Spalding, MI Public Schools
3 public schools were found that might cover Spalding, MI. .
North Central Elementary School (6.1 miles)
5465 Third St
Hermansville, MI 49847
phone: 906-498-7737
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 6
5465 Third St
Hermansville, MI 49847
phone: 906-498-7737
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 189 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.58, Title 1
North Central Area Junior/Senior High School (3.3 miles)
3795 Hwy Us 2 And 41
Powers, MI 49874
phone: 906-497-5226
Regular High School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 12
3795 Hwy Us 2 And 41
Powers, MI 49874
phone: 906-497-5226
Regular High School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 12
Students: 189 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.00, Title 1
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Phoenix Alternative High School (3.3 miles)
3719 Grove Ln
Powers, MI 49874
phone: 906-497-5282
Other/Alternative School, High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
3719 Grove Ln
Powers, MI 49874
phone: 906-497-5282
Other/Alternative School, High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Students: 52 Student-Teacher Ratio: 10.40, Title 1