Belchertown School District Public Schools
5 public schools were found that might cover Belchertown School District. .
Belchertown High (0.9 miles)
142 Springfield Rd
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-9419
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
142 Springfield Rd
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-9419
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Students: 743 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.18
Jabish Middle School (0.9 miles)
62 North Washington St
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-0433
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 8
62 North Washington St
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-0433
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 8
Students: 397 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.52
Chestnut Hill Community School (0.6 miles)
59 State St
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-0437
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 4 to Grade 6
59 State St
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-0437
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 4 to Grade 6
Students: 557 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.89
Swift River Elementary (0.6 miles)
57 State St
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-0472
Regular Primary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 3
57 State St
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-0472
Regular Primary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 3
Students: 526 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.94, Title 1
Cold Spring (0.7 miles)
57 South Main St
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-0428
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Kindergarten
57 South Main St
Belchertown, MA 01007
phone: 413-323-0428
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Kindergarten
Students: 193 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.69, Title 1