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36135 Zip Code Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in 36135 Zip Code is about the same as Alabama average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in 36135 Zip Code is lower than Alabama average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #638

36135 Zip Code

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

36135 Zip Code

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #466

36135 Zip Code

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 2,311 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of 36135 Zip Code were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:47Dense Fog:0Drought:39
Dust Storm:0Flood:149Hail:658Heat:66Heavy Snow:8
High Surf:0Hurricane:1Ice Storm:2Landslide:0Strong Wind:15
Thunderstorm Winds:1,200Tropical Storm:5Wildfire:1Winter Storm:11Winter Weather:11

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near 36135 Zip Code.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near 36135 Zip Code.

No historical earthquake events found in or near 36135 Zip Code.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 70 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near 36135 Zip Code.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
5.41984-05-03332°22'N / 86°24'W32°26'N / 86°22'W6.00 Miles800 Yards5372.5M0Montgomery
6.21984-05-03332°26'N / 86°22'W32°27'N / 86°21'W1.00 Mile800 Yards002.5M0Elmore
6.21979-11-25332°23'N / 86°15'W32°30'N / 86°14'W8.30 Miles150 Yards0202.5M0Montgomery
7.41975-01-10232°18'N / 86°24'W2.00 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Montgomery
8.01956-12-23232°08'N / 86°25'W32°25'N / 86°01'W30.50 Miles100 Yards010K0Montgomery
8.32006-11-15232°19'N / 86°14'W32°24'N / 86°05'W7.00 Miles250 Yards06500K0KMontgomery
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The Montgomery tornado touched down approximately 1.4 miles southwest of the Shakespeare Festival, and tracked northeastward across the Woodmere and Beauvoir Lakes Subdivisions. The tornado then crossed Interstate 85 at Bell Road and continued northeastward to the Atlanta Highway, just west of Taylor Road. Numerous trees were snapped off or downed along the path with minor roof damage to numerous homes. Near the Atlanta Highway, the tornado crossed the A.U.M. ball field complex and struck the Montgomery Postal Processing and Distribution Center and Post Office. The main doors of the post office were blown in and portions of the roof were lifted off to the north. Numerous trees were snapped off at ground level on the south and west sides of the building. A tractor trailer was completely turned around and moved 30 yards and flipped over. Other postal vehicles and cars in the parking lot were moved or received significant damage. Just to the north, the tornado produced major damage to the Fun Zone Skating Rink. This was a large metal building structure which was nearly totally destroyed. Several vehicles were tossed around and significantly damaged or crushed by debris from the building. As the tornado crossed the Atlanta Highway, several metal power poles were either significantly bent or downed. At the Saddleback Ridge Apartment Complex, at least two apartment buildings lost their roofs and portions of the second floor. The tornado continued another 2.25 miles northeastward, ending in a field just south of Wares Ferry Road. Six people suffered minor injuries. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A strong storm system brought severe weather and heavy rainfall to much of Central Alabama.
9.02008-02-17332°24'N / 86°28'W32°28'N / 86°24'W6.00 Miles440 Yards05010.0M0KAutauga
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado touched down near the waste water treatment facility south southwest of the city of Prattville. It then tracked northeastward and crossed US Highway 82, US Highway 31, and Cobbs Ford Road. The southern and eastern parts of Prattville sustained significant damage. The highest winds likely occurred along Cobbs Ford Road/East Main Street near McQueen Smith Road and in the Silver Hills Subdivision. An estimated 200 residential homes and 40 businesses were damaged or destroyed. Hundreds of trees were either snapped off or were uprooted along the path. In addition, 50 injuries were reported, but there were no fatalities. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A broken squall line, sparked by an advancing cold front and strong upper level storm, caused severe thunderstorms and tornadoes across Central Alabama.
