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USA.com / Ranks / Texas Total Housing Units Census Tract Rank / Based on US Census 2010 data

Texas Total Housing Units Census Tract Rank

Based on US Census 2010 data

A total of 5,233 results found. Show Results on Map.

1-200 of 5233. Page 1 of 27.
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RankTotal Housing Units ▼Census Tract / Population
1.10,736TX157673101 / 33,201
2.9,435TX157672900 / 28,537
3.9,411TX039660602 / 26,843
4.8,478TX339692001 / 25,252
5.8,061TX061012305 / 3,729
6.7,788TX339690601 / 20,181
7.7,139TX439113921 / 20,235
8.6,735TX167721201 / 17,172
9.6,620TX355006200 / 9,235
10.6,594TX439114103 / 20,164
11.6,339TX339690602 / 18,616
12.6,219TX339694301 / 12,302
13.5,965TX339692300 / 15,803
14.5,906TX439113922 / 17,787
15.5,885TX201555502 / 17,016
16.5,687TX453001714 / 13,159
17.5,685TX039660701 / 15,452
18.5,478TX071710200 / 15,543
19.5,445TX113018124 / 17,151
20.5,443TX215024000 / 15,955
21.5,378TX085031405 / 16,818
22.5,300TX453001841 / 16,495
23.5,264TX339690402 / 15,781
24.5,247TX167726100 / 2,935
25.5,231TX157673400 / 14,932
26.5,230TX085031406 / 16,124
27.5,218TX201542101 / 17,754
28.5,181TX021950300 / 12,927
29.5,175TX027023108 / 13,856
30.5,159TX157674502 / 16,767
31.5,138TX453001858 / 15,316
32.5,115TX085031315 / 16,724
33.5,108TX201554802 / 15,009
34.5,096TX201250402 / 13,962
35.5,036TX453001760 / 14,256
36.5,014TX157673102 / 15,344
37.4,990TX201542200 / 16,532
38.4,936TX453001765 / 12,976
39.4,919TX201452100 / 8,823
40.4,912TX201541400 / 14,539
41.4,897TX201543003 / 16,578
42.4,886TX141010341 / 16,119
43.4,845TX201350100 / 15,280
44.4,796TX339694202 / 10,463
45.4,780TX439113703 / 9,179
46.4,774TX085030203 / 13,856
47.4,753TX201454301 / 10,503
48.4,691TX201550401 / 10,249
49.4,629TX201554801 / 14,076
50.4,600TX439111547 / 15,275
51.4,563TX167720503 / 14,007
52.4,562TX339690700 / 8,127
53.4,552TX201554401 / 13,497
54.4,541TX439114007 / 13,123
55.4,526TX201542000 / 15,167
56.4,521TX121021519 / 12,177
57.4,509TX453001855 / 13,259
58.4,476TX201552700 / 8,092
59.4,448TX007950100 / 5,495
60.4,438TX039660601 / 11,893
61.4,436TX029121204 / 7,747
62.4,415TX201552800 / 8,826
63.4,392TX157670800 / 14,354
64.4,370TX201314002 / 7,544
64.4,370TX209010804 / 8,985
66.4,362TX061012504 / 15,629
67.4,358TX113018122 / 13,028
68.4,338TX039660702 / 11,664
69.4,315TX201334100 / 9,914
70.4,291TX121021636 / 6,507
71.4,289TX473680300 / 10,369
72.4,287TX201312600 / 5,871
72.4,287TX201542102 / 14,625
72.4,287TX303000405 / 10,654
75.4,279TX367140602 / 9,585
76.4,271TX201550302 / 8,785
77.4,261TX403950300 / 5,106
78.4,259TX201240701 / 13,642
79.4,243TX201541700 / 9,712
80.4,231TX029171902 / 9,551
81.4,224TX329010112 / 11,417
82.4,210TX439113926 / 12,227
83.4,209TX201541003 / 12,938
84.4,208TX113016612 / 12,568
85.4,199TX201411501 / 5,233
86.4,185TX201554402 / 12,826
87.4,184TX199030300 / 10,130
88.4,174TX453001851 / 9,078
89.4,169TX167720600 / 11,205
90.4,149TX407200102 / 10,069
91.4,143TX339691400 / 8,644
92.4,128TX029191817 / 9,732
93.4,123TX201510800 / 6,908
94.4,112TX265960302 / 7,942
95.4,106TX181001900 / 10,515
95.4,106TX201541001 / 10,368
97.4,105TX339694101 / 11,249
98.4,080TX201540100 / 12,349
99.4,073TX201240902 / 11,756
