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West Virginia Average Snow City Rank

A total of 811 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankAverage Snow ▼City / Population
1.122.12 inchesDunmore, WV
2.120.52 inchesGreen Bank, WV / 93
3.120.26 inchesCass, WV / 9
4.113.03 inchesSlatyfork, WV
5.106.86 inchesMaysville, WV
6.105.77 inchesPetersburg, WV / 2,632
7.104.27 inchesSnowshoe, WV
8.103.90 inchesMount Storm, WV
9.101.69 inchesValley Head, WV / 273
10.99.46 inchesFisher, WV
11.97.93 inchesCabins, WV
12.97.40 inchesMoorefield, WV / 2,532
13.97.21 inchesHuttonsville, WV / 767
14.93.67 inchesDryfork, WV
15.92.94 inchesHarman, WV / 139
16.90.86 inchesRed Creek, WV
17.90.76 inchesSeneca Rocks, WV
18.90.75 inchesBayard, WV / 448
19.90.47 inchesOnego, WV
20.90.05 inchesGormania, WV
21.89.77 inchesHuntersville, WV / 160
22.89.34 inchesWhitmer, WV / 81
23.88.00 inchesCircleville, WV
24.85.64 inchesOld Fields, WV
25.84.89 inchesFrank, WV / 49
26.83.72 inchesArbovale, WV / 210
27.83.09 inchesLahmansville, WV
28.82.86 inchesRiverton, WV
29.82.69 inchesMonterville, WV
30.82.29 inchesBartow, WV / 68
31.82.17 inchesDavis, WV / 758
32.82.02 inchesThomas, WV / 573
33.81.49 inchesMarlinton, WV / 1,039
34.81.41 inchesDurbin, WV / 252
35.79.19 inchesMathias, WV
36.77.27 inchesUpper Tract, WV
37.75.86 inchesElk Garden, WV / 204
38.74.61 inchesMill Creek, WV / 796
39.73.04 inchesSugar Grove, WV
40.68.51 inchesNew Creek, WV
41.68.36 inchesSmoot, WV
42.67.88 inchesLewisburg, WV / 3,917
43.67.13 inchesGlady, WV
44.67.03 inchesBurlington, WV / 205
45.66.75 inchesPurgitsville, WV
46.66.15 inchesMaxwelton, WV
47.64.29 inchesBuckeye, WV
48.64.04 inchesLost City, WV
49.62.74 inchesCrawley, WV
50.62.46 inchesBowden, WV / 9
51.61.15 inchesAsbury, WV
52.60.17 inchesKeyser, WV / 5,350
53.60.00 inchesPiedmont, WV / 867
54.59.92 inchesRenick, WV
55.59.92 inchesFrankford, WV
56.58.95 inchesWilliamsburg, WV
57.58.56 inchesFalling Spring, WV / 217
58.58.10 inchesWhite Sulphur Springs, WV / 2,504
59.57.29 inchesRupert, WV / 993
60.57.21 inchesCharmco, WV
61.56.98 inchesQuinwood, WV / 243
62.56.94 inchesHendricks, WV / 270
63.54.34 inchesFranklin, WV / 782
64.54.15 inchesGrassy Meadows, WV
65.53.99 inchesHillsboro, WV / 403
66.53.18 inchesValley Bend, WV / 472
67.53.17 inchesEast Dailey, WV / 452
68.53.07 inchesDailey, WV / 92
69.52.59 inchesBrandywine, WV / 158
70.50.81 inchesGreen Sulphur Springs, WV
71.50.29 inchesHelvetia, WV / 33
72.50.23 inchesPickens, WV / 32
73.50.08 inchesWiley Ford, WV / 688
74.50.04 inchesCarpendale, WV / 900
75.49.96 inchesRidgeley, WV / 694
76.49.37 inchesLeivasy, WV
77.49.14 inchesParsons, WV / 1,390
78.48.60 inchesFairlea, WV / 2,047
79.48.10 inchesRichwood, WV / 2,267
80.48.04 inchesSandstone, WV
81.47.87 inchesRomney, WV / 2,137
82.47.01 inchesLeslie, WV
83.46.53 inchesHambleton, WV / 271
84.46.43 inchesFort Ashby, WV / 1,511
85.44.73 inchesBallard, WV
86.43.59 inchesKerens, WV
87.43.47 inchesForest Hill, WV
88.43.22 inchesMontrose, WV / 169
89.42.75 inchesPence Springs, WV
90.42.60 inchesTalcott, WV
91.42.37 inchesWayside, WV
92.42.19 inchesMilam, WV
93.41.14 inchesHinton, WV / 2,615
94.40.96 inchesSpring Dale, WV
95.40.84 inchesRonceverte, WV / 1,644
96.40.50 inchesMeadow Bridge, WV / 383
97.39.99 inchesBeverly, WV / 648
98.39.63 inchesWomelsdorf, WV / 264