9.31966-11-10232°18'N / 86°30'W32°16'N / 86°21'W9.30 Miles50 Yards0025K0Lowndes
10.71979-11-25332°30'N / 86°14'W32°31'N / 86°13'W1.90 Miles150 Yards002.5M0Elmore
11.21996-03-06232°20'N / 86°08'W32°23'N / 86°05'W4.00 Miles200 Yards2171.5M0Montgomery
 Brief Description: The fourth in a series of four tornadoes across southern and eastern Montgomery cut a swath of destruction about 4 miles in length in an area just outside the city limits of Montgomery. The tornado began in an open field just south of a small housing development called Ranchette Estates. The tornado travelled on a path toward the northeast moving across the Country Estates Mobile Home Park where two men were killed and a number of others were injured. The tornado continued toward the northeast damaging the Georgia Washington Junior High School. It ended shortly after damaging a number of houses in the Bridlebrook Farms sub-division. About 40 homes were damaged in the Bridlebrook Farms area while nearly all of the mobile homes in Country Estates were damaged or destroyed. Total path length was about 4 miles with a path width of 200 yards. This tornado actually represents the fifth damaging event that occurred in Montgomery County between 5:12 am and about 5:30 am. M25MH, M30MH
14.41963-04-29232°11'N / 86°31'W32°12'N / 86°21'W9.80 Miles400 Yards00250K0Lowndes
16.01957-06-28232°09'N / 86°35'W32°15'N / 86°24'W12.80 Miles117 Yards0025K0Lowndes
17.91977-03-29232°35'N / 86°31'W32°37'N / 86°21'W10.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Autauga
18.42004-11-24232°23'N / 86°40'W32°28'N / 86°33'W9.70 Miles500 Yards01900K0Autauga
 Brief Description: The tornado touched down 2.5 miles to the southwest of Autaugaville. The tornado then moved northeastward across Clark's Landing, where it destroyed several mobile homes, travel campers, and boats. After crossing Swift Creek, the tornado crumpled 2 high-voltage power line towers before moving across the Forester Community, where it partially damaged or completely destroyed several structures. Shortly after crossing CR 14, the tornado dissipated. Numerous structures and homes were destroyed along the path of the tornado. One woman sustained minor head injuries as she rode out the tornado in her car. The tornado damage path was 9.7 miles long and was 500 yards wide at its widest point. Begin: 32 23.62/86 40.37 End: 32 27.67/86 31.67
20.21977-03-29232°37'N / 86°21'W32°42'N / 86°12'W10.50 Miles33 Yards02250K0Elmore
20.41996-03-18232°24'N / 86°51'W32°18'N / 86°27'W3.00 Miles100 Yards0000Montgomery
 Brief Description: An F2 tornado began about 1.5 miles south of Gordonville in central Lowndes County at 7:12 pm and noved northeasterly taking it south and east of Moses and just north of Hayneville. The tornado crossed County Road 21 5 to 6 miles north-northeast Hayneville. The tornado crossed the Lowndes-Montgomery county line just south of U. S. 80 around 7:39 pm and dissipated about three miles into Montgomery County around 7:43 pm. Two people were injured when a couple of mobile homes were destroyed on Highway 21 north of Hayneville.
20.61969-04-18431°56'N / 86°27'W32°13'N / 86°00'W32.80 Miles500 Yards00250K0Crenshaw
21.21996-03-18232°09'N / 86°45'W32°17'N / 86°29'W16.00 Miles100 Yards02100K25KLowndes
 Brief Description: An F2 tornado began about 1.5 miles south of Gordonville in central Lowndes County at 7:12 pm and noved northeasterly taking it south and east of Moses and just north of Hayneville. The tornado crossed County Road 21 5 to 6 miles north-northeast Hayneville. The tornado crossed the Lowndes-Montgomery county line just south of U. S. 80 around 7:39 pm and dissipated about three miles into Montgomery County around 7:43 pm. Two people were injured when a couple of mobile homes were destroyed on Highway 21 north of Hayneville.
