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Vermont Danish as First Ancestry Population Percentage City Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 35 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankDanish as First Ancestry Population Percentage ▼City / Population
1.5.6%Norwich, VT / 1,089
2.5.5%Richmond, VT / 702
3.5.0%Greensboro Bend, VT / 218
4.2.4%Dorset, VT / 269
5.2.1%Perkinsville, VT / 208
6.2.1%Barnet, VT / 172
7.1.9%South Barre, VT / 1,411
8.1.4%Saxtons River, VT / 627
9.1.3%Manchester, VT / 648
10.1.3%Cabot, VT / 246
11.1.3%Lyndonville, VT / 1,260
12.1.2%Readsboro, VT / 268
13.1.2%Woodstock, VT / 948
14.0.9%West Brattleboro, VT / 2,758
15.0.7%Waterbury, VT / 1,914
16.0.7%Winooski, VT / 7,250
16.0.7%Wells River, VT / 364
18.0.7%Arlington, VT / 1,311
19.0.6%Brandon, VT / 1,425
20.0.6%Vergennes, VT / 2,579
21.0.6%Montpelier, VT / 7,760
22.0.6%Burlington, VT / 42,342
23.0.6%Northfield, VT / 2,677
24.0.6%Barre, VT / 8,955
25.0.6%Middlebury, VT / 6,713
26.0.5%Poultney, VT / 1,673
27.0.5%South Burlington, VT / 18,378
27.0.5%North Bennington, VT / 1,686
27.0.5%Hardwick, VT / 1,560
30.0.4%Bennington, VT / 8,933
31.0.3%Essex Junction, VT / 9,552
32.0.3%Fair Haven, VT / 2,347
33.0.2%Saint Albans, VT / 6,889
34.0.1%Brattleboro, VT / 7,132
35.0.1%Rutland, VT / 16,217

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Danish as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Danish as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data are not listed.

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