99.39.54 inchesNettie, WV / 874
100.39.35 inchesUnion, WV / 647
101.39.27 inchesSecondcreek, WV
102.39.03 inchesSinks Grove, WV
103.38.78 inchesWaiteville, WV
104.38.37 inchesAthens, WV / 1,062
105.38.34 inchesFenwick, WV / 72
106.38.34 inchesGap Mills, WV
107.38.19 inchesEglon, WV
108.38.06 inchesRainelle, WV / 1,517
109.38.01 inchesElkins, WV / 7,241
110.37.65 inchesCaldwell, WV
111.37.42 inchesAlderson, WV / 990
112.37.23 inchesOakvale, WV / 151
113.37.03 inchesCraigsville, WV / 1,599
114.36.94 inchesKellysville, WV
115.36.92 inchesPrinceton, WV / 6,387
116.36.91 inchesLevels, WV
117.36.69 inchesSpringfield, WV / 547
118.36.41 inchesNorton, WV
119.36.37 inchesBelington, WV / 2,145
120.36.35 inchesCalvin, WV
121.36.27 inchesJunior, WV / 503
122.36.08 inchesPoints, WV
123.35.90 inchesGreen Spring, WV / 178
124.35.85 inchesPaw Paw, WV / 506
125.35.37 inchesPipestem, WV
126.35.17 inchesShanks, WV
127.35.07 inchesWolfcreek, WV
128.34.77 inchesCoalton, WV
129.34.75 inchesTallmansville, WV
130.34.55 inchesRock Cave, WV
131.34.55 inchesLerona, WV
132.34.51 inchesSpanishburg, WV
133.34.50 inchesGrafton, WV / 5,179
134.34.31 inchesJumping Branch, WV
135.34.30 inchesSimpson, WV
136.34.27 inchesFlat Top, WV
137.34.24 inchesGhent, WV / 486
138.34.03 inchesKanawha Head, WV
139.34.03 inchesNimitz, WV
140.33.94 inchesFlemington, WV / 356
141.33.83 inchesRosemont, WV
142.33.81 inchesAugusta, WV
143.33.75 inchesBaker, WV
144.33.70 inchesWhite Oak, WV
145.33.70 inchesGalloway, WV / 191
146.33.65 inchesCool Ridge, WV
147.33.60 inchesPeterstown, WV / 442
148.33.42 inchesIreland, WV
149.33.27 inchesShady Spring, WV / 3,078
150.33.25 inchesCanvas, WV
151.33.18 inchesBloomery, WV
152.33.14 inchesSlanesville, WV
153.33.07 inchesCamp Creek, WV
154.32.99 inchesBeeson, WV
155.32.94 inchesMabie, WV
156.32.80 inchesCapon Bridge, WV / 393
157.32.51 inchesFrench Creek, WV
158.32.25 inchesBrandonville, WV / 195
159.32.24 inchesBruceton Mills, WV / 55
160.32.20 inchesMoatsville, WV
161.32.13 inchesKegley, WV
162.32.08 inchesPhilippi, WV / 3,131
163.31.87 inchesEllamore, WV
164.31.51 inchesVolga, WV
165.31.44 inchesMount Nebo, WV
166.31.22 inchesColfax, WV
167.31.06 inchesCentury, WV / 187
168.31.05 inchesBergoo, WV / 59
169.30.92 inchesBuckhannon, WV / 5,646
170.30.83 inchesLashmeet, WV / 390
171.30.69 inchesLindside, WV
172.30.64 inchesBridgeport, WV / 8,316
173.30.54 inchesSummersville, WV / 3,549
174.30.49 inchesEnterprise, WV / 786
175.30.10 inchesAnmoore, WV / 866
176.29.86 inchesHorner, WV
177.29.72 inchesThornton, WV
178.29.68 inchesKingmont, WV
179.29.60 inchesPleasant Valley, WV / 3,175
180.29.43 inchesFairmont, WV / 18,746
181.29.41 inchesPursglove, WV
182.29.40 inchesLorentz, WV
183.29.39 inchesFrenchton, WV
184.29.27 inchesShinnston, WV / 2,476
185.29.25 inchesBarrackville, WV / 1,250
186.29.19 inchesMontana Mines, WV
187.29.16 inchesRivesville, WV / 1,095
188.29.13 inchesDaniels, WV / 2,023
189.29.10 inchesBaxter, WV
190.29.08 inchesWorthington, WV / 176
191.29.08 inchesWhite Hall, WV / 624
192.29.05 inchesAdrian, WV
193.29.05 inchesSpelter, WV / 519
194.28.99 inchesMonongah, WV / 1,029
195.28.98 inchesBeaver, WV / 1,299
196.28.90 inchesMeadowbrook, WV
197.28.89 inchesGreat Cacapon, WV / 318
198.28.81 inchesHepzibah, WV / 596
199.28.69 inchesMacarthur, WV / 1,610
200.28.51 inchesCarolina, WV / 318