23.41969-04-18432°13'N / 86°00'W32°13'N / 85°53'W6.80 Miles500 Yards03250K0Bullock
23.82007-03-01232°01'N / 86°27'W32°04'N / 86°25'W3.00 Miles400 Yards0450K0KLowndes
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: What would eventually become a large tornado first touched down in far southeastern Lowndes County, along US Highway 31 in the Sandy Ridge Community. The tornado tracked northeastward, roughly parallel to US 31, before moving into extreme southwestern Montgomery County. During its short path in Lowndes County, the tornado damaged several structures and downed numerous trees. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A powerful spring storm system brought an outbreak of tornadoes, damaging winds, and large hail to Central Alabama.
24.11976-03-12332°37'N / 86°04'W32°39'N / 86°00'W4.90 Miles400 Yards0152.5M0Elmore
24.41956-12-23232°25'N / 86°01'W32°36'N / 85°49'W17.30 Miles100 Yards000K0Elmore
24.61979-11-25231°59'N / 86°35'W32°10'N / 86°30'W13.50 Miles50 Yards01225K0Lowndes
25.51964-04-28232°03'N / 86°29'W31°59'N / 86°24'W6.80 Miles33 Yards00250K0Lowndes
26.71963-04-29232°29'N / 86°46'W32°36'N / 86°39'W10.60 Miles600 Yards00250K0Autauga
27.11976-03-12232°44'N / 86°28'W0.10 Mile50 Yards0025K0Chilton
27.71973-03-16232°42'N / 86°30'W32°48'N / 86°23'W9.70 Miles77 Yards00250K0Chilton
28.01982-01-03232°41'N / 86°34'W32°44'N / 86°33'W8.00 Miles80 Yards06250K0Autauga
28.22008-02-17232°10'N / 86°49'W32°16'N / 86°41'W11.00 Miles225 Yards010215K0KLowndes
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado touched down in the Collirene Community, about 14 miles west of Hayneville. It then tracked northeastward, and ended just north of US Highway 80, several miles west of Lowndesboro. At least 11 structures, most of them mobile homes, were damaged with three of these being completely destroyed. Hundreds of trees were either snapped or were uprooted along the damage path. The most extensive damage occurred in and near the Collirene Community. Ten injuries were attributed to this tornado. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A broken squall line, sparked by an advancing cold front and strong upper level storm, caused severe thunderstorms and tornadoes across Central Alabama.
29.31982-01-03232°45'N / 86°31'W32°47'N / 86°25'W15.00 Miles140 Yards00250K0Chilton
29.71996-03-18332°39'N / 86°01'W32°44'N / 85°55'W10.00 Miles440 Yards00700K50KElmore
 Brief Description: A tornado began on the northeast side of Eclectic and extended for 10 miles in Elmore County crossing the Elmore-Tallapoosa county line just east of Highway 63. The tornado continued for another 14 miles in Tallapoosa County crossing Lake Martin and ending on the north side of Jacksons Gap not far from where a tornado had occurred earlier in the evening. This was classified as an F3 tornado with a total damage path of 24 miles with a width of a quarter of a mile at the widest. Numerous buildings of all types were damaged along the track. Some of the most intense damage occurred as the tornado emerged from crossing Lake Martin in the Peckerwood area just southwest of Jacksons Gap. Numerous permanent homes and mobile homes were seriously damaged or destroyed.
