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Cape Girardeau, Jackson Metro Area


Cape Girardeau, Jackson Area has 1,431.95 square miles of land area and 28.17 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Cape Girardeau, Jackson Area population is 97,246. Cape Girardeau, Jackson Area median household income is $42,889 in 2010-2014. Cape Girardeau, Jackson Area median house value is $123,700 in 2010-2014.

Population:97,246 (2010-2014), (rank)
Population Density:66.60/sq mi, (rank)
Median Household Income:$42,889 at 2010-2014, (rank)—3.65% increase since 2005-2009
Median House Price:$123,700 at 2010-2014, (rank)—5.46% increase since 2005-2009
Time Zone:Central GMT -6:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Total Area:1,460 sq mi
Water Area:28 sq mi (1.93%)
School District:

Cape Girardeau, Jackson Area Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Area Codes

573, 618


Cities / Towns

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