201.28.51 inchesDespard, WV / 1,443
202.28.48 inchesBath, WV / 673
203.28.46 inchesWebster Springs, WV
204.28.44 inchesRaleigh, WV
205.28.38 inchesIdamay, WV / 276
206.28.30 inchesGypsy, WV / 386
207.28.27 inchesMount Clare, WV
208.28.26 inchesStonewood, WV / 1,962
209.28.24 inchesMabscott, WV / 1,395
210.28.22 inchesNutter Fort, WV / 1,388
211.28.21 inchesGrant Town, WV / 482
212.28.18 inchesWyatt, WV
213.28.17 inchesFarmington, WV / 418
214.28.17 inchesCassville, WV / 708
215.28.10 inchesClarksburg, WV / 16,437
216.28.05 inchesLost Creek, WV / 475
217.28.00 inchesFour States, WV
218.27.98 inchesCleveland, WV
219.27.95 inchesGreenville, WV
220.27.89 inchesRio, WV
221.27.89 inchesDelray, WV
222.27.88 inchesCrawford, WV
223.27.67 inchesFairview, WV / 435
224.27.67 inchesWeston, WV / 4,088
225.27.66 inchesRachel, WV / 283
226.27.49 inchesHaywood, WV
227.27.49 inchesJane Lew, WV / 470
228.27.27 inchesLumberport, WV / 1,052
229.27.02 inchesGlen Jean, WV / 433
230.26.95 inchesMannington, WV / 1,961
231.26.75 inchesSelbyville, WV
232.26.70 inchesJosephine, WV
233.26.52 inchesBerkeley Springs, WV
234.26.49 inchesYellow Spring, WV
235.26.42 inchesCoal City, WV / 1,632
236.26.41 inchesHigh View, WV
237.26.14 inchesPrincewick, WV
238.26.11 inchesCrab Orchard, WV / 2,644
239.26.02 inchesWest Milford, WV / 710
240.26.01 inchesPax, WV / 201
241.26.00 inchesMeadow Creek, WV
242.25.96 inchesPentress, WV / 274
243.25.94 inchesBig Run, WV
244.25.82 inchesBlacksville, WV / 152
245.25.82 inchesMidway, WV
246.25.80 inchesMetz, WV
247.25.79 inchesNapier, WV
248.25.73 inchesSophia, WV / 1,337
249.25.69 inchesMac Arthur, WV
250.25.68 inchesClear Creek, WV
251.25.58 inchesHacker Valley, WV
252.25.58 inchesGlen White, WV / 495
253.25.54 inchesSurveyor, WV
254.25.45 inchesLester, WV / 350
255.25.42 inchesWana, WV
256.25.41 inchesStar City, WV / 1,888
257.25.32 inchesCamden, WV
258.25.25 inchesJacksonburg, WV / 93
259.25.21 inchesReynoldsville, WV
260.25.19 inchesDanese, WV
261.25.18 inchesWolf Summit, WV / 106
262.25.11 inchesSalem, WV / 1,861
263.24.93 inchesWallace, WV / 488
264.24.91 inchesBurton, WV
265.24.90 inchesOdd, WV
266.24.90 inchesLookout, WV
267.24.90 inchesPine Grove, WV / 708
268.24.89 inchesBeckley, WV / 17,529
269.24.83 inchesHundred, WV / 284
270.24.80 inchesWestover, WV / 4,099
271.24.76 inchesHelen, WV / 112
272.24.69 inchesFolsom, WV
273.24.67 inchesDiana, WV
274.24.67 inchesMorgantown, WV / 30,133
275.24.63 inchesNallen, WV
276.24.60 inchesCapon Springs, WV
277.24.53 inchesStanaford, WV / 1,629
278.24.40 inchesRhodell, WV / 188
279.24.31 inchesPool, WV
280.24.23 inchesWalkersville, WV
281.24.22 inchesOrlando, WV
282.24.18 inchesHiawatha, WV
283.24.12 inchesWinona, WV
284.24.06 inchesSmithfield, WV / 166
285.24.01 inchesMatoaka, WV / 252
286.24.00 inchesCenter Point, WV
287.23.93 inchesMount Hope, WV / 1,384
288.23.85 inchesWardensville, WV / 253
289.23.78 inchesRock, WV
290.23.75 inchesIndependence, WV
291.23.73 inchesMount Lookout, WV
292.23.64 inchesGranville, WV / 1,628
293.23.63 inchesGlengary, WV
294.23.61 inchesMartinsburg, WV / 17,508
295.23.60 inchesOsage, WV
296.23.60 inchesBluefield, WV / 10,465
297.23.59 inchesNewburg, WV / 325
298.23.42 inchesLinn, WV
299.23.39 inchesLittleton, WV / 172
300.23.33 inchesHedgesville, WV / 270
301.23.27 inchesBrush Fork, WV / 1,309
302.22.95 inchesNew Milton, WV