29.81982-01-03232°44'N / 86°33'W32°47'N / 86°29'W06250K0Chilton
30.91982-01-03232°47'N / 86°25'W32°50'N / 86°21'W00250K0Coosa
31.21976-03-12332°35'N / 86°55'W32°34'N / 86°38'W16.50 Miles100 Yards042.5M0Autauga
31.32004-11-24232°39'N / 86°48'W32°49'N / 86°26'W22.30 Miles1400 Yards00500K0Chilton
 Brief Description: National Weather Service Meteorologist made a few trips to the damage areas across Autauga, Chilton and Coosa Counties. The damage was consistent with a very large tornado with a long damage path. The tornado damage was rated an F2, but the strength of the tornado may have been stronger but the tornado affected mostly rural areas. The F2 tornado first touched down between Jones and Bethel Grove generally producing only tree damage until it reached the county line. The tornado then traveled on a northeast heading into southern Chilton County between Pletcher and Billingsley. The tornado was fairly weak at this time, blowing down and snapping off several large trees in rural areas. As the tornado approached the west side of Interstate 65, the tornado increased to F2 intensity and caused considerable damage to several structures. Continuing northeast, the tornado weakened a bit as it crossed Interstate 65 in the vicinity of mile marker 202, approximately 3 miles south of the Clanton Exit. The tornado was still strong enough at this time to down several large trees and block the northbound lanes of traffic. After crossing the interstate, the tornado regained F2 intensity moving through the Cooper Community. The tornado produced extensive structural damage in Cooper. Several homes, businesses, mobile homes and out-buildings were damaged or destroyed. Hundreds of trees were blown down or snapped off in this area. The tornado moved across eastern Chilton County and went across Lake Mitchell. At Lake Mitchell, on the Chilton/Coosa County Line, numerous homes and mobile homes were destroyed generally between Blue Creek and Cargle Creek. The tornado crossed Lake Mitchell and moved into the Coosa Wildlife Management Area along Hatchet Creek. Hundreds of trees were splintered in this area. The tornado then moved through rural Coosa County crossing US 231 just south of the Hanover Community. The tornado dissipated shortly after US 231. The tornado damage path was 49.1 miles long and an astounding 1400 yards wide at its widest point. No injuries or fatalities were reported with this strong tornado. Begin: 32 35.77/86 53.11 End: 32 59.99/86 11.45
32.91968-11-17332°49'N / 86°27'W32°52'N / 86°13'W14.00 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Coosa
33.61979-11-25232°43'N / 85°55'W32°44'N / 85°54'W1.90 Miles60 Yards00250K0Elmore
35.71974-12-19331°56'N / 85°58'W0.50 Mile100 Yards013K0Pike
35.91979-11-25231°52'N / 86°40'W31°59'N / 86°35'W9.40 Miles50 Yards0025K0Butler
36.22004-11-24232°36'N / 86°54'W32°39'N / 86°47'W8.00 Miles100 Yards0030K0Autauga
 Brief Description: National Weather Service Meteorologist made a few trips to the damage areas across Autauga, Chilton and Coosa Counties. The damage was consistent with a very large tornado with a long damage path. The tornado damage was rated an F2, but the strength of the tornado may have been stronger but the tornado affected mostly rural areas. The F2 tornado first touched down between Jones and Bethel Grove generally producing only tree damage until it reached the county line. The tornado then traveled on a northeast heading into southern Chilton County between Pletcher and Billingsley. The tornado was fairly weak at this time, blowing down and snapping off several large trees in rural areas. As the tornado approached the west side of Interstate 65, the tornado increased to F2 intensity and caused considerable damage to several structures. Continuing northeast, the tornado weakened a bit as it crossed Interstate 65 in the vicinity of mile marker 202, approximately 3 miles south of the Clanton Exit. The tornado was still strong enough at this time to down several large trees and block the northbound lanes of traffic. After crossing the interstate, the tornado regained F2 intensity moving through the Cooper Community. The tornado produced extensive structural damage in Cooper. Several homes, businesses, mobile homes and out-buildings were damaged or destroyed. Hundreds of trees were blown down or snapped off in this area. The tornado moved across eastern Chilton County and went across Lake Mitchell. At Lake Mitchell, on the Chilton/Coosa County Line, numerous homes and mobile homes were destroyed generally between Blue Creek and Cargle Creek. The tornado crossed Lake Mitchell and moved into the Coosa Wildlife Management Area along Hatchet Creek. Hundreds of trees were splintered in this area. The tornado then moved through rural Coosa County crossing US 231 just south of the Hanover Community. The tornado dissipated shortly after US 231. The tornado damage path was 49.1 miles long and an astounding 1400 yards wide at its widest point. No injuries or fatalities were reported with this strong tornado. Begin: 32 35.77/86 53.11 End: 32 59.99/86 11.45
