Reamstown, PA Private Schools
9 private schools were found in or near Reamstown, PA.
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Student-Teacher Ratio, Size
Gehmans Mennonite School (2.7 miles)
650 Gehman School Rd
Denver, PA 17517
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 8
650 Gehman School Rd
Denver, PA 17517
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 8
Students: 149 Teachers: 20.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 7.45
180 days/year 6.67 hours/day.
Religious Orientation: Yes Religious Affiliation: Mennonite
Ephrata Mennonite School (3.0 miles)
598 Stevens Rd
Ephrata, PA 17522
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 12
598 Stevens Rd
Ephrata, PA 17522
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 12
Students: 208 Teachers: 19.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 10.95
180 days/year 6.50 hours/day.
College Admissions Rate: 50.00%
Religious Orientation: Yes Religious Affiliation: Christian (no specific denomination)
Muddy Creek School (3.0 miles)
747 Chestnut Hill Rd
Denver, PA 17517
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
747 Chestnut Hill Rd
Denver, PA 17517
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
Students: 14 Teachers: 1.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.00
180 days/year 6.75 hours/day.
Religious Orientation: Yes Religious Affiliation: Mennonite
Wood Crest Parochial School (2.2 miles)
19 Woodcrest Rd
Ephrata, PA 17522
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
19 Woodcrest Rd
Ephrata, PA 17522
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
Students: 33 Teachers: 2.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.50
180 days/year 6.50 hours/day.
Religious Orientation: Yes Religious Affiliation: Mennonite
West Stevens School (2.5 miles)
1465 Wollups Hill Rd
Stevens, PA 17578
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
1465 Wollups Hill Rd
Stevens, PA 17578
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
Students: 51 Teachers: 3.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 17.00
180 days/year 6.00 hours/day.
Religious Orientation: Yes
Chestnut Hill School (3.1 miles)
708 Chestnut Hill Rd
Denver, PA 17517
Special Program Emphasis School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
708 Chestnut Hill Rd
Denver, PA 17517
Special Program Emphasis School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
Students: 18 Teachers: 1.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 18.00
180 days/year 6.25 hours/day.
Religious Orientation: Yes Religious Affiliation: Mennonite
Wood Corner School (2.0 miles)
210 Wood Corner Rd
Ephrata, PA 17522
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
210 Wood Corner Rd
Ephrata, PA 17522
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
Students: 42 Teachers: 2.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 21.00
180 days/year 6.50 hours/day.
Religious Orientation: Yes Religious Affiliation: Mennonite
Napierville Parochial School (1.9 miles)
537 E Church St
Stevens, PA 17578
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
537 E Church St
Stevens, PA 17578
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
Students: 43 Teachers: 2.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 21.50
180 days/year 6.50 hours/day.
Religious Orientation: Yes Religious Affiliation: Mennonite
Pieffer Hill Parochial School (2.4 miles)
1060 E Pieffer Hill Rd
Stevens, PA 17578
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
1060 E Pieffer Hill Rd
Stevens, PA 17578
Regular Elementary or Secondary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 8
Students: 27 Teachers: 1.00 Student-Teacher Ratio: 27.00
180 days/year 6.50 hours/day.
Religious Orientation: Yes Religious Affiliation: Mennonite