303.22.85 inchesAlum Bridge, WV
304.22.70 inchesPage, WV / 254
305.22.68 inchesKincaid, WV / 404
306.22.66 inchesCorinne, WV / 187
307.22.66 inchesMaidsville, WV
308.22.58 inchesLanark, WV
309.22.50 inchesInwood, WV / 2,222
310.22.47 inchesGerrardstown, WV
311.22.41 inchesSkelton, WV
312.22.36 inchesPiney View, WV / 1,003
313.22.34 inchesArtie, WV
314.22.08 inchesColcord, WV
315.22.07 inchesProsperity, WV / 1,745
316.22.06 inchesHarper, WV
317.22.04 inchesMillville, WV
318.22.01 inchesUpperglade, WV
319.21.99 inchesCamden On Gauley, WV / 140
320.21.98 inchesKearneysville, WV
321.21.98 inchesCowen, WV / 487
322.21.97 inchesRippon, WV
323.21.94 inchesMiddleway, WV / 422
324.21.87 inchesShepherdstown, WV / 1,632
325.21.86 inchesTioga, WV / 66
326.21.83 inchesBurnsville, WV / 523
327.21.62 inchesEccles, WV / 141
328.21.54 inchesErbacon, WV
329.21.53 inchesTunnelton, WV / 333
330.21.51 inchesAddison, WV / 1,133
331.21.46 inchesBunker Hill, WV
332.21.46 inchesRidgeway, WV
333.21.43 inchesSummit Point, WV
334.21.41 inchesShannondale, WV / 3,295
335.21.39 inchesSmithburg, WV
336.21.15 inchesDellslow, WV
337.21.13 inchesBirch River, WV / 70
338.21.11 inchesBrookhaven, WV / 5,412
339.21.08 inchesArthurdale, WV
340.21.05 inchesRanson, WV / 4,602
341.21.04 inchesCharles Town, WV / 5,464
342.21.02 inchesMullens, WV / 2,020
343.20.95 inchesReader, WV / 436
344.20.95 inchesGlen, WV
345.20.95 inchesReedsville, WV / 518
346.20.93 inchesSlab Fork, WV
347.20.91 inchesHalltown, WV
348.20.86 inchesEdmond, WV
349.20.80 inchesMontcalm, WV / 494
350.20.78 inchesCovel, WV / 233
351.20.68 inchesGlen Dale, WV
352.20.67 inchesHerndon, WV
353.20.65 inchesHico, WV / 117
354.20.56 inchesLansing, WV
355.20.51 inchesCoxs Mills, WV
356.20.49 inchesBluewell, WV / 2,245
357.20.48 inchesAuburn, WV / 126
358.20.45 inchesBob White, WV
359.20.44 inchesVan, WV / 109
360.20.44 inchesPorters Falls, WV
361.20.44 inchesFreeman, WV
362.20.41 inchesBim, WV
363.20.40 inchesCopen, WV
364.20.39 inchesGlenville, WV / 1,906
365.20.37 inchesWyco, WV
366.20.36 inchesBramwell, WV / 413
367.20.35 inchesAmigo, WV
368.20.35 inchesHeaters, WV
369.20.35 inchesArnett, WV
370.20.31 inchesAllen Junction, WV
371.20.28 inchesCheat Lake, WV / 9,220
372.20.27 inchesSand Fork, WV / 191
373.20.23 inchesClearview, WV / 581
374.20.22 inchesNemours, WV
375.20.18 inchesHarpers Ferry, WV / 231
376.20.18 inchesBolivar, WV / 1,162
377.20.17 inchesKingwood, WV / 2,953
378.20.16 inchesStephenson, WV
379.20.14 inchesShort Creek, WV
380.20.10 inchesWindsor Heights, WV / 491
381.20.09 inchesShenandoah Junction, WV / 632
382.20.08 inchesMasontown, WV / 777
383.20.07 inchesBretz, WV
384.20.07 inchesBeech Bottom, WV / 770
385.20.03 inchesLittle Birch, WV
386.20.02 inchesCedar Grove, WV / 1,082
387.20.00 inchesAlbright, WV / 295
388.19.99 inchesKeslers Cross Lanes, WV
389.19.99 inchesFlatwoods, WV / 340
390.19.99 inchesShirley, WV
391.19.94 inchesIndore, WV
392.19.91 inchesRosedale, WV
393.19.87 inchesFalling Waters, WV / 887
394.19.85 inchesGlasgow, WV / 748
395.19.83 inchesMaben, WV
396.19.82 inchesVictor, WV
397.19.79 inchesHilltop, WV / 609
398.19.77 inchesBickmore, WV
399.19.76 inchesDrennen, WV
400.19.76 inchesScarbro, WV / 380
401.19.68 inchesBakerton, WV
402.19.65 inchesFayetteville, WV / 2,916
403.19.63 inchesGlen Easton, WV
404.19.62 inchesOak Hill, WV / 8,270
