Local Data Search

Total Population Rank of Census Block Group within 50 miles of Census Block Group AR1039506001

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 170 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankTotal Population ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.4,550AR0279504002 / 4,550
2.3,537AR0279503002 / 3,537
3.2,715AR0199536021 / 2,715
4.2,495AR0199536013 / 2,495
5.2,478AR0590205002 / 2,478
6.2,387AR1039501005 / 2,387
7.2,368AR1399505003 / 2,368
8.2,359AR0279502001 / 2,359
9.2,296AR0199536022 / 2,296
10.2,287AR0574801001 / 2,287
11.2,229AR0279504001 / 2,229
12.2,064AR1039502001 / 2,064
13.2,048AR1039506005 / 2,048
14.2,008AR1399507001 / 2,008
15.1,971AR0279505002 / 1,971
16.1,949AR0279502002 / 1,949
17.1,923AR0279505001 / 1,923
18.1,910AR0279501003 / 1,910
19.1,900AR0534703001 / 1,900
20.1,878AR0574805001 / 1,878
21.1,861AR0990902002 / 1,861
22.1,814AR0279501002 / 1,814
23.1,780AR0734701001 / 1,780
24.1,750AR1399503002 / 1,750
25.1,741AR0574803001 / 1,741
26.1,729AR0279503001 / 1,729
27.1,704AR0574805003 / 1,704
28.1,702AR0119505001 / 1,702
29.1,679AR0199539005 / 1,679
30.1,660AR0134801001 / 1,660
31.1,603AR1399505001 / 1,603
32.1,602AR0119501001 / 1,602
32.1,602AR0990902003 / 1,602
34.1,595LA0279501001 / 1,595
35.1,550AR1399502005 / 1,550
36.1,526AR0990902001 / 1,526
37.1,471AR0590206003 / 1,471
38.1,467AR0199537004 / 1,467
39.1,464AR1399509002 / 1,464
40.1,432AR1039504002 / 1,432
41.1,418AR1039505003 / 1,418
42.1,399AR0399703005 / 1,399
43.1,378AR0199539004 / 1,378
44.1,376AR1399510006 / 1,376
45.1,374AR0134801002 / 1,374
46.1,335AR0199536012 / 1,335
47.1,291AR1399501003 / 1,291
48.1,265AR1399501001 / 1,265
49.1,262AR1399504005 / 1,262
50.1,245AR1399504004 / 1,245
51.1,224AR0119502002 / 1,224
51.1,224AR1399505002 / 1,224
53.1,220AR0574803006 / 1,220
54.1,214LA1119602001 / 1,214
55.1,205LA1119602002 / 1,205
56.1,199AR1039505004 / 1,199
57.1,195AR0399703004 / 1,195
58.1,177AR1399504002 / 1,177
59.1,176AR1399508004 / 1,176
60.1,170AR0590205003 / 1,170
61.1,163LA0279503002 / 1,163
62.1,162AR1399507002 / 1,162
63.1,156AR1039501004 / 1,156
64.1,150AR1039504001 / 1,150
65.1,139AR0259702001 / 1,139
66.1,125AR0199539001 / 1,125
67.1,120AR1399506002 / 1,120
68.1,110AR0574804004 / 1,110
69.1,109AR0399702002 / 1,109
70.1,103AR0990901002 / 1,103
71.1,092AR0259702004 / 1,092
72.1,091AR0574804003 / 1,091
73.1,074AR0734701004 / 1,074
74.1,065AR0734701003 / 1,065
75.1,064AR1399507003 / 1,064
76.1,053LA0279503001 / 1,053
77.1,052AR0574803005 / 1,052
78.1,048AR1399504003 / 1,048
79.1,047AR1399503001 / 1,047
80.1,040AR1039502002 / 1,040
81.1,034AR0259701004 / 1,034
82.1,017AR1039503004 / 1,017
83.1,002AR0119503002 / 1,002
84.1,001AR0574804002 / 1,001
85.994AR0119503003 / 994
86.983AR0990901003 / 983
87.977AR0119504002 / 977
88.972AR0119505002 / 972
89.970AR1039505001 / 970
90.953AR0259701003 / 953
90.953AR1039505002 / 953
92.948LA0279503003 / 948
93.944AR1399509001 / 944
94.937AR0990903002 / 937
95.930AR0574801004 / 930
96.927AR0199539003 / 927
97.921AR0590205001 / 921
98.915AR0134802003 / 915
99.912AR0399701002 / 912
100.909AR0119501002 / 909
101.904AR1399507004 / 904
101.904AR0199536011 / 904
103.903AR1039503003 / 903
104.896AR1039503005 / 896
105.894AR0134802001 / 894
106.893AR1039501001 / 893
107.881AR1399506003 / 881
108.862AR1399504001 / 862
109.852AR1399502003 / 852
110.848AR0734701005 / 848
111.845AR1039501003 / 845
112.839AR0399702001 / 839
113.838AR1039503001 / 838
114.828AR0259702002 / 828
115.824AR0199538004 / 824
116.816AR0399703003 / 816
117.815AR1399510002 / 815
118.806AR0734702003 / 806
119.794AR0574804001 / 794
120.790AR1039503002 / 790
121.787AR1039504003 / 787
122.785AR0279501001 / 785
122.785AR1099535001 / 785
124.777LA0279502001 / 777
125.775AR0199538003 / 775
126.774AR0259702003 / 774
127.771AR1399502001 / 771
128.768AR1399508001 / 768
129.751AR0199537003 / 751
130.750AR1039506003 / 750
131.748AR0574803002 / 748
132.744AR0574805002 / 744
132.744AR1399510004 / 744
134.741AR0399701001 / 741
135.740AR0199539002 / 740
136.731AR0199538001 / 731
137.730AR0199538005 / 730
138.699LA1190311001 / 699
139.693AR1399510001 / 693
140.692AR1039506006 / 692
141.691AR1399505004 / 691
142.690AR0990901001 / 690
143.688AR1399508002 / 688
144.687AR1399510003 / 687
145.686AR0134802002 / 686
146.681AR1399502002 / 681
147.676AR0574803004 / 676
148.668AR1399502004 / 668
149.656AR1399506005 / 656
149.656AR1399509003 / 656
151.637AR0399703002 / 637
152.632AR0399703001 / 632
153.629AR1039503006 / 629
154.619AR0119504001 / 619
154.619AR1399506004 / 619
156.606AR1399506001 / 606
157.567AR1399508003 / 567
157.567AR0119505003 / 567
159.547AR0119503001 / 547
160.523AR0119502001 / 523
161.486AR1039501002 / 486
162.450AR0734701002 / 450
163.447LA0279502002 / 447
163.447AR0990903001 / 447
165.427AR1399510005 / 427
166.383AR0199538002 / 383
167.358AR1039506001 / 358
168.333AR1039506002 / 333
169.317AR0574803003 / 317
170.259AR1039506004 / 259

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Total Population' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Total Population' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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