Local Data Search

Total Population Rank of Census Tract within 50 miles of Census Tract TX041001604

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 106 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankTotal Population ▼Census Tract / Population
1.15,201TX339690402 / 15,201
2.11,593TX473680300 / 11,593
3.10,367TX339694301 / 10,367
4.10,188TX041002015 / 10,188
5.10,131TX339690100 / 10,131
6.9,943TX471790500 / 9,943
7.9,154TX339694202 / 9,154
8.8,739TX473680500 / 8,739
9.8,404TX339690201 / 8,404
10.8,019TX471790300 / 8,019
11.7,798TX471790400 / 7,798
12.7,719TX473680600 / 7,719
13.7,616TX041000101 / 7,616
14.7,615TX339694302 / 7,615
15.6,862TX201556000 / 6,862
16.6,853TX041000300 / 6,853
17.6,778TX339690202 / 6,778
18.6,694TX477170500 / 6,694
19.6,649TX041001803 / 6,649
20.6,643TX471790800 / 6,643
21.6,442TX477170400 / 6,442
22.6,408TX041001000 / 6,408
23.6,348TX471790700 / 6,348
24.6,330TX041000102 / 6,330
25.6,188TX477170200 / 6,188
26.6,157TX339694400 / 6,157
27.6,135TX041000201 / 6,135
28.6,001TX041000202 / 6,001
29.5,988TX185180200 / 5,988
30.5,919TX339694201 / 5,919
31.5,909TX041000500 / 5,909
32.5,829TX041001801 / 5,829
33.5,806TX477170300 / 5,806
34.5,714TX287000400 / 5,714
35.5,655TX041001601 / 5,655
36.5,646TX331950700 / 5,646
37.5,587TX041000604 / 5,587
38.5,560TX339694600 / 5,560
39.5,492TX395960500 / 5,492
40.5,384TX041002002 / 5,384
41.5,374TX041001100 / 5,374
42.5,254TX041002007 / 5,254
43.5,240TX339694500 / 5,240
44.5,218TX287000100 / 5,218
45.5,202TX015760502 / 5,202
46.5,195TX185180101 / 5,195
47.5,150TX041000400 / 5,150
48.5,124TX041000603 / 5,124
49.5,114TX339690401 / 5,114
50.5,083TX051970200 / 5,083
51.5,038TX339690300 / 5,038
52.4,977TX041001900 / 4,977
53.4,967TX041001701 / 4,967
54.4,958TX185180301 / 4,958
55.4,886TX289950200 / 4,886
56.4,812TX477170600 / 4,812
57.4,723TX041000800 / 4,723
58.4,721TX041001303 / 4,721
59.4,720TX313000400 / 4,720
60.4,616TX041002012 / 4,616
61.4,560TX041002013 / 4,560
62.4,552TX041002008 / 4,552
63.4,511TX185180302 / 4,511
64.4,365TX471790600 / 4,365
65.4,323TX313000100 / 4,323
66.4,298TX041002001 / 4,298
67.4,296TX395960300 / 4,296
68.4,250TX041001302 / 4,250
69.4,144TX015760501 / 4,144
70.4,069TX041002009 / 4,069
70.4,069TX041001604 / 4,069
72.4,051TX051970300 / 4,051
73.3,839TX185180102 / 3,839
74.3,594TX331950402 / 3,594
75.3,589TX331950401 / 3,589
76.3,386TX051970500 / 3,386
77.3,297TX339694700 / 3,297
78.3,272TX041001605 / 3,272
79.3,245TX015760400 / 3,245
80.3,234TX041001400 / 3,234
81.3,105TX051970400 / 3,105
82.3,088TX395960400 / 3,088
83.3,056TX331950800 / 3,056
84.3,007TX477170100 / 3,007
85.2,836TX331950500 / 2,836
86.2,830TX041000900 / 2,830
87.2,771TX041001606 / 2,771
88.2,746TX041000700 / 2,746
89.2,714TX313000300 / 2,714
90.2,621TX041001301 / 2,621
91.2,599TX287000200 / 2,599
92.2,516TX041001702 / 2,516
93.2,321TX331950100 / 2,321
94.2,260TX395960100 / 2,260
95.2,244TX041002010 / 2,244
96.2,182TX041002011 / 2,182
97.1,732TX149970100 / 1,732
98.1,717TX185180400 / 1,717
99.1,676TX313000200 / 1,676
100.1,603TX041002006 / 1,603
101.1,567TX041001804 / 1,567
102.1,516TX041000103 / 1,516
103.1,438TX395960200 / 1,438
104.1,433TX051970100 / 1,433
105.1,076TX041002014 / 1,076
106.626TX473680400 / 626

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Total Population' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Total Population' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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