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USA.com / Ranks / Wyoming Female Median Age County Rank / Based on US Census 2000 data

Wyoming Female Median Age County Rank

Based on US Census 2000 data

A total of 23 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankFemale Median Age ▲County / Population
1.28.00Albany, WY / 32,014
2.32.20Uinta, WY / 19,742
3.32.80Campbell, WY / 33,698
4.34.20Sweetwater, WY / 37,613
5.35.80Teton, WY / 18,251
6.36.50Laramie, WY / 81,607
7.37.00Lincoln, WY / 14,573
8.37.30Natrona, WY / 66,533
9.37.90Converse, WY / 12,052
10.38.50Fremont, WY / 35,804
11.39.40Carbon, WY / 15,639
12.39.70Sublette, WY / 5,920
13.39.80Big Horn, WY / 11,461
14.40.20Crook, WY / 5,887
14.40.20Washakie, WY / 8,289
16.40.30Park, WY / 25,786
17.41.00Sheridan, WY / 26,560
18.41.30Goshen, WY / 12,538
18.41.30Platte, WY / 8,807
20.41.40Weston, WY / 6,644
21.43.40Niobrara, WY / 2,407
22.43.80Johnson, WY / 7,075
23.45.10Hot Springs, WY / 4,882

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Female Median Age' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Female Median Age' data are not listed.

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