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Vermont Spanish Spoken at Home Population Percentage City Rank

Based on ACS 2008-2012 data*

A total of 56 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankSpanish Spoken at Home Population Percentage ▼City / Population
1.9.0%Proctorsville, VT / 474
2.8.0%Manchester, VT / 752
3.7.6%Beecher Falls, VT / 152
4.6.6%Springfield, VT / 4,017
5.6.5%Marshfield, VT / 307
6.6.5%Milton, VT / 1,815
7.5.6%Bristol, VT / 2,013
8.5.2%Hartland, VT / 489
9.4.7%Fairlee, VT / 213
10.4.4%Lowell, VT / 212
11.4.0%Coventry, VT / 116
12.3.8%Lyndonville, VT / 1,310
13.3.6%Concord, VT / 229
14.3.4%North Bennington, VT / 1,812
15.3.4%Arlington, VT / 1,302
16.3.4%Johnson, VT / 1,478
17.3.3%North Westminster, VT / 367
17.3.3%Randolph, VT / 1,703
19.3.3%Middlebury, VT / 6,518
20.3.2%Bethel, VT / 417
21.3.1%Saxtons River, VT / 569
22.2.9%West Brattleboro, VT / 2,837
23.2.7%Brattleboro, VT / 6,981
24.2.6%Derby Center, VT / 783
25.2.5%West Rutland, VT / 2,198
26.2.5%Fair Haven, VT / 2,226
27.2.3%Northfield, VT / 2,969
28.2.2%Poultney, VT / 1,710
29.2.2%Burlington, VT / 42,259
30.2.1%Cambridge, VT / 190
31.1.8%South Barre, VT / 1,404
32.1.8%Canaan, VT / 465
33.1.8%Saint Johnsbury, VT / 6,420
34.1.7%Winooski, VT / 7,223
35.1.7%Groton, VT / 414
36.1.5%Jeffersonville, VT / 723
37.1.5%White River Junction, VT / 2,273
38.1.4%Benson, VT / 327
39.1.4%Swanton, VT / 2,465
40.1.3%Montpelier, VT / 7,847
41.1.2%Newport, VT / 4,601
42.1.2%Windsor, VT / 2,285
43.1.1%Barton, VT / 701
44.1.1%Richford, VT / 1,478
45.1.1%Morrisville, VT / 1,990
46.1.0%South Burlington, VT / 17,913
47.0.9%Vergennes, VT / 2,594
48.0.8%Barre, VT / 9,044
49.0.8%Rutland, VT / 16,478
50.0.8%Ludlow, VT / 814
51.0.7%Bellows Falls, VT / 2,825
52.0.5%Saint Albans, VT / 6,944
53.0.5%Enosburg Falls, VT / 1,389
53.0.5%Bennington, VT / 8,869
55.0.4%Waterbury, VT / 2,094
56.0.4%Essex Junction, VT / 9,298

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Spanish Spoken at Home Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Spanish Spoken at Home Population Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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