Local Data Search

Utah Median Family Income School District Rank

Based on ACS 2005-2009 data*

A total of 40 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Family Income ▼School District / Population
1.$110,226Park City School District / 24,203
2.$78,608Jordan School District / 414,209
3.$76,328Morgan School District / 8,381
4.$76,267South Summit School District / 6,570
5.$72,279North Summit School District / 4,871
6.$72,272Davis School District / 286,502
7.$70,101Alpine School District / 274,003
8.$68,479Wasatch School District / 20,318
9.$67,551Weber School District / 139,457
10.$66,149Uintah School District / 29,014
11.$65,004Murray School District / 45,319
12.$64,713Tooele School District / 54,473
13.$63,211Cache School District / 61,454
14.$62,676Nebo School District / 113,498
15.$59,718Box Elder School District / 47,897
16.$58,402Granite School District / 361,106
17.$57,750Daggett School District / 779
18.$56,250Juab School District / 8,663
19.$55,767Garfield School District / 4,488
20.$54,880Duchesne School District / 16,327
21.$54,876Salt Lake City School District / 179,665
22.$54,405Emery School District / 10,408
23.$53,601Washington School District / 130,258
24.$53,302Millard School District / 12,007
25.$52,708North Sanpete School District / 10,036
26.$52,148Rich School District / 2,067
27.$50,990Sevier School District / 19,603
28.$50,417Tintic School District / 900
29.$50,351Grand School District / 9,407
30.$49,928Carbon School District / 19,536
31.$49,412Wayne School District / 2,502
32.$48,481Ogden School District / 82,524
33.$47,483Kane School District / 6,447
34.$46,250Beaver School District / 6,139
35.$45,746Iron School District / 42,752
36.$44,470South Sanpete School District / 14,706
37.$43,353San Juan School District / 14,429
38.$41,429Piute School District / 1,516
39.$40,964Provo School District / 117,489
40.$39,570Logan School District / 47,893

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Family Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Family Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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