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San Pedro, NM Historical Employment Status Data


ACS 2010-2014 data

 San Pedro, NMNew MexicoU.S.
Population 16 Years and Over157, see rank1,625,155248,775,628
Male169, 43.95%, see rank49.07%48.69%
Male, In Labor Force:247, 68.12%, see rank65.02%69.28%
Male, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.88%0.73%
Male, Civilian247, 68.12%, see rank64.14%68.54%
Male, Civilian, Employed347, 100.00%, see rank89.92%90.49%
Male, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank10.08%9.51%
Male, Not in Labor Force222, 31.88%, see rank34.98%30.72%
Female188, 56.05%, see rank50.93%51.31%
Female, In Labor Force:281, 92.05%, see rank55.46%58.79%
Female, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.18%0.11%
Female, Civilian281, 92.05%, see rank55.28%58.69%
Female, Civilian, Employed381, 100.00%, see rank90.92%91.18%
Female, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank9.08%8.82%
Female, Not in Labor Force27, 7.95%, see rank44.54%41.21%
1 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over for the gender.
3 Percentage of the Civilian for the gender.

ACS 2008-2012 data

 San Pedro, NMNew MexicoU.S.
Population 16 Years and Over91, see rank1,597,923243,810,053
Male134, 37.36%, see rank48.96%48.65%
Male, In Labor Force:234, 100.00%, see rank66.26%70.20%
Male, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.96%0.82%
Male, Civilian234, 100.00%, see rank65.30%69.38%
Male, Civilian, Employed334, 100.00%, see rank90.25%90.27%
Male, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank9.75%9.73%
Male, Not in Labor Force20, 0.00%, see rank33.74%29.80%
Female157, 62.64%, see rank51.04%51.35%
Female, In Labor Force:257, 100.00%, see rank56.56%59.43%
Female, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.17%0.13%
Female, Civilian257, 100.00%, see rank56.39%59.30%
Female, Civilian, Employed357, 100.00%, see rank91.64%91.21%
Female, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank8.36%8.79%
Female, Not in Labor Force20, 0.00%, see rank43.44%40.57%
1 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over for the gender.
3 Percentage of the Civilian for the gender.

ACS 2006-2010 data

 San Pedro, NMNew MexicoU.S.
Population 16 Years and Over88, see rank1,561,181238,733,844
Male120, 22.73%, see rank48.88%48.60%
Male, In Labor Force:213, 65.00%, see rank67.25%70.92%
Male, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.94%0.83%
Male, Civilian213, 65.00%, see rank66.31%70.09%
Male, Civilian, Employed313, 100.00%, see rank92.43%91.78%
Male, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank7.57%8.22%
Male, Not in Labor Force27, 35.00%, see rank32.75%29.08%
Female168, 77.27%, see rank51.12%51.40%
Female, In Labor Force:251, 75.00%, see rank56.79%59.40%
Female, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.17%0.13%
Female, Civilian251, 75.00%, see rank56.62%59.26%
Female, Civilian, Employed351, 100.00%, see rank93.18%92.41%
Female, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank6.82%7.59%
Female, Not in Labor Force217, 25.00%, see rank43.21%40.60%
1 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over for the gender.
3 Percentage of the Civilian for the gender.

* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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