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Wyoming House Built in 1990-2000 Percentage Zip Code Rank

Based on US Census 2000 data

A total of 152 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Built in 1990-2000 Percentage ▼Zip / Population
1.61.9%82052 / 45
2.53.3%83128 / 978
3.47.0%83127 / 1,774
4.44.2%82942 / 62
5.43.0%82922 / 200
6.39.3%83118 / 508
7.35.1%83001 / 13,773
8.34.3%82727 / 1,049
9.31.8%83112 / 466
10.31.6%83013 / 414
11.30.2%83011 / 242
12.30.1%83122 / 394
13.29.0%83111 / 599
14.28.8%82711 / 99
15.28.3%83014 / 3,041
16.27.1%82513 / 1,761
17.25.9%82925 / 242
18.25.9%82620 / 227
19.25.8%82054 / 786
20.25.8%82710 / 376
21.25.7%82051 / 87
22.25.0%82717 / 78
23.24.6%82938 / 202
24.24.2%83115 / 424
25.23.4%82009 / 26,961
26.23.0%82831 / 170
27.22.8%82523 / 855
28.22.6%82050 / 259
29.22.5%82832 / 442
30.22.2%82428 / 145
31.21.7%82944 / 200
32.21.4%82055 / 136
33.21.3%82732 / 1,504
34.21.2%82936 / 68
35.21.0%82939 / 1,798
36.20.3%82718 / 15,835
37.20.3%82838 / 283
38.19.7%82210 / 425
39.19.6%82923 / 467
40.19.3%83012 / 460
41.19.1%82414 / 14,377
42.18.9%82835 / 324
43.18.4%82639 / 798
44.18.2%82063 / 118
45.18.1%82720 / 974
46.18.1%82060 / 149
47.18.0%82636 / 1,165
48.17.5%82442 / 770
49.17.1%82714 / 85
50.17.0%82430 / 73
51.16.8%82083 / 416
52.16.6%82729 / 2,017
53.16.5%82933 / 922
54.16.2%82514 / 1,741
55.16.2%82053 / 974
56.16.2%82421 / 662
57.16.0%82929 / 56
58.15.8%83124 / 131
58.15.8%82937 / 3,038
60.15.7%82941 / 2,594
61.15.6%83120 / 471
62.15.4%82932 / 658
63.15.3%82435 / 10,329
64.15.2%83110 / 4,001
65.15.1%83123 / 601
66.14.9%82716 / 14,749
67.14.8%82059 / 116
68.14.7%82520 / 11,469
69.14.5%82336 / 335
70.14.5%82721 / 2,257
71.14.3%82834 / 6,212
72.14.2%82007 / 15,840
73.13.9%82833 / 407
74.13.8%82516 / 599
75.13.8%82836 / 968
76.13.7%82221 / 480
77.13.6%82441 / 193
78.13.5%82322 / 119
79.13.4%82331 / 2,308
80.13.4%83114 / 814
81.13.3%82217 / 170
82.13.2%82842 / 887
82.13.2%82801 / 22,088
84.13.1%82935 / 12,412
85.13.0%82845 / 49
86.13.0%82839 / 1,031
87.12.9%82214 / 1,276
87.12.9%82730 / 1,335
89.12.9%82323 / 123
90.12.9%83113 / 1,966
90.12.9%82901 / 23,016
92.12.8%82930 / 13,716
93.12.8%82321 / 627
94.12.7%82510 / 874
95.12.7%82633 / 8,247
96.12.6%82512 / 279
97.12.6%82649 / 1,078
98.12.5%82515 / 515
99.12.3%82501 / 16,411
100.12.2%82712 / 137
101.12.0%82934 / 205
102.11.6%82723 / 359
103.11.6%82701 / 5,048
104.11.5%82001 / 34,767
105.11.4%82433 / 816
106.11.3%82070 / 16,376
107.11.2%83116 / 862
108.11.1%82411 / 684
109.11.1%82324 / 284
110.11.0%82072 / 14,768
110.11.0%82443 / 4,809
112.10.9%82943 / 277
113.10.8%82434 / 214
114.10.4%82082 / 1,684
115.10.3%82329 / 360
116.10.2%82420 / 718
117.10.2%82432 / 333
118.10.2%82410 / 1,718
119.9.7%82244 / 490
120.9.4%82325 / 863
121.9.1%82201 / 6,603
122.8.6%82725 / 149
123.8.4%82644 / 997
124.8.4%82223 / 1,094
125.8.2%82637 / 3,758
126.8.1%82731 / 132
127.7.9%82604 / 24,119
128.7.8%82213 / 560
129.7.8%82412 / 596
130.7.6%82635 / 190
131.7.5%82240 / 9,260
132.7.2%82215 / 142
133.7.1%82422 / 115
134.7.0%82327 / 961
135.7.0%82426 / 2,591
136.6.8%82301 / 9,873
137.6.7%82609 / 16,098
138.6.4%82401 / 7,548
139.6.1%83126 / 207
140.5.7%82332 / 124
141.5.7%82212 / 482
142.5.3%83101 / 2,762
143.4.9%82219 / 78
143.4.9%82225 / 1,978
145.4.7%82431 / 3,446
146.4.2%82227 / 232
147.4.2%82601 / 23,230
148.3.8%82642 / 80
149.3.7%82222 / 109
150.3.5%82945 / 258
151.2.0%82218 / 302
152.1.3%82643 / 435

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Built in 1990-2000 Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Built in 1990-2000 Percentage' data are not listed.

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