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Epping School District Historical Careers Data


ACS 2010-2014 data

 Epping School DistrictNew HampshireU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over3,693693,329143,435,233
Male12,034, 55.08%, see rank51.91%52.38%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2696, 34.22%, see rank36.02%33.12%
Service Occupations2133, 6.54%, see rank13.27%15.12%
Sales and Office Occupations2277, 13.62%, see rank17.83%17.47%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations219, 0.93%, see rank0.63%1.11%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations2396, 19.47%, see rank9.93%9.29%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations2261, 12.83%, see rank15.93%17.94%
Female11,659, 44.92%, see rank48.09%47.62%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2759, 45.75%, see rank43.41%40.04%
Service Occupations2331, 19.95%, see rank18.50%21.52%
Sales and Office Occupations2514, 30.98%, see rank31.65%31.93%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.14%0.32%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.24%0.28%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations255, 3.32%, see rank5.80%5.65%
1 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over for the gender.

 Epping School DistrictNew HampshireU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over3,693, 100%693,329143,435,233
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Mining67, 1.81%, see rank0.87%1.96%
Construction272, 7.37%, see rank7.10%6.17%
Manufacturing553, 14.97%, see rank12.72%10.43%
Wholesale Trade88, 2.38%, see rank3.02%2.75%
Retail Trade587, 15.89%, see rank12.55%11.57%
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities81, 2.19%, see rank3.89%4.93%
Information50, 1.35%, see rank2.11%2.14%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental, Leasing349, 9.45%, see rank6.41%6.60%
Professional, Scientific, Management,
Administrative, Waste Management Services
387, 10.48%, see rank10.24%10.89%
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance796, 21.55%, see rank24.40%23.21%
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation,
Accommodation, Food Services
162, 4.39%, see rank8.51%9.49%
Public Administration204, 5.52%, see rank3.91%4.92%
Other Services, Except Public Administration97, 2.63%, see rank4.26%4.96%

ACS 2008-2012 data

 Epping School DistrictNew HampshireU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over3,513694,736141,996,548
Male11,764, 50.21%, see rank51.91%52.32%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2591, 33.50%, see rank35.86%32.75%
Service Occupations2114, 6.46%, see rank13.09%14.76%
Sales and Office Occupations2370, 20.98%, see rank18.29%17.65%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations227, 1.53%, see rank0.53%1.11%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations2235, 13.32%, see rank10.16%9.75%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations2290, 16.44%, see rank16.03%17.87%
Female11,749, 49.79%, see rank48.09%47.68%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2687, 39.28%, see rank42.93%39.35%
Service Occupations2438, 25.04%, see rank18.42%21.19%
Sales and Office Occupations2518, 29.62%, see rank32.04%32.82%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.17%0.30%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.24%0.29%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations2106, 6.06%, see rank5.94%5.77%
1 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over for the gender.

 Epping School DistrictNew HampshireU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over3,513, 100%694,736141,996,548
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Mining14, 0.40%, see rank0.83%1.90%
Construction149, 4.24%, see rank7.21%6.49%
Manufacturing627, 17.85%, see rank12.79%10.62%
Wholesale Trade145, 4.13%, see rank2.99%2.83%
Retail Trade485, 13.81%, see rank12.95%11.57%
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities69, 1.96%, see rank3.90%5.00%
Information45, 1.28%, see rank2.14%2.21%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental, Leasing279, 7.94%, see rank6.67%6.74%
Professional, Scientific, Management,
Administrative, Waste Management Services
257, 7.32%, see rank10.12%10.66%
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance975, 27.75%, see rank24.09%22.90%
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation,
Accommodation, Food Services
120, 3.42%, see rank8.18%9.18%
Public Administration188, 5.35%, see rank3.93%4.94%
Other Services, Except Public Administration160, 4.55%, see rank4.19%4.95%

ACS 2006-2010 data

 Epping School DistrictNew HampshireU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over3,451695,283141,833,331
Male11,821, 52.77%, see rank52.42%52.63%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2400, 21.97%, see rank35.40%32.27%
Service Occupations2169, 9.28%, see rank12.63%14.06%
Sales and Office Occupations2392, 21.53%, see rank18.48%17.76%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations215, 0.82%, see rank0.54%1.08%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations2234, 12.85%, see rank10.55%10.60%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations2360, 19.77%, see rank16.20%18.08%
Female11,630, 47.23%, see rank47.58%47.37%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2641, 39.33%, see rank41.63%38.62%
Service Occupations2371, 22.76%, see rank18.07%20.52%
Sales and Office Occupations2515, 31.60%, see rank33.34%33.85%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.19%0.30%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.30%0.34%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations283, 5.09%, see rank6.17%6.07%
1 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over for the gender.

 Epping School DistrictNew HampshireU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over3,451, 100%695,283141,833,331
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Mining15, 0.43%, see rank0.79%1.86%
Construction207, 6.00%, see rank7.49%7.13%
Manufacturing564, 16.34%, see rank13.20%10.99%
Wholesale Trade97, 2.81%, see rank3.25%3.06%
Retail Trade659, 19.10%, see rank13.28%11.49%
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities93, 2.69%, see rank3.89%5.07%
Information52, 1.51%, see rank2.36%2.38%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental, Leasing128, 3.71%, see rank6.79%7.00%
Professional, Scientific, Management,
Administrative, Waste Management Services
299, 8.66%, see rank9.79%10.42%
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance736, 21.33%, see rank23.26%22.05%
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation,
Accommodation, Food Services
178, 5.16%, see rank7.83%8.86%
Public Administration154, 4.46%, see rank3.85%4.84%
Other Services, Except Public Administration269, 7.79%, see rank4.21%4.86%

ACS 2005-2009 data

 Epping School DistrictNew HampshireU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over3,416698,733141,303,145
Male11,805, 52.84%, see rank52.70%53.11%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2286, 15.84%, see rank34.63%31.81%
Service Occupations2183, 10.14%, see rank12.24%13.79%
Sales and Office Occupations2344, 19.06%, see rank18.59%17.85%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.57%1.06%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations2489, 27.09%, see rank17.45%17.24%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations2503, 27.87%, see rank16.52%18.26%
Female11,611, 47.16%, see rank47.30%46.89%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2600, 37.24%, see rank40.69%38.12%
Service Occupations2289, 17.94%, see rank18.41%20.39%
Sales and Office Occupations2607, 37.68%, see rank33.80%34.43%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.22%0.30%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations218, 1.12%, see rank0.65%0.68%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations297, 6.02%, see rank6.25%6.09%
1 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over for the gender.

 Epping School DistrictNew HampshireU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over3,416, 100%698,733141,303,145
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Mining0, 0.00%, see rank0.82%1.82%
Construction314, 9.19%, see rank7.82%7.45%
Manufacturing526, 15.40%, see rank13.38%11.24%
Wholesale Trade117, 3.43%, see rank3.39%3.20%
Retail Trade711, 20.81%, see rank13.33%11.52%
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities162, 4.74%, see rank3.92%5.08%
Information31, 0.91%, see rank2.44%2.44%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental, Leasing131, 3.83%, see rank6.69%7.10%
Professional, Scientific, Management,
Administrative, Waste Management Services
294, 8.61%, see rank9.66%10.29%
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance594, 17.39%, see rank22.38%21.51%
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation,
Accommodation, Food Services
256, 7.49%, see rank7.94%8.77%
Public Administration87, 2.55%, see rank3.90%4.74%
Other Services, Except Public Administration193, 5.65%, see rank4.34%4.84%

* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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