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USA.com / Ranks / Utah Total Population County Rank / Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

Utah Total Population County Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 29 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankTotal Population ▼County / Population
1.1,063,670Salt Lake, UT / 1,063,670
2.540,425Utah, UT / 540,425
3.317,646Davis, UT / 317,646
4.236,307Weber, UT / 236,307
5.144,844Washington, UT / 144,844
6.115,954Cache, UT / 115,954
7.59,973Tooele, UT / 59,973
8.50,613Box Elder, UT / 50,613
9.46,725Iron, UT / 46,725
10.37,877Summit, UT / 37,877
11.34,576Uintah, UT / 34,576
12.28,129Sanpete, UT / 28,129
13.25,550Wasatch, UT / 25,550
14.21,118Carbon, UT / 21,118
15.20,812Sevier, UT / 20,812
16.19,378Duchesne, UT / 19,378
17.14,944San Juan, UT / 14,944
18.12,582Millard, UT / 12,582
19.10,834Emery, UT / 10,834
20.10,349Juab, UT / 10,349
21.9,955Morgan, UT / 9,955
22.9,348Grand, UT / 9,348
23.7,221Kane, UT / 7,221
24.6,514Beaver, UT / 6,514
25.5,105Garfield, UT / 5,105
26.2,742Wayne, UT / 2,742
27.2,285Rich, UT / 2,285
28.1,921Piute, UT / 1,921
29.714Daggett, UT / 714

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Total Population' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Total Population' data are not listed.

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