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Wyoming Russian as First Ancestry Population Percentage Zip Code Rank

Based on ACS 2008-2012 data*

A total of 70 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankRussian as First Ancestry Population Percentage ▼Zip / Population
1.22.4%82620 / 300
2.13.0%82423 / 235
3.11.7%82725 / 229
4.9.3%82217 / 154
5.4.8%82433 / 834
6.4.5%82933 / 671
7.4.3%82190 / 781
8.3.9%82331 / 2,573
9.3.8%82223 / 1,161
10.2.7%82210 / 523
11.2.7%82831 / 159
12.2.6%82401 / 7,813
13.2.2%82054 / 710
14.2.1%83013 / 317
15.2.1%82435 / 11,935
16.2.0%82327 / 853
17.1.9%82214 / 1,285
17.1.9%82501 / 19,424
19.1.9%82732 / 2,270
20.1.9%82411 / 519
21.1.7%82729 / 2,081
22.1.6%82201 / 6,464
23.1.6%82213 / 542
23.1.6%82834 / 7,487
25.1.4%82334 / 477
26.1.4%82633 / 9,185
27.1.3%82443 / 4,668
28.1.3%82932 / 1,181
29.1.3%82520 / 13,661
30.1.2%82225 / 1,985
31.1.2%82513 / 1,774
32.1.1%82721 / 2,864
32.1.1%82007 / 19,502
34.1.1%82431 / 3,737
35.1.1%82324 / 306
36.1.1%82009 / 31,896
37.1.1%82414 / 14,553
38.1.0%82839 / 1,057
38.1.0%82901 / 28,309
40.0.9%83001 / 16,057
41.0.8%82001 / 35,605
41.0.8%82240 / 9,990
43.0.8%82070 / 20,339
43.0.8%82609 / 16,322
43.0.8%82523 / 1,054
46.0.8%82072 / 14,946
47.0.8%82426 / 2,861
48.0.7%82604 / 25,785
49.0.7%83014 / 3,927
49.0.7%82718 / 23,183
51.0.6%82937 / 3,393
52.0.6%82716 / 17,722
53.0.6%82410 / 1,632
54.0.5%82601 / 27,295
54.0.5%82636 / 3,779
56.0.5%83127 / 2,658
57.0.5%82301 / 9,556
58.0.5%83101 / 2,948
59.0.5%82801 / 24,881
60.0.4%82935 / 13,149
61.0.3%82420 / 776
62.0.3%82836 / 1,019
63.0.3%82649 / 1,194
63.0.3%82701 / 5,453
65.0.2%82082 / 1,542
66.0.2%82730 / 1,515
67.0.2%83110 / 5,466
68.0.1%82637 / 4,405
69.0.0%82930 / 14,712
69.0.0%83113 / 3,103

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Russian as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Russian as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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