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Wyoming Rented or Sold, Not Occupied Housing Units Percentage City Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 58 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankRented or Sold, Not Occupied Housing Units Percentage ▼City / Population
1.14.4%Burlington, WY / 220
2.12.3%Fort Bridger, WY / 221
3.9.2%Ralston, WY / 177
4.7.8%Deaver, WY / 187
5.6.6%Warren, WY / 2,888
6.6.6%Marbleton, WY / 1,422
7.6.2%Bear River, WY / 752
8.6.0%Medicine Bow, WY / 217
9.6.0%Frannie, WY / 159
10.5.6%Hoback, WY / 1,294
11.5.3%Pinedale, WY / 1,949
12.4.8%La Grange, WY / 504
13.4.8%Hanna, WY / 785
14.4.7%Superior, WY / 213
15.4.5%North Rock Springs, WY / 3,258
16.4.4%Lyman, WY / 1,770
17.4.3%Mountain View town, WY / 1,042
18.4.3%Wamsutter, WY / 326
19.4.1%Powell, WY / 6,125
20.4.0%Evanston, WY / 12,014
21.3.9%Shoshoni, WY / 552
22.3.8%Thermopolis, WY / 3,116
22.3.8%Burns, WY / 391
24.3.8%Glendo, WY / 248
25.3.6%Basin, WY / 1,060
26.3.4%Moorcroft, WY / 1,282
27.3.2%Afton, WY / 2,311
28.3.0%Dayton, WY / 883
29.2.7%Thayne, WY / 414
30.2.5%Douglas, WY / 5,932
31.2.4%Sinclair, WY / 518
32.2.4%Kaycee, WY / 385
33.2.3%South Greeley, WY / 4,820
34.2.3%Wilson, WY / 1,406
35.2.2%Evansville, WY / 2,476
36.2.2%Fox Farm-College, WY / 3,740
37.2.1%Moose Wilson Road, WY / 1,844
38.2.1%Lovell, WY / 2,378
39.2.0%Greybull, WY / 1,670
40.1.9%Laramie, WY / 29,671
41.1.9%Rock Springs, WY / 22,017
42.1.9%Lingle, WY / 638
43.1.8%Dubois, WY / 866
44.1.8%Jackson, WY / 9,441
45.1.7%Glenrock, WY / 2,498
46.1.6%Casper, WY / 54,139
47.1.5%Cokeville, WY / 832
48.1.4%Rawlins, WY / 9,078
49.1.3%La Barge, WY / 515
50.1.2%Cheyenne, WY / 57,935
51.1.2%Sheridan, WY / 17,007
52.1.1%Green River, WY / 12,260
53.1.0%Wright, WY / 1,843
54.1.0%Star Valley Ranch, WY / 1,636
55.0.8%Riverton, WY / 10,246
56.0.5%Gillette, WY / 27,141
57.0.4%Saratoga, WY / 1,789
58.0.4%Torrington, WY / 6,281

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Rented or Sold, Not Occupied Housing Units Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Rented or Sold, Not Occupied Housing Units Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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