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Total Population Rank of Census Tract within 50 miles of Census Tract OK147001100

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 178 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankTotal Population ▼Census Tract / Population
1.11,585OK143005807 / 11,585
2.7,617OK143009007 / 7,617
3.6,840OK147000600 / 6,840
4.6,784OK143005402 / 6,784
5.6,732OK113940010 / 6,732
6.6,604OK147000500 / 6,604
7.6,468OK097040800 / 6,468
8.6,310OK143005805 / 6,310
9.5,963OK113940001 / 5,963
10.5,658OK143009006 / 5,658
11.5,629OK113940006 / 5,629
12.5,625OK147001300 / 5,625
13.5,612OK143007306 / 5,612
14.5,571OK143007305 / 5,571
15.5,532OK147000700 / 5,532
16.5,480OK143001600 / 5,480
17.5,418OK143001400 / 5,418
18.5,256OK143006000 / 5,256
19.5,240OK131050403 / 5,240
20.5,164OK113940003 / 5,164
21.5,064OK131050404 / 5,064
22.4,956OK143009004 / 4,956
23.4,934OK113940007 / 4,934
24.4,871OK143007900 / 4,871
25.4,853OK143005806 / 4,853
26.4,802OK147001100 / 4,802
27.4,788OK143007312 / 4,788
27.4,788OK131050101 / 4,788
29.4,778OK097040200 / 4,778
30.4,714OK131050105 / 4,714
31.4,667OK143008502 / 4,667
32.4,655OK145030405 / 4,655
33.4,634OK113940002 / 4,634
34.4,594OK097040100 / 4,594
35.4,534OK105172400 / 4,534
36.4,487OK117957200 / 4,487
37.4,419OK143005300 / 4,419
38.4,338KS125950300 / 4,338
39.4,337KS125950800 / 4,337
40.4,314KS125950700 / 4,314
41.4,306OK147000400 / 4,306
42.4,132OK131050604 / 4,132
43.4,093OK143003900 / 4,093
44.3,964OK143001500 / 3,964
45.3,928OK035373300 / 3,928
46.3,913OK143007200 / 3,913
47.3,893OK143009300 / 3,893
48.3,881KS099950500 / 3,881
49.3,845OK143000400 / 3,845
50.3,829OK143009200 / 3,829
51.3,815OK143004000 / 3,815
52.3,792OK131050304 / 3,792
53.3,782OK131050405 / 3,782
54.3,778OK117957100 / 3,778
55.3,776OK143007304 / 3,776
56.3,736KS019964600 / 3,736
57.3,723OK143008900 / 3,723
58.3,718OK143005801 / 3,718
59.3,688OK143008400 / 3,688
60.3,670KS125950600 / 3,670
61.3,642OK143007101 / 3,642
62.3,633OK143007310 / 3,633
63.3,614OK131050801 / 3,614
64.3,604OK143000300 / 3,604
65.3,521OK113940005 / 3,521
66.3,491KS099950400 / 3,491
67.3,426KS099950300 / 3,426
68.3,404OK147000800 / 3,404
69.3,384OK143004302 / 3,384
70.3,356OK113940008 / 3,356
71.3,354OK143002100 / 3,354
72.3,261OK143005500 / 3,261
73.3,199OK143002500 / 3,199
74.3,178OK131050601 / 3,178
75.3,128OK113940009 / 3,128
76.3,092OK035373400 / 3,092
77.3,083OK143007308 / 3,083
78.2,985KS205097400 / 2,985
79.2,982OK143004600 / 2,982
80.2,958OK143002700 / 2,958
81.2,943KS205097300 / 2,943
82.2,930KS049965100 / 2,930
83.2,867OK035373100 / 2,867
84.2,843OK143002900 / 2,843
85.2,834KS125950200 / 2,834
86.2,820OK131050202 / 2,820
87.2,796OK131050702 / 2,796
88.2,792KS125951100 / 2,792
89.2,783OK131050602 / 2,783
90.2,764OK131050501 / 2,764
