67 MPH wind gust was recorded at the Creston Airport in Union County. As the storms moved across Dallas County, winds of around 65 MPH blew trees down on a commercial chicken house, killing 5000 laying hens. Winds gusted to 61 MPH at both the NWS office in Johnston and at nearby Ankeny, both in Polk County. As the bow echo continued to move north and east, winds around 65 MPH swept through the Marshalltown area. Damage was reported at a trailer court there as the skirting on some of the trailers was torn off and one of the trailer houses was nearly blown off its supports. The line of storms and high winds made its way northeast into the Wellsburg area of Grundy County, causing extensive damage on a farmstead just southeast of the town. Hail was widespread with all of the thunderstorms as they moved across the state. Many areas reported hail nearly dime size. Reports of hail of up to an inch were quite common as well. Some of the larger hail reports included golf ball size hail in Cass County at Atlantic and baseball size hail reported at both Boone in Boone County and south of Plainfield in Bremer County. Once the severe weather started to wind down, flash flooding was a fairly widespread problem, especially near the warm front over that was over northeast Iowa. The storms associated with the cold front produced flash flooding in Cass County at both Atlantic and Griswold. For the most part, the storms with the cold front were moving too quickly to cause much in the way of flooding, though urban flooding was reported in some areas. The big flooding was over the northeast part of the state. Those areas were hit twice with heavy rain and severe weather, once in the morning and once with this event. Widespread flash flooding took place in Black Hawk, Bremer, Butler, and Hardin Counties. Rains of 4 to 6 inches for the day were common in these areas, as well as areas to the northeast of that. Governor Vilsack declared 12 Iowa counties disaster areas. Butler, Bremer and Black Hawk Counties in the Des Moines CWA were declared disaster areas. All of these same counties were later declared Presidential Disaster Areas. Some of the more serious damage in the Central Iowa CWA was in Black Hawk and Bremer Counties. In Black Hawk County, U.S. Highway 218 was closed for a time by flooded water. The Cedar River caused considerable flooding in the area. The town of Dunkerton was approximately 50% evacuated as waters rose. The Sewage plant there was inundated by the high water. There was damage caused to many public roadways around the county. Some of the bridges over smaller creeks were declared unsafe. The County Engineer stated damages in Black Hawk County were at least $1,200,000, including $560,000 in damage to ditches, roads, culverts, and bridges. Damage in the town of Dunkerton were placed at $500,000 to public infrastructure. The county also reported $183,000 in damages to parks. In Bremer County, numerous homes in the town of Tripoli reported sewer backups into the basements. In the town of Denver, 25 homes reported at least 6 feet of water in the basement. Of those 25 homes, five of them had basement wall damage. Fifteen business in the town had anywhere from 2 inches to 8 feet of water in the basement. Bremer County reported damages to 19 culvert sites, 55 road sites, 2 bridge abutments, and 8 driveway washouts. Damage from these items alone were at least $200,000. In Butler County the county Engineer reported 20 to 30 sites affected with estimated damage of $150,000. One Bridge sustained at least $60,000 damage. Needless to say, numerous county and state roads were under water and closed as well throughout the area. The flooding in these areas was described as worse than the flooding in 1993. In many areas it was worse than the record floods of 1968. Farther to the southwest flash flooding also occurred in Cass County. Damage was not as serious there as the amount of rainfall was not as great. One basement was completely flooded in the town of Griswold. Flooding was serious enough in Atlantic to not only flood several homes but also buckle the pavement on one of the streets in town.
47.01984-04-26242°33'N / 94°50'W42°39'N / 94°48'W7.00 Miles20 Yards002.5M0Pocahontas
47.61984-04-26242°28'N / 94°52'W42°33'N / 94°50'W5.00 Miles20 Yards002.5M0Calhoun
47.91981-06-14243°26'N / 95°33'W43°29'N / 95°23'W8.80 Miles1533 Yards002.5M0Osceola
47.91986-07-28442°32'N / 96°41'W42°25'N / 96°25'W20.00 Miles73 Yards0125.0M0Dakota
48.71986-07-28442°11'N / 96°14'W42°11'N / 96°10'W1.00 Mile73 Yards00250.0M0Monona
48.81971-05-31343°22'N / 95°19'W43°28'N / 95°13'W8.00 Miles200 Yards00250K0Dickinson
48.91965-09-09242°03'N / 95°54'W42°07'N / 95°43'W10.20 Miles100 Yards00250K0Monona
49.01964-05-08243°26'N / 95°26'W43°29'N / 95°21'W5.10 Miles200 Yards0025K0Osceola
49.11998-06-23242°12'N / 96°15'W42°12'N / 96°15'W2.00 Miles50 Yards0000Monona
 Brief Description: House destroyed.
49.71984-04-26242°19'N / 94°55'W42°28'N / 94°52'W10.00 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Sac
49.82001-08-17242°27'N / 96°34'W42°26'N / 96°34'W1.50 Miles400 Yards033.0M0Dakota
 Brief Description: A tornado completely destroyed at least ten houses and heavily damaged several others. The tornado heavily damaged the town school, including taking most of the roof off the school. The only church in town and a telephone company building were also heavily damaged. Power lines, poles, and trees were blown down, and electricity and water service were knocked out. Three empty box cars on the southeast side of Jackson were toppled. Three injuries included a woman with a broken leg and cuts rescued from the rubble of a house, and two children with minor injuries.
49.81970-07-01243°09'N / 96°36'W43°08'N / 96°32'W2.30 Miles1320 Yards0025K0Lincoln

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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