405.19.62 inchesSwiss, WV
406.19.61 inchesPrince, WV / 119
407.19.58 inchesDothan, WV
408.19.53 inchesMaysel, WV
409.19.51 inchesPratt, WV / 532
410.19.49 inchesDry Creek, WV
411.19.47 inchesMcmechen, WV / 1,686
412.19.47 inchesHandley, WV / 284
413.19.47 inchesGallagher, WV
414.19.47 inchesBenwood, WV / 1,286
415.19.44 inchesWolfe, WV
416.19.43 inchesMoundsville, WV / 8,960
417.19.43 inchesGlendale, WV / 1,627
418.19.38 inchesClay, WV / 515
419.19.37 inchesTerra Alta, WV / 1,676
420.19.35 inchesWest Union, WV / 1,177
421.19.30 inchesAnsted, WV / 1,593
422.19.28 inchesFrametown, WV
423.19.20 inchesSeth, WV
424.19.09 inchesRacine, WV / 219
425.19.09 inchesPeytona, WV
426.19.06 inchesDallas, WV
427.19.01 inchesPond Gap, WV
428.18.98 inchesLizemores, WV
429.18.97 inchesThurmond, WV / 7
430.18.97 inchesAshford, WV
431.18.97 inchesDuck, WV
432.18.93 inchesBoaz, WV / 1,400
433.18.92 inchesTroy, WV
434.18.88 inchesBethlehem, WV / 2,616
435.18.88 inchesKopperston, WV / 546
436.18.87 inchesEskdale, WV
437.18.87 inchesValley Grove, WV / 320
438.18.85 inchesWheeling, WV / 28,129
439.18.76 inchesShock, WV
440.18.76 inchesMinden, WV / 441
441.18.75 inchesProcious, WV
442.18.71 inchesWest Liberty, WV / 1,517
443.18.68 inchesPullman, WV / 195
444.18.67 inchesEast Bank, WV / 928
445.18.66 inchesDorothy, WV
446.18.65 inchesAlma, WV
447.18.65 inchesDrybranch, WV
448.18.64 inchesRock Creek, WV
449.18.63 inchesWilliamstown, WV / 2,919
450.18.63 inchesAurora, WV / 221
451.18.61 inchesSutton, WV / 1,191
452.18.61 inchesWhitesville, WV / 545
453.18.59 inchesSylvester, WV / 122
454.18.57 inchesEllenboro, WV / 482
455.18.56 inchesTwilight, WV / 151
456.18.55 inchesHarrisville, WV / 2,194
457.18.54 inchesBlair, WV
458.18.53 inchesGordon, WV
459.18.52 inchesBerea, WV
460.18.52 inchesExchange, WV
461.18.52 inchesItmann, WV / 349
462.18.52 inchesIvydale, WV
463.18.51 inchesCairo, WV / 390
464.18.50 inchesLochgelly, WV
465.18.49 inchesGassaway, WV / 897
466.18.46 inchesRowlesburg, WV / 814
467.18.44 inchesKistler, WV / 515
468.18.43 inchesDixie, WV / 185
469.18.42 inchesMiami, WV
470.18.39 inchesSaulsville, WV
471.18.38 inchesMaybeury, WV / 238
472.18.36 inchesCrumpler, WV / 280
473.18.34 inchesMount Olive, WV
474.18.34 inchesSabine, WV
475.18.32 inchesCedarville, WV
476.18.29 inchesDille, WV
477.18.29 inchesWiden, WV
478.18.29 inchesShrewsbury, WV / 745
479.18.28 inchesRock View, WV
480.18.28 inchesBeards Fork, WV / 108
481.18.25 inchesGauley Bridge, WV / 603
482.18.23 inchesPetroleum, WV
483.18.22 inchesWharton, WV
484.18.21 inchesSwitchback, WV
485.18.17 inchesRavencliff, WV
486.18.17 inchesLayland, WV
487.18.16 inchesWallback, WV
488.18.16 inchesBelva, WV / 116
489.18.14 inchesGlen Fork, WV / 516
490.18.12 inchesRobson, WV
491.18.12 inchesAmma, WV
492.18.12 inchesPennsboro, WV / 1,244
493.18.08 inchesDawes, WV
494.18.04 inchesBolt, WV / 628
495.18.03 inchesNebo, WV
496.18.02 inchesGlen Rogers, WV
497.18.02 inchesKanawha Falls, WV
498.18.01 inchesFoster, WV
499.18.00 inchesLeft Hand, WV
500.17.97 inchesRidgeview, WV
501.17.96 inchesVienna, WV / 10,654
502.17.95 inchesBradley, WV / 1,905
503.17.95 inchesMarmet, WV / 1,641
504.17.95 inchesBelle, WV / 1,256
505.17.90 inchesNorth Hills, WV / 826
506.17.90 inchesCosta, WV
507.17.90 inchesNeibert, WV / 160
508.17.90 inchesSmithville, WV
