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South Carolina Other Fuel Heating House Percentage Zip Code Rank

Based on ACS 2008-2012 data*

A total of 110 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankOther Fuel Heating House Percentage ▼Zip / Population
1.34.6%29409 / 2,167
2.25.9%29826 / 82
3.8.6%29046 / 340
4.7.1%29122 / 46
5.3.0%29516 / 881
6.2.8%29364 / 575
7.2.2%29014 / 1,808
8.1.8%29819 / 1,302
9.1.8%29743 / 995
10.1.7%29104 / 1,638
11.1.6%29374 / 3,239
12.1.4%29335 / 6,019
13.1.4%29334 / 12,722
14.1.3%29401 / 10,814
15.1.2%29654 / 10,106
15.1.2%29635 / 1,376
17.1.2%29536 / 17,204
18.1.1%29696 / 3,808
19.0.9%29128 / 5,411
20.0.9%29567 / 667
21.0.8%29547 / 1,916
21.0.8%29918 / 5,412
23.0.8%29164 / 4,054
24.0.8%29911 / 1,722
25.0.7%29649 / 24,618
26.0.7%29860 / 14,476
27.0.6%29070 / 14,541
28.0.6%29385 / 6,664
29.0.6%29682 / 3,678
30.0.6%29627 / 17,740
31.0.6%29069 / 5,322
32.0.5%29520 / 14,276
32.0.5%29015 / 1,425
34.0.5%29006 / 9,897
35.0.5%29728 / 10,461
35.0.5%29010 / 11,877
37.0.5%29835 / 7,052
38.0.5%29646 / 28,763
38.0.5%29650 / 33,654
40.0.4%29601 / 10,600
41.0.4%29556 / 12,718
42.0.4%29655 / 7,013
43.0.4%29054 / 9,749
44.0.4%29853 / 6,504
45.0.4%29376 / 6,609
46.0.4%29135 / 8,505
46.0.4%29118 / 16,223
48.0.3%29690 / 19,985
49.0.3%29448 / 2,526
49.0.3%29687 / 41,931
51.0.3%29585 / 12,935
52.0.3%29178 / 3,201
53.0.3%29571 / 16,099
54.0.3%29301 / 29,851
54.0.3%29455 / 20,114
56.0.2%29388 / 13,962
56.0.2%29036 / 17,939
58.0.2%29691 / 11,446
58.0.2%29033 / 12,227
60.0.2%29657 / 14,068
61.0.2%29579 / 30,508
62.0.2%29485 / 46,879
62.0.2%29125 / 2,311
62.0.2%29045 / 20,649
65.0.2%29063 / 33,162
65.0.2%29302 / 17,569
65.0.2%29073 / 40,799
68.0.2%29059 / 6,111
69.0.2%29201 / 20,116
69.0.2%29575 / 15,401
69.0.2%29907 / 12,124
69.0.2%29349 / 29,529
73.0.2%29532 / 20,539
74.0.2%29340 / 20,567
74.0.2%29671 / 17,133
76.0.1%29693 / 14,442
77.0.1%29512 / 19,051
77.0.1%29620 / 13,497
77.0.1%29506 / 21,246
77.0.1%29803 / 37,249
77.0.1%29924 / 4,024
77.0.1%29706 / 20,258
77.0.1%29926 / 24,293
84.0.1%29483 / 66,029
84.0.1%29906 / 22,068
86.0.1%29605 / 34,104
86.0.1%29212 / 30,158
86.0.1%29306 / 15,703
86.0.1%29412 / 35,533
90.0.1%29360 / 20,438
90.0.1%29745 / 29,556
92.0.1%29303 / 25,602
92.0.1%29801 / 26,158
92.0.1%29576 / 24,530
95.0.1%29107 / 2,872
95.0.1%29445 / 55,376
95.0.1%29169 / 21,985
95.0.1%29673 / 24,737
99.0.1%29630 / 13,958
99.0.1%29072 / 48,560
99.0.1%29150 / 40,679
99.0.1%29154 / 29,769
99.0.1%29720 / 47,480
104.0.1%29322 / 9,051
105.0.1%29526 / 38,063
105.0.1%29812 / 11,308
107.0.0%29730 / 52,071
107.0.0%29607 / 34,752
107.0.0%29403 / 22,115
110.0.0%29102 / 18,351

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Other Fuel Heating House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Other Fuel Heating House Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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