100.4,035TX321730501 / 3,301
100.4,035TX423001905 / 8,477
102.4,033TX367140407 / 10,214
103.4,029TX339692400 / 8,609
104.4,018TX113013616 / 5,611
105.3,961TX339694302 / 7,656
106.3,956TX439113610 / 11,126
107.3,951TX201252000 / 11,296
108.3,925TX491020504 / 8,362
109.3,924TX201241300 / 10,947
110.3,916TX113016510 / 11,035
110.3,916TX309003707 / 8,635
112.3,909TX027023106 / 9,716
113.3,905TX113013105 / 6,073
114.3,904TX453001737 / 10,039
115.3,899TX121020103 / 10,076
116.3,895TX439113927 / 11,260
117.3,892TX209010600 / 9,265
118.3,874TX157675500 / 11,151
119.3,868TX201552500 / 10,270
120.3,866TX113013200 / 6,206
120.3,866TX473680500 / 9,261
122.3,865TX157672701 / 14,078
123.3,859TX453001834 / 8,204
124.3,854TX477170500 / 6,706
125.3,844TX423001401 / 8,375
126.3,839TX157673003 / 12,920
127.3,837TX201550402 / 9,449
128.3,833TX453001849 / 5,627
129.3,826TX491020703 / 9,998
130.3,820TX201241102 / 11,643
131.3,812TX215021302 / 15,668
132.3,806TX007950500 / 6,308
132.3,806TX121021627 / 6,009
134.3,799TX201250401 / 12,134
134.3,799TX471790300 / 8,378
136.3,796TX215024201 / 14,553
137.3,791TX453001100 / 5,512
138.3,789TX201532001 / 4,867
139.3,787TX439111550 / 12,483
140.3,785TX215021404 / 7,674
141.3,781TX061010100 / 8,437
142.3,776TX121021403 / 9,615
143.3,769TX201232200 / 9,437
143.3,769TX201534202 / 8,515
145.3,761TX241950100 / 6,030
146.3,758TX215020404 / 6,299
147.3,753TX201552900 / 6,966
148.3,749TX439114008 / 11,631
149.3,746TX453001908 / 8,403
150.3,745TX491020406 / 6,250
151.3,744TX201543002 / 10,057
151.3,744TX201554903 / 11,314
153.3,743TX041001000 / 7,867
154.3,740TX167721100 / 10,440
154.3,740TX167721900 / 8,613
156.3,739TX029120902 / 6,123
157.3,735TX201542301 / 12,365
158.3,728TX215022300 / 10,226
159.3,723TX201452000 / 7,136
160.3,720TX201341000 / 6,799
160.3,720TX423001908 / 9,737
162.3,719TX355005102 / 3,389
163.3,715TX027022502 / 9,542
164.3,714TX299970500 / 6,030
165.3,709TX113000500 / 5,537
166.3,708TX453001770 / 11,417
167.3,701TX339692100 / 10,690
168.3,698TX061014400 / 12,877
169.3,691TX201552001 / 8,117
169.3,691TX491021507 / 9,196
171.3,685TX201253200 / 9,429
172.3,682TX167720700 / 9,369
173.3,681TX479001713 / 12,304
174.3,677TX209010902 / 10,095
175.3,674TX215023902 / 10,860
176.3,673TX213950300 / 7,689
177.3,668TX473680200 / 9,966
178.3,663TX291700300 / 9,514
179.3,662TX257051300 / 8,215
180.3,657TX439114102 / 8,097
181.3,652TX201432300 / 6,521
182.3,642TX339692602 / 10,150
183.3,633TX201251502 / 9,419
184.3,631TX439111404 / 8,336
185.3,624TX121020303 / 10,299
186.3,618TX257050206 / 10,759
187.3,615TX085031714 / 5,028
188.3,613TX121021405 / 9,371
189.3,608TX453002421 / 7,443
190.3,605TX201555402 / 7,774
190.3,605TX215022701 / 5,225
192.3,604TX113014127 / 8,315
193.3,599TX113013623 / 6,270
194.3,595TX201413300 / 6,897
195.3,593TX221160205 / 6,658
196.3,591TX167721500 / 6,767
197.3,590TX171950300 / 7,104
198.3,586TX201542900 / 11,156
199.3,584TX201550301 / 6,600
200.3,568TX215022001 / 11,227
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Please note that we only rank locations with 'Total Housing Units' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Total Housing Units' data are not listed.

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