509.17.88 inchesNew Haven, WV / 1,414
510.17.88 inchesNellis, WV
511.17.88 inchesHartford, WV
512.17.87 inchesHartford City, WV / 651
513.17.85 inchesNew Manchester, WV
514.17.85 inchesOrgas, WV
515.17.84 inchesMason, WV / 1,059
516.17.81 inchesChelyan, WV / 833
517.17.80 inchesRand, WV / 1,164
518.17.72 inchesCameron, WV / 1,043
519.17.72 inchesGlen Ferris, WV / 129
520.17.69 inchesAlloy, WV
521.17.67 inchesNewell, WV / 1,156
522.17.66 inchesNormantown, WV
523.17.64 inchesBlount, WV
524.17.59 inchesFriendly, WV / 71
525.17.59 inchesBud, WV / 334
526.17.58 inchesCabin Creek, WV
527.17.55 inchesTriadelphia, WV / 779
528.17.55 inchesWinifrede, WV
529.17.55 inchesTurtle Creek, WV
530.17.54 inchesDanville, WV / 739
531.17.51 inchesGreenview, WV / 240
532.17.49 inchesHewett, WV
533.17.49 inchesOttawa, WV
534.17.47 inchesBig Springs, WV
535.17.47 inchesJeffrey, WV
536.17.46 inchesSharples, WV
537.17.45 inchesMadison, WV / 3,021
538.17.44 inchesUneeda, WV
539.17.42 inchesLondon, WV
540.17.42 inchesMacfarlan, WV
541.17.40 inchesFalls View, WV / 131
542.17.39 inchesComfort, WV / 501
543.17.33 inchesRobinette, WV / 624
544.17.32 inchesNew Martinsville, WV / 5,322
545.17.29 inchesNew Cumberland, WV / 1,154
546.17.29 inchesHansford, WV
547.17.28 inchesMonaville, WV / 182
548.17.26 inchesHolden, WV / 701
549.17.26 inchesBloomingrose, WV
550.17.23 inchesSistersville, WV / 1,583
551.17.20 inchesAccoville, WV / 460
552.17.18 inchesBomont, WV
553.17.13 inchesLetart, WV
554.17.13 inchesHernshaw, WV
555.17.12 inchesLooneyville, WV
556.17.12 inchesDeep Water, WV / 214
557.17.12 inchesBethany, WV / 1,147
558.17.11 inchesWellsburg, WV / 2,763
559.17.08 inchesLorado, WV
560.17.07 inchesGilboa, WV
561.17.06 inchesElkhorn, WV
562.17.04 inchesPoint Pleasant, WV / 4,326
563.16.99 inchesFollansbee, WV / 2,949
564.16.98 inchesChesapeake, WV / 1,469
565.16.95 inchesHooverson Heights, WV / 2,601
566.16.93 inchesBelmont, WV / 1,118
567.16.90 inchesNewtown, WV
568.16.89 inchesEdgarton, WV
569.16.88 inchesWalton, WV
570.16.86 inchesWhitman, WV
571.16.86 inchesSwitzer, WV / 601
572.16.85 inchesMontgomery, WV / 1,833
573.16.85 inchesClothier, WV
574.16.79 inchesGandeeville, WV
575.16.79 inchesOrma, WV
576.16.77 inchesKyle, WV
577.16.77 inchesNorthfork, WV / 358
578.16.73 inchesAnawalt, WV / 212
579.16.72 inchesBlennerhassett, WV / 2,893
580.16.67 inchesNew Richmond, WV / 315
581.16.65 inchesEckman, WV
582.16.64 inchesWashington, WV / 1,380
583.16.64 inchesMarianna, WV
584.16.63 inchesPineville, WV / 692
585.16.62 inchesMc Graws, WV
586.16.61 inchesSmithers, WV / 987
587.16.57 inchesChloe, WV
588.16.57 inchesNaoma, WV
589.16.57 inchesMiddlebourne, WV / 890
590.16.56 inchesKeystone, WV / 246
591.16.54 inchesYolyn, WV
591.16.54 inchesWest Columbia, WV
593.16.53 inchesVivian, WV / 28
594.16.52 inchesLake, WV
595.16.52 inchesReedy, WV / 165
596.16.52 inchesEthel, WV
597.16.50 inchesPremier, WV
598.16.47 inchesCannelton, WV
599.16.46 inchesProctor, WV
600.16.42 inchesWelch, WV / 3,015
601.16.37 inchesVerner, WV
602.16.37 inchesGilbert, WV / 411
603.16.36 inchesJesse, WV
604.16.36 inchesWilcoe, WV
605.16.34 inchesMatheny, WV / 422
606.16.33 inchesSarah Ann, WV / 288
607.16.32 inchesLynco, WV
608.16.31 inchesPageton, WV / 48
609.16.31 inchesPowellton, WV / 533
610.16.30 inchesClear Fork, WV
611.16.29 inchesMammoth, WV
612.16.28 inchesSimon, WV
