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Fastest Growing Cities Near Princeville, HI

Population Growth Rate Rank of City within 50 miles of Princeville, HI

A total of 24 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankPopulation Growth Rate ▼City / Population
1.201.18%Puhi, HI / 3,572
2.65.90%Kaumakani, HI / 1,007
3.64.48%Kilauea, HI / 3,441
4.47.88%Princeville, HI / 2,511
5.44.49%Koloa, HI / 2,806
6.34.41%Hanamaulu, HI / 4,398
7.33.48%Eleele, HI / 2,723
8.25.00%Wainiha, HI / 145
9.22.58%Lihu'e, HI / 6,955
10.20.89%Wailua Homesteads, HI / 5,521
11.17.37%Haena, HI / 277
12.15.56%Hanapepe, HI / 2,488
13.13.35%Wailua, HI / 2,361
14.11.72%Kapa'a, HI / 10,582
15.11.34%Lawai, HI / 2,209
16.9.83%Anahola, HI / 2,122
17.5.47%Kalaheo, HI / 4,127
18.4.03%Waimea CDP, HI / 1,859
19.-3.03%Omao, HI / 1,184
20.-4.37%Poipu, HI / 1,028
21.-17.61%Kekaha, HI / 2,616
22.-24.48%Pakala Village, HI / 361
23.-33.05%Hanalei, HI / 320
24.-57.32%Kalihiwai, HI / 306

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Population Growth Rate' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Population Growth Rate' data are not listed.

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