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South Dakota Hungarian as First Ancestry Population Percentage City Rank

Based on US Census 2000 data

A total of 50 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHungarian as First Ancestry Population Percentage ▼City / Population
1.4.9%Grenville, SD / 62
2.4.8%Draper, SD / 92
3.2.7%Fulton, SD / 86
4.2.5%Hayti, SD / 367
5.1.8%Selby, SD / 736
6.1.7%Canova, SD / 140
7.1.6%Glenham, SD / 139
8.1.4%Frankfort, SD / 166
9.1.4%Hermosa, SD / 315
10.1.3%Conde, SD / 187
11.1.0%Bridgewater, SD / 607
12.1.0%Rosholt, SD / 419
13.1.0%Delmont, SD / 263
14.0.9%Bonesteel, SD / 297
15.0.8%Onida, SD / 740
16.0.6%Parkston, SD / 1,674
17.0.5%Dupree, SD / 434
18.0.5%Herreid, SD / 482
19.0.5%Bowdle, SD / 571
19.0.5%Lake Preston, SD / 737
21.0.5%Alexandria, SD / 563
22.0.4%Fort Pierre, SD / 1,991
23.0.3%Milbank, SD / 3,640
23.0.3%Armour, SD / 782
25.0.3%Wagner, SD / 1,675
26.0.3%Mitchell, SD / 14,558
26.0.3%Highmore, SD / 851
28.0.3%Hill City, SD / 780
29.0.2%Webster, SD / 1,952
30.0.2%Mobridge, SD / 3,574
31.0.2%Pierre, SD / 13,876
32.0.2%Chamberlain, SD / 2,338
32.0.2%Gettysburg, SD / 1,352
32.0.2%Tea, SD / 1,742
35.0.2%Deadwood, SD / 1,380
35.0.2%Clark, SD / 1,285
37.0.2%Aberdeen, SD / 24,658
37.0.2%Lennox, SD / 2,037
37.0.2%Groton, SD / 1,356
40.0.2%Britton, SD / 1,328
41.0.2%North Spearfish, SD / 2,306
42.0.2%Brookings, SD / 18,504
43.0.1%Belle Fourche, SD / 4,565
43.0.1%Rapid Valley, SD / 7,043
45.0.1%Hartford, SD / 1,844
46.0.1%Gregory, SD / 1,342
46.0.1%Sisseton, SD / 2,572
46.0.1%Rapid City, SD / 59,607
46.0.1%Sioux Falls, SD / 123,975
50.0.1%Watertown, SD / 20,237

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Hungarian as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Hungarian as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data are not listed.

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