613.16.27 inchesPecks Mill, WV
614.16.23 inchesGary, WV / 852
615.16.23 inchesLyburn, WV
616.16.22 inchesBaisden, WV
617.16.21 inchesClendenin, WV / 984
618.16.21 inchesKimball, WV / 201
619.16.16 inchesCyclone, WV
620.16.15 inchesMatewan, WV / 680
621.16.15 inchesRawl, WV
622.16.12 inchesNorth Matewan, WV
623.16.12 inchesOceana, WV / 1,452
624.16.11 inchesSaint Marys, WV / 1,910
625.16.10 inchesKenna, WV
626.16.09 inchesBruno, WV / 804
627.16.09 inchesRed Jacket, WV / 631
628.16.08 inchesMan, WV / 1,050
629.16.06 inchesVarney, WV
630.16.04 inchesRagland, WV
631.16.00 inchesKimberly, WV / 296
632.16.00 inchesHensley, WV
633.15.99 inchesBig Sandy, WV / 109
634.15.99 inchesBrenton, WV / 159
635.15.99 inchesWyoming, WV
636.15.99 inchesWharncliffe, WV
637.15.99 inchesRoderfield, WV / 66
638.15.98 inchesHugheston, WV
639.15.98 inchesDavy, WV / 257
640.15.97 inchesFanrock, WV
641.15.96 inchesDelbarton, WV / 704
642.15.96 inchesThorpe, WV
643.15.96 inchesSandyville, WV
644.15.93 inchesPaden City, WV / 2,528
645.15.92 inchesCoal Mountain, WV
646.15.92 inchesHenderson, WV / 175
647.15.86 inchesNewton, WV
648.15.85 inchesMount Carbon, WV / 369
649.15.84 inchesJulian, WV
650.15.81 inchesAmherstdale, WV / 201
651.15.81 inchesGrantsville, WV / 634
652.15.80 inchesAdvent, WV
653.15.79 inchesBig Bend, WV
654.15.79 inchesMidkiff, WV
655.15.77 inchesFalling Rock, WV
656.15.72 inchesBelleville, WV
657.15.71 inchesCharlton Heights, WV / 487
658.15.70 inchesRossmore, WV / 434
659.15.65 inchesBrohard, WV
660.15.63 inchesDavisville, WV
661.15.60 inchesParkersburg, WV / 31,195
662.15.60 inchesMineral Wells, WV
663.15.58 inchesWilliamson, WV / 3,118
664.15.57 inchesBoomer, WV / 926
665.15.54 inchesMineralwells, WV / 1,441
666.15.53 inchesLubeck, WV / 1,304
667.15.46 inchesSouth Charleston, WV / 13,380
668.15.45 inchesChattaroy, WV / 584
669.15.44 inchesPalestine, WV
670.15.43 inchesMcconnell, WV / 610
671.15.43 inchesStollings, WV / 452
672.15.43 inchesMallory, WV / 1,183
673.15.42 inchesWilkinson, WV
674.15.42 inchesDavin, WV
675.15.41 inchesChester, WV / 2,564
676.15.41 inchesPeach Creek, WV
677.15.41 inchesBorderland, WV
678.15.41 inchesLogan, WV / 1,896
679.15.40 inchesCora, WV
680.15.40 inchesMillwood, WV
681.15.40 inchesGilbert Creek, WV / 1,111
682.15.40 inchesMount Gay, WV
683.15.40 inchesWest Logan, WV / 508
684.15.39 inchesMillstone, WV
685.15.39 inchesMount Gay-Shamrock, WV / 1,522
686.15.38 inchesIsaban, WV
687.15.36 inchesVerdunville, WV / 839
688.15.36 inchesBig Chimney, WV / 372
689.15.34 inchesArnoldsburg, WV
690.15.33 inchesTad, WV
691.15.33 inchesMunday, WV
692.15.29 inchesPinch, WV / 2,783
693.15.25 inchesBlue Creek, WV
694.15.20 inchesSissonville, WV / 5,017
695.15.20 inchesElkview, WV / 1,203
696.15.18 inchesColliers, WV
697.15.18 inchesCreston, WV
698.15.13 inchesCharleston, WV / 50,911
699.14.99 inchesRanger, WV
700.14.94 inchesLe Roy, WV
701.14.93 inchesWaverly, WV / 234
702.14.92 inchesWeirton, WV / 19,523
703.14.91 inchesMohawk, WV
704.14.90 inchesMount Zion, WV
705.14.85 inchesCoal Fork, WV / 1,037
706.14.81 inchesWalker, WV
707.14.74 inchesJustice, WV / 369
708.14.72 inchesHanover, WV
709.14.56 inchesSaxon, WV
710.14.48 inchesFairdale, WV
711.14.44 inchesGlen Daniel, WV
712.14.42 inchesBranchland, WV
713.14.42 inchesMyra, WV
714.14.38 inchesNorth Spring, WV
715.14.38 inchesIkes Fork, WV