36.21969-04-18431°50'N / 86°38'W31°56'N / 86°27'W12.80 Miles500 Yards211250K0Butler
36.31975-01-10232°18'N / 85°41'W1.00 Mile100 Yards09250K0Macon
38.21968-11-17332°54'N / 86°45'W32°49'N / 86°27'W18.30 Miles400 Yards1242.5M0Chilton
39.82004-11-24232°53'N / 86°31'W33°00'N / 86°11'W18.70 Miles1400 Yards00100K0Coosa
 Brief Description: National Weather Service Meteorologist made a few trips to the damage areas across Autauga, Chilton and Coosa Counties. The damage was consistent with a very large tornado with a long damage path. The tornado damage was rated an F2, but the strength of the tornado may have been stronger but the tornado affected mostly rural areas. The F2 tornado first touched down between Jones and Bethel Grove generally producing only tree damage until it reached the county line. The tornado then traveled on a northeast heading into southern Chilton County between Pletcher and Billingsley. The tornado was fairly weak at this time, blowing down and snapping off several large trees in rural areas. As the tornado approached the west side of Interstate 65, the tornado increased to F2 intensity and caused considerable damage to several structures. Continuing northeast, the tornado weakened a bit as it crossed Interstate 65 in the vicinity of mile marker 202, approximately 3 miles south of the Clanton Exit. The tornado was still strong enough at this time to down several large trees and block the northbound lanes of traffic. After crossing the interstate, the tornado regained F2 intensity moving through the Cooper Community. The tornado produced extensive structural damage in Cooper. Several homes, businesses, mobile homes and out-buildings were damaged or destroyed. Hundreds of trees were blown down or snapped off in this area. The tornado moved across eastern Chilton County and went across Lake Mitchell. At Lake Mitchell, on the Chilton/Coosa County Line, numerous homes and mobile homes were destroyed generally between Blue Creek and Cargle Creek. The tornado crossed Lake Mitchell and moved into the Coosa Wildlife Management Area along Hatchet Creek. Hundreds of trees were splintered in this area. The tornado then moved through rural Coosa County crossing US 231 just south of the Hanover Community. The tornado dissipated shortly after US 231. The tornado damage path was 49.1 miles long and an astounding 1400 yards wide at its widest point. No injuries or fatalities were reported with this strong tornado. Begin: 32 35.77/86 53.11 End: 32 59.99/86 11.45
40.01970-04-02232°40'N / 86°55'W32°42'N / 86°50'W5.60 Miles300 Yards00250K0Dallas
40.51983-12-06332°24'N / 87°04'W32°33'N / 86°54'W13.00 Miles500 Yards1192.5M0Dallas
40.91959-07-01232°25'N / 87°00'W0.10 Mile50 Yards0325K0Dallas
41.61984-05-03232°26'N / 85°37'W32°26'N / 85°34'W3.50 Miles100 Yards00250K0Macon
41.81955-04-21232°23'N / 87°01'W1.50 Miles50 Yards0125K0Dallas
41.81978-05-01232°24'N / 87°01'W2.00 Miles20 Yards002.5M0Dallas
41.81980-09-01232°24'N / 87°01'W0.20 Mile50 Yards00250K0Dallas
42.01984-05-03232°26'N / 87°04'W32°26'N / 86°58'W7.50 Miles50 Yards002.5M0Dallas
43.01957-06-28231°46'N / 86°43'W31°51'N / 86°32'W12.30 Miles133 Yards00250K0Butler
43.31972-07-03231°48'N / 85°59'W0.30 Mile200 Yards00250K0Pike
43.41958-02-06231°43'N / 86°07'W31°50'N / 85°59'W11.30 Miles200 Yards0025K0Pike
44.91978-04-18233°01'N / 86°19'W0.10 Mile80 Yards0025K0Coosa
44.92008-02-17232°29'N / 87°06'W32°33'N / 87°00'W8.00 Miles400 Yards00350K0KDallas
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado touched down near Warrior Drive, just southeast of the Perry County line. It then tracked northeastward across AL-219 near the intersection of CR-230, moved right through the Summerfield Community, and crossed CR-37, before lifting just east of the intersection of CR-37 and CR-844. At least 5 structures, including 2 mobile homes and a metal warehouse, were destroyed. Twelve to fifteen additional structures, including several homes and an auto body shop, were damaged to varying degrees. Hundreds of trees were either snapped off or uprooted along the damage path. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A broken squall line, sparked by an advancing cold front and strong upper level storm, caused severe thunderstorms and tornadoes across Central Alabama.
