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Texas Solar Energy Heating House Percentage Census Block Group Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 120 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankSolar Energy Heating House Percentage ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.9.0%TX1130152042 / 692
2.8.4%TX2570506003 / 1,120
3.7.2%TX0270220004 / 532
4.6.8%TX2015517021 / 1,742
5.6.5%TX0291210006 / 1,259
6.5.5%TX1851802001 / 806
7.5.2%TX0610117003 / 750
8.5.0%TX2139512001 / 927
9.4.9%TX2139512002 / 796
10.4.8%TX0439503001 / 1,381
11.4.7%TX2570513001 / 1,826
12.4.5%TX0913107032 / 1,659
13.3.9%TX1210211001 / 453
14.3.7%TX2014220001 / 763
15.3.4%TX4510013041 / 560
16.3.3%TX1130067003 / 2,023
17.3.2%TX4391057044 / 1,095
18.3.1%TX0396641005 / 1,150
19.2.9%TX3419504004 / 1,902
20.2.9%TX0439505001 / 1,062
21.2.9%TX4530020052 / 1,014
22.2.8%TX1390616003 / 1,236
23.2.8%TX1210216351 / 1,468
24.2.7%TX3779502001 / 537
25.2.6%TX1659502002 / 4,391
26.2.6%TX1130172023 / 2,033
27.2.5%TX0913107044 / 1,525
28.2.5%TX2511302103 / 912
28.2.5%TX1130122101 / 1,087
30.2.5%TX2015411001 / 2,319
31.2.4%TX0270221014 / 244
32.2.4%TX4530024302 / 587
33.2.4%TX2014226001 / 1,442
34.2.4%TX1851801023 / 984
35.2.2%TX1810018012 / 1,942
36.2.2%TX3290003032 / 1,199
36.2.2%TX0291501001 / 1,386
38.2.2%TX4910209004 / 1,218
39.2.1%TX3319505001 / 1,147
40.2.1%TX2013140025 / 1,433
41.2.1%TX2013401001 / 4,096
42.2.1%TX1479503001 / 747
43.2.0%TX1130079142 / 624
44.2.0%TX2150241093 / 2,212
45.1.9%TX3550026011 / 970
46.1.9%TX1210205041 / 996
46.1.9%TX2150235073 / 3,217
48.1.9%TX0850306031 / 3,443
49.1.9%TX2014115021 / 1,012
49.1.9%TX3030004052 / 2,328
51.1.9%TX0610126092 / 1,413
51.1.9%TX2015306001 / 1,642
53.1.8%TX2150213033 / 2,690
54.1.8%TX2870001002 / 1,650
55.1.8%TX4530013044 / 800
56.1.7%TX2439501001 / 1,049
57.1.7%TX4930002011 / 1,845
58.1.7%TX1410043141 / 2,289
59.1.7%TX4391059021 / 4,369
60.1.6%TX4530004023 / 802
61.1.6%TX0270207012 / 557
61.1.6%TX3879501001 / 915
63.1.5%TX0679502002 / 1,475
64.1.5%TX0291918081 / 2,777
65.1.5%TX4391236001 / 962
65.1.5%TX2799506002 / 1,554
67.1.5%TX4530024112 / 2,058
68.1.5%TX0019510001 / 1,210
69.1.4%TX2150225013 / 2,365
70.1.4%TX2015323004 / 2,786
71.1.4%TX3699502003 / 1,746
72.1.4%TX4250002002 / 744
72.1.4%TX1610006003 / 2,907
74.1.4%TX1410013024 / 3,755
75.1.3%TX0291817223 / 1,326
76.1.3%TX2659605003 / 1,505
76.1.3%TX1130195023 / 1,582
78.1.3%TX0699503001 / 961
78.1.3%TX0850310041 / 926
80.1.3%TX2013415011 / 3,749
81.1.3%TX1410043181 / 2,672
82.1.2%TX2012318002 / 1,591
82.1.2%TX1410011153 / 2,596
84.1.2%TX2139505002 / 1,378
85.1.2%TX4391131091 / 1,387
86.1.2%TX1130100002 / 2,059
86.1.2%TX4790001071 / 2,667
88.1.2%TX1350018002 / 2,579
89.1.2%TX2850003003 / 762
89.1.2%TX0679506005 / 926
91.1.1%TX0291805011 / 2,091
92.1.1%TX4530003061 / 3,303
93.1.1%TX4530013031 / 734
94.1.1%TX0291816012 / 2,161
94.1.1%TX0610133092 / 1,692
96.1.0%TX1872107061 / 3,031
97.1.0%TX4910206021 / 2,279
98.1.0%TX0850317044 / 1,633
99.0.9%TX3859501002 / 1,424
100.0.9%TX2015542002 / 4,336
101.0.9%TX2013339021 / 3,667
102.0.9%TX1130178143 / 1,392
103.0.9%TX1719505001 / 1,900
104.0.9%TX4530017832 / 2,184
105.0.8%TX0291821061 / 3,030
106.0.8%TX4530017512 / 1,414
107.0.8%TX1130059022 / 2,720
108.0.8%TX0291107001 / 1,819
109.0.8%TX4391055132 / 2,123
110.0.8%TX0291316121 / 1,884
111.0.7%TX4530017701 / 8,096
111.0.7%TX0291821062 / 3,354
113.0.7%TX0410016011 / 1,884
114.0.7%TX2012228002 / 2,519
115.0.7%TX4530017572 / 1,519
116.0.6%TX2770002002 / 733
116.0.6%TX0291818081 / 1,498
118.0.4%TX1810011021 / 2,177
119.0.3%TX2439501002 / 1,233
120.0.2%TX1210201071 / 4,488

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Solar Energy Heating House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Solar Energy Heating House Percentage' data are not listed.

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