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USA.com / Alabama / Pickens County / Mc Shan, AL / 35471 / Income and Careers

35471 Zip Code Income and Careers

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As of 2000, the per capita income of 35471 Zip Code is $11,694, which is much lower than the state average of $18,189 and is much lower than the national average of $21,587. 35471 Zip Code median household income is $18,393.

Topics:Per Capita IncomeHousehold IncomeFamily IncomeMedian Income by AgeEmployment Status

Per Capita Income, see rank

35471 Zip Code
11,694 USD
18,189 USD
21,587 USD

*Based on 2000 data.

Household Income

Median Household Income, #7
35471 Zip Code
18,393 USD
34,135 USD
41,994 USD
Mean Household Income, see rank
35471 Zip Code
20,000 USD
45,923 USD
56,644 USD
Ranks: $10k or less, $10k-$20k, $20k-$30k, $30k-$40k, $40k-$50k, $50k-$75k, $75k-$100k, $100k-$150k, $150k-$200k, $200k or more

Household Income Other than Earnings
 35471 Zip CodeAlabamaU.S.
%+Average Amount%+Average Amount%+Average Amount
Interest, Dividends, or Net Rental Income100.00%$1,463, see rank27.13%$9,47735.87%$10,677
Social Security Income100.00%$13,584, see rank27.99%$10,37425.66%$11,320
Public Assistance Income0.00%$0, see rank2.24%$2,1083.44%$3,032
Retirement Income26.32%$16,220, see rank17.93%$17,11016.73%$17,376
+ The percentage of the total households that have the income.

*Based on 2000 data.

Family Income

Median Family Income, see rank
35471 Zip Code
16,250 USD
41,657 USD
50,046 USD
Mean Family Income, see rank
35471 Zip Code
16,542 USD
53,290 USD
64,663 USD
Ranks: $10k or less, $10k-$20k, $20k-$30k, $30k-$40k, $40k-$50k, $50k-$75k, $75k-$100k, $100k-$150k, $150k-$200k, $200k or more

*Based on 2000 data.

Median Household Income by Races

 35471 Zip CodeAlabamaU.S.
White$18,393, see rank$38,539$44,687

*Based on 2000 data.

Median Household Income by Age

 35471 Zip CodeAlabamaU.S.
65 to 74$18,393, see rank$25,676$31,368

*Based on 2000 data.

Employment Status

 35471 Zip CodeAlabamaU.S.
Population 16 Years and Over32, see rank3,450,542217,168,077
Male114, 43.75%, see rank47.37%48.34%
Male, In Labor Force:20, 0.00%, see rank67.41%70.75%
Male, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.73%0.94%
Male, Civilian20, 0.00%, see rank66.68%69.81%
Male, Civilian, Employed30, 0.00%, see rank94.47%94.28%
Male, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank5.53%5.72%
Male, Not in Labor Force214, 100.00%, see rank32.59%29.25%
Female118, 56.25%, see rank52.63%51.66%
Female, In Labor Force:20, 0.00%, see rank52.83%57.54%
Female, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.12%0.15%
Female, Civilian20, 0.00%, see rank52.71%57.39%
Female, Civilian, Employed30, 0.00%, see rank93.04%94.17%
Female, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank6.96%5.83%
Female, Not in Labor Force218, 100.00%, see rank47.17%42.46%
1 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over for the gender.
3 Percentage of the Civilian for the gender.

*Based on 2000 data.

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