91.2,751OK143008501 / 2,751
92.2,747OK113940004 / 2,747
93.2,743OK143004200 / 2,743
94.2,736OK131050408 / 2,736
95.2,712OK143002301 / 2,712
96.2,710OK143004500 / 2,710
96.2,710OK143005808 / 2,710
98.2,700OK131050802 / 2,700
99.2,658OK143007000 / 2,658
100.2,646OK131050409 / 2,646
101.2,643OK143004400 / 2,643
101.2,643OK143006600 / 2,643
103.2,629OK143006506 / 2,629
104.2,618OK143005900 / 2,618
105.2,603OK143003100 / 2,603
106.2,594OK143009104 / 2,594
107.2,584OK147000300 / 2,584
108.2,571OK035373500 / 2,571
109.2,537OK143003700 / 2,537
110.2,503KS125950100 / 2,503
111.2,494OK131050301 / 2,494
112.2,493OK035373200 / 2,493
113.2,467OK143008002 / 2,467
114.2,449OK143007311 / 2,449
115.2,446OK143006200 / 2,446
116.2,430OK147000900 / 2,430
117.2,396OK143001700 / 2,396
118.2,390OK143009101 / 2,390
119.2,378OK147001000 / 2,378
119.2,378OK143007102 / 2,378
121.2,361OK131050103 / 2,361
122.2,356OK105172100 / 2,356
123.2,340OK143000100 / 2,340
124.2,330OK131050201 / 2,330
125.2,302OK143008800 / 2,302
126.2,296OK131050302 / 2,296
127.2,282OK143003400 / 2,282
128.2,278OK143005700 / 2,278
129.2,254OK143004301 / 2,254
130.2,237KS125951300 / 2,237
131.2,234OK131050603 / 2,234
132.2,226OK143003500 / 2,226
133.2,219OK143005600 / 2,219
134.2,215OK143000700 / 2,215
135.2,211OK147001200 / 2,211
136.2,192OK143004101 / 2,192
137.2,183OK131050406 / 2,183
138.2,181OK131050407 / 2,181
139.2,159OK143003600 / 2,159
140.2,148OK131050701 / 2,148
141.2,145OK143001300 / 2,145
142.2,133OK131050303 / 2,133
143.2,116KS125951000 / 2,116
144.2,108OK143003800 / 2,108
145.2,096OK131050104 / 2,096
146.2,082KS125950400 / 2,082
147.2,052OK143000500 / 2,052
148.2,020KS099950600 / 2,020
149.1,997OK105172300 / 1,997
150.1,994OK143008001 / 1,994
151.1,985OK143008200 / 1,985
152.1,974OK143005401 / 1,974
153.1,957OK143003300 / 1,957
154.1,879OK143004900 / 1,879
155.1,867OK147000100 / 1,867
156.1,856OK143001800 / 1,856
157.1,833OK143003000 / 1,833
158.1,824OK145030403 / 1,824
159.1,805OK143001900 / 1,805
160.1,787OK105172200 / 1,787
161.1,756OK147000200 / 1,756
162.1,691OK131050203 / 1,691
163.1,633OK143000200 / 1,633
164.1,609OK143008300 / 1,609
165.1,550KS125950500 / 1,550
166.1,528OK143000800 / 1,528
167.1,527OK143002000 / 1,527
168.1,525KS099950800 / 1,525
169.1,506OK143001000 / 1,506
170.1,490OK143001200 / 1,490
171.1,422KS125951200 / 1,422
172.1,384OK113940011 / 1,384
173.1,373OK143003200 / 1,373
174.1,328OK143007309 / 1,328
175.1,258KS125950900 / 1,258
176.1,037OK143000600 / 1,037
177.984OK143000900 / 984
178.377OK143011100 / 377

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Total Population' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Total Population' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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