716.14.33 inchesIaeger, WV / 281
717.14.32 inchesChauncey, WV / 255
718.14.32 inchesRavenswood, WV / 3,853
719.14.31 inchesHamlin, WV / 1,426
720.14.23 inchesAvondale, WV
721.14.21 inchesBartley, WV / 279
722.14.20 inchesSumerco, WV
723.14.19 inchesOmar, WV / 571
724.14.19 inchesRaysal, WV / 558
725.14.18 inchesBradshaw, WV / 281
726.14.10 inchesPanther, WV
727.13.98 inchesJenkinjones, WV
728.13.96 inchesPaynesville, WV
729.13.90 inchesAlum Creek, WV / 1,832
730.13.88 inchesBig Creek, WV / 440
731.13.84 inchesRockport, WV
732.13.84 inchesElizabeth, WV / 876
733.13.83 inchesChapmanville, WV / 1,242
734.13.81 inchesMount Alto, WV
735.13.61 inchesNaugatuck, WV
736.13.60 inchesElbert, WV
737.13.57 inchesLenore, WV
738.13.51 inchesHarts, WV / 656
739.13.41 inchesWar, WV / 779
740.13.37 inchesGallipolis Ferry, WV / 1,077
741.13.31 inchesBreeden, WV
742.13.28 inchesJolo, WV
743.13.25 inchesSpurlockville, WV
744.13.24 inchesWoodville, WV
745.13.21 inchesHenlawson, WV / 239
746.13.19 inchesMitchell Heights, WV / 447
747.13.07 inchesWarriormine, WV
748.13.06 inchesCottageville, WV
749.13.05 inchesSpencer, WV / 2,303
750.13.02 inchesWilsondale, WV
751.12.97 inchesDingess, WV
752.12.90 inchesSod, WV
753.12.80 inchesAlkol, WV
754.12.77 inchesKermit, WV / 281
755.12.70 inchesTornado, WV
756.12.60 inchesUpper Falls, WV / 3,701
757.12.55 inchesEvans, WV
758.12.53 inchesDunbar, WV / 7,844
759.12.41 inchesYawkey, WV
760.12.40 inchesSouthside, WV
761.12.35 inchesCucumber, WV / 30
762.12.19 inchesGriffithsville, WV
763.11.97 inchesWayne, WV / 2,032
764.11.96 inchesRipley, WV / 3,259
765.11.94 inchesGay, WV
766.11.86 inchesDunlow, WV
767.11.84 inchesBerwind, WV / 544
768.11.78 inchesTeays Valley, WV / 13,461
769.11.76 inchesGenoa, WV
770.11.71 inchesTeays, WV
771.11.68 inchesNewhall, WV
772.11.68 inchesJefferson, WV / 792
773.11.54 inchesSquire, WV
774.11.53 inchesCrum, WV / 157
775.11.43 inchesKiahsville, WV
776.11.41 inchesEast Lynn, WV
777.11.41 inchesLeon, WV / 114
778.11.24 inchesLiberty, WV
779.11.21 inchesHurricane, WV / 6,352
780.11.12 inchesInstitute, WV
781.11.08 inchesCross Lanes, WV / 11,061
782.10.96 inchesGiven, WV
783.10.92 inchesCulloden, WV / 3,274
784.10.91 inchesFraziers Bottom, WV
785.10.91 inchesBarboursville, WV / 4,075
786.10.90 inchesPea Ridge, WV / 6,321
787.10.83 inchesOna, WV
788.10.42 inchesMilton, WV / 2,507
789.10.30 inchesSaint Albans, WV / 10,939
790.10.30 inchesLesage, WV / 1,587
791.10.25 inchesNitro, WV / 6,860
792.10.17 inchesLavalette, WV / 1,171
793.10.10 inchesGlenwood, WV
794.10.05 inchesAshton, WV
795.10.01 inchesPrichard, WV / 408
796.10.00 inchesWest Hamlin, WV / 814
797.9.98 inchesSalt Rock, WV / 702
798.9.80 inchesRed House, WV
799.9.76 inchesEleanor, WV / 1,976
800.9.73 inchesBuffalo, WV / 1,295
801.9.71 inchesPoca, WV / 1,048
802.9.66 inchesBancroft, WV / 534
803.9.64 inchesHometown, WV / 477
804.9.53 inchesWinfield, WV / 2,538
805.9.51 inchesScott Depot, WV
806.9.22 inchesShoals, WV
807.9.21 inchesFort Gay, WV / 808
808.9.20 inchesKenova, WV / 3,151
809.8.99 inchesApple Grove, WV / 183
810.8.97 inchesHuntington, WV / 49,053
811.8.95 inchesCeredo, WV / 1,493

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Snow' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Snow' data are not listed.

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