44.91973-11-20231°43'N / 86°16'W0025K0Crenshaw
45.81986-11-26231°46'N / 85°58'W31°49'N / 85°51'W8.00 Miles150 Yards01250K0Pike
46.11962-01-05231°45'N / 86°00'W2.00 Miles33 Yards0025K0Pike
46.11974-01-20231°43'N / 86°07'W0025K0Pike
46.31965-09-29231°42'N / 86°13'W0225K0Crenshaw
46.31979-11-25232°44'N / 85°54'W33°04'N / 85°44'W25.00 Miles60 Yards02250K0Tallapoosa
47.01996-03-06332°25'N / 87°14'W32°30'N / 86°58'W19.00 Miles400 Yards4408.0M50KDallas
 Brief Description: A tornado first touched down just south-southwest of Marion Junction in northern Dallas County and travelled east-northeast before ending in the northeastern part of the county. The tornado touched down initially in a rural area composed of fields with scattered houses. It crossed U. S. Highway 80 at the Cahaba River or about 9 miles west-northwest of Selma. The tornado continued on its east-northeast path crossing State Highway 14 and State Highway 22 before ending about two and a half miles east of Highway 22. The tornado path was about 19 miles in length with a maximum width of about 400 yards. The tornado first touched down around 3:42 am based on radar imagery. Travelling at 35 to 40 miles an hour the tornado was on the ground for about 25 minutes ending around 4:07 am. Information from emergency management sources indicated that 14 houses were destroyed, 19 houses sustained major damage, 5 houses sustained minor damage, 20 mobile homes were destroyed, 17 mobile homes sustained major damage, and 12 mobiles homes sustained minor damage. At least 40 people were transported to area hospitals with injuries varying from minor to serious. Two deaths occurred in a mobile home and two deaths occurred in a permanent house. F17PH, M71PH, M50MH, F52MH
47.52008-02-06233°00'N / 86°30'W33°06'N / 86°18'W14.00 Miles2000 Yards00115K0KCoosa
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado touched down in the Hidden Valley community along Lay Lake, about 2 miles northeast of Lay Dam. It then tracked northeastward, before producing its most significant damage just east of Marble Valley along County Road 56. Four large wooden power poles were snapped off. Two mobile homes were knocked off their foundations and rolled over. Hundreds of hardwood and softwood trees were either snapped off or uprooted along the path. The tornado then continued northeastward, eventually crossing into Talladega County. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A strong cold front and very intense upper level storm system moving across the Gulf Coast States brought numerous severe thunderstorms and several tornadoes to Central Alabama.
47.71961-12-11233°02'N / 86°05'W0025K0Coosa
47.71973-12-26233°02'N / 86°05'W0.10 Mile27 Yards0125K0Talladega
49.71974-12-19331°43'N / 85°53'W31°50'N / 85°45'W11.30 Miles300 Yards00250K0Pike
49.81964-12-24231°48'N / 86°53'W31°50'N / 86°49'W4.90 Miles33 Yards0025K0Butler
49.91972-04-22232°06'N / 87°08'W32°10'N / 87°05'W5.70 Miles200 Yards0025K0Dallas

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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