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U.S. House Median Value State Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 51 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▲State / Population
1.$94,500West Virginia / 1,840,802
2.$96,500Mississippi / 2,941,991
3.$102,300Arkansas / 2,872,684
4.$104,300Oklahoma / 3,675,339
5.$111,300North Dakota / 659,858
6.$116,800Kentucky / 4,285,828
7.$117,600Alabama / 4,712,651
8.$119,200Iowa / 3,016,267
9.$122,200South Dakota / 799,462
10.$122,600Kansas / 2,809,329
11.$123,000Indiana / 6,417,398
12.$123,500Texas / 24,311,891
13.$123,900Nebraska / 1,799,125
14.$130,000Louisiana / 4,429,940
15.$134,100South Carolina / 4,511,428
15.$134,100Tennessee / 6,234,968
17.$136,400Ohio / 11,512,431
18.$137,700Missouri / 5,922,314
19.$144,200Michigan / 9,952,687
20.$149,100North Carolina / 9,271,178
21.$158,400New Mexico / 2,013,122
22.$159,300Pennsylvania / 12,612,705
23.$161,400Georgia / 9,468,815
24.$169,000Wisconsin / 5,637,947
25.$172,700Idaho / 1,526,797
26.$173,300Montana / 973,739
27.$174,000Wyoming / 545,579
28.$176,200Maine / 1,327,665
29.$202,500Illinois / 12,745,359
30.$205,600Florida / 18,511,620
31.$206,200Minnesota / 5,241,914
32.$208,400Vermont / 624,258
33.$215,000Arizona / 6,246,816
34.$218,100Utah / 2,657,236
35.$229,100Alaska / 691,189
36.$236,600Colorado / 4,887,061
37.$242,300Delaware / 881,278
38.$252,600Oregon / 3,761,925
39.$253,200New Hampshire / 1,313,939
40.$254,200Nevada / 2,633,331
41.$255,100Virginia / 7,841,754
42.$279,300Rhode Island / 1,056,389
43.$285,400Washington / 6,561,297
44.$296,500Connecticut / 3,545,837
45.$303,900New York / 19,229,752
46.$329,400Maryland / 5,696,423
47.$352,300Massachusetts / 6,477,096
48.$357,000New Jersey / 8,721,577
49.$443,300District of Columbia / 584,400
50.$458,500California / 36,637,290
51.$537,400Hawaii / 1,333,591

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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