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Rhode Island Average Snow Days City Rank

A total of 81 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankAverage Snow Days ▼City / Population
1.48.98 daysClayville, RI / 119
2.48.91 daysFoster, RI
3.48.87 daysFoster Center, RI / 340
4.47.68 daysHarrisville, RI / 1,965
5.47.66 daysPascoag, RI / 4,310
6.47.65 daysForestdale, RI
7.47.30 daysNorth Scituate, RI
8.46.95 daysLincoln, RI
9.46.90 daysCentral Falls, RI / 19,406
10.46.90 daysValley Falls, RI / 12,108
11.46.08 daysCranston, RI / 80,680
12.46.00 daysChepachet, RI / 1,510
13.45.73 daysPawtucket, RI / 71,313
14.45.71 daysGlendale, RI
15.45.68 daysMapleville, RI
16.45.64 daysOakland, RI
17.45.52 daysCumberland Hill, RI / 8,194
18.45.52 daysManville, RI
19.45.50 daysAlbion, RI
20.45.48 daysCumberland, RI
21.45.45 daysRumford, RI
22.45.25 daysHarmony, RI / 969
23.45.21 daysWoonsocket, RI / 41,136
24.45.21 daysGreenville, RI / 8,596
25.45.21 daysSlatersville, RI
26.45.17 daysNorth Smithfield, RI
27.44.97 daysSmithfield, RI
28.44.95 daysHope, RI
29.44.74 daysEast Providence, RI / 47,166
30.44.66 daysRiverside, RI
31.44.55 daysFiskeville, RI
32.44.21 daysNorth Providence, RI / 32,807
33.44.16 daysCoventry, RI
34.44.13 daysProvidence, RI / 178,562
35.44.13 daysJohnston, RI
36.42.84 daysBarrington, RI / 16,455
37.42.57 daysWarwick, RI / 82,065
38.42.04 daysWarren, RI
39.41.25 daysWest Warwick, RI / 29,446
40.40.55 daysHope Valley, RI / 1,696
41.40.44 daysExeter, RI
42.40.35 daysGreene, RI / 849
43.39.92 daysWood River Junction, RI
44.39.90 daysNorth Kingstown, RI
45.39.87 daysWyoming, RI / 156
46.39.76 daysWest Greenwich, RI
47.39.61 daysPrudence Island, RI
48.39.41 daysEast Greenwich, RI
49.39.12 daysBristol, RI / 22,502
50.38.88 daysMelville, RI / 1,611
51.38.83 daysPortsmouth, RI
52.38.61 daysSlocum, RI
53.38.47 daysWakefield, RI
54.38.44 daysSaunderstown, RI
55.38.40 daysKenyon, RI
56.38.39 daysWest Kingston, RI
57.38.33 daysShannock, RI
58.38.27 daysCarolina, RI / 867
59.38.23 daysKingston, RI / 7,136
60.38.17 daysWakefield-Peacedale, RI / 8,911
61.38.16 daysTiverton, RI / 7,300
62.38.11 daysPeace Dale, RI
63.37.88 daysJamestown, RI
64.37.82 daysNarragansett Pier, RI / 3,749
65.37.82 daysNarragansett, RI
66.36.96 daysNewport, RI / 24,599
67.36.88 daysBradford, RI / 1,212
68.36.76 daysQuonochontaug, RI / 483
69.36.66 daysAshaway, RI / 1,307
70.36.61 daysWeekapaug, RI / 419
71.36.51 daysHopkinton, RI
72.36.49 daysRockville, RI
73.36.30 daysWesterly, RI / 17,984
74.35.21 daysCharlestown, RI
75.34.67 daysNewport East, RI / 10,953
76.34.54 daysMiddletown, RI
77.34.39 daysAdamsville, RI
78.34.08 daysMisquamicut, RI / 419
79.33.99 daysWatch Hill, RI / 179
80.33.96 daysLittle Compton, RI
81.28.99 daysBlock Island, RI

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Snow Days' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Snow Days' data are not listed.

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