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Utah $75K to $100K Household Income Percentage School District Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 41 results found. Show Results on Map.

Rank$75K to $100K Household Income Percentage ▼School District / Population
1.20.1%Jordan School District / 203,718
2.19.8%Morgan School District / 9,013
3.18.6%Tooele School District / 55,398
4.17.8%Weber School District / 141,809
5.17.7%Wasatch School District / 22,176
6.17.0%Box Elder School District / 48,221
7.16.9%Rich School District / 2,181
8.16.7%Davis School District / 294,532
9.16.6%Alpine School District / 264,235
10.16.2%Cache School District / 60,947
11.16.2%North Summit School District / 4,976
12.16.2%South Summit School District / 6,938
13.16.1%Nebo School District / 111,631
14.15.8%Piute School District / 1,661
15.15.4%Juab School District / 8,958
16.15.4%Murray School District / 35,115
17.15.0%Garfield School District / 4,958
18.14.6%Granite School District / 376,978
19.14.6%Emery School District / 10,728
20.14.5%Canyons School District / 199,856
21.14.4%Millard School District / 12,189
22.14.2%Uintah School District / 30,991
23.14.2%Duchesne School District / 17,408
24.14.0%Park City School District / 23,381
25.13.8%Beaver School District / 6,431
26.13.1%Daggett School District / 839
27.12.4%Washington School District / 134,033
28.11.6%Carbon School District / 20,765
29.11.6%Kane School District / 6,893
30.11.0%Wayne School District / 2,706
31.10.3%North Sanpete School District / 10,986
32.9.6%Grand School District / 8,987
33.9.6%Sevier School District / 20,438
34.9.5%South Sanpete School District / 15,665
35.9.4%San Juan School District / 14,299
36.9.2%Salt Lake City School District / 184,488
37.9.2%Ogden School District / 81,040
38.9.1%Iron School District / 44,439
39.8.4%Provo School District / 110,201
40.7.7%Logan School District / 46,131
41.5.5%Tintic School District / 897

Please note that we only rank locations with '$75K to $100K Household Income Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without '$75K to $100K Household Income Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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