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South Carolina Bachelor Degree Education Percentage County Rank

Based on US Census 2000 data

A total of 46 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankBachelor Degree Education Percentage ▼County / Population
1.21.6%Beaufort, SC / 120,937
2.20.6%Richland, SC / 320,677
3.19.7%Charleston, SC / 309,969
4.18.1%Greenville, SC / 379,616
5.17.0%Lexington, SC / 216,014
6.14.1%York, SC / 164,614
6.14.1%Dorchester, SC / 96,413
8.13.3%Georgetown, SC / 55,797
9.13.2%Greenwood, SC / 66,271
10.13.1%Aiken, SC / 142,552
11.12.8%Horry, SC / 196,629
12.12.5%Florence, SC / 125,761
13.11.8%Spartanburg, SC / 253,791
14.11.4%Kershaw, SC / 52,647
15.11.3%Pickens, SC / 110,757
16.11.0%Anderson, SC / 165,740
17.11.0%Oconee, SC / 66,215
18.10.7%Sumter, SC / 104,646
19.10.7%Newberry, SC / 36,108
20.10.2%Mccormick, SC / 9,958
21.10.1%Berkeley, SC / 142,651
22.9.9%Orangeburg, SC / 91,582
23.9.9%Bamberg, SC / 16,658
24.9.7%Calhoun, SC / 15,185
25.9.4%Darlington, SC / 67,394
26.9.0%Edgefield, SC / 24,595
27.8.8%Saluda, SC / 19,181
28.8.4%Barnwell, SC / 23,478
29.8.2%Fairfield, SC / 23,454
30.8.1%Abbeville, SC / 26,167
31.8.0%Williamsburg, SC / 37,217
32.8.0%Laurens, SC / 69,567
33.7.7%Clarendon, SC / 32,502
34.7.6%Cherokee, SC / 52,537
35.7.4%Colleton, SC / 38,264
36.7.4%Allendale, SC / 11,211
37.7.2%Hampton, SC / 21,386
38.6.9%Marion, SC / 35,466
39.6.8%Lancaster, SC / 61,351
40.6.7%Union, SC / 29,881
41.6.6%Chesterfield, SC / 42,768
42.6.5%Lee, SC / 20,119
43.6.2%Jasper, SC / 20,678
44.6.2%Chester, SC / 34,068
45.6.0%Dillon, SC / 30,722
46.4.7%Marlboro, SC / 28,818

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Bachelor Degree Education Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Bachelor Degree Education Percentage' data are not listed.

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