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Slowest Growing Cities Near Central Valley, UT

Population Growth Rate Rank of City within 50 miles of Central Valley, UT

A total of 39 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankPopulation Growth Rate ▲City / Population
1.-19.04%Redmond, UT / 638
2.-15.26%Kanosh, UT / 411
3.-6.90%Mayfield, UT / 391
4.-5.50%Holden, UT / 378
5.-5.03%Glenwood, UT / 415
6.-4.60%Salina, UT / 2,283
7.-1.62%Emery, UT / 303
8.-0.72%Koosharem, UT / 274
9.0.15%Oak City, UT / 651
10.4.54%Aurora, UT / 990
11.5.53%Sterling, UT / 248
12.6.23%Bicknell, UT / 375
13.8.82%Fayette, UT / 222
14.8.98%Manti, UT / 3,313
15.10.27%Richfield, UT / 7,550
16.13.78%Meadow, UT / 289
17.15.43%Loa, UT / 606
18.15.57%Antimony, UT / 141
19.15.75%Marysvale, UT / 441
20.17.87%Elsinore, UT / 864
21.19.94%Centerfield, UT / 1,257
22.25.22%Beaver, UT / 3,073
23.25.83%Fillmore, UT / 2,835
24.27.44%Sigurd, UT / 548
25.32.71%Joseph, UT / 357
26.36.47%Gunnison, UT / 3,267
27.39.91%Deseret, UT / 326
28.41.03%Lyman, UT / 330
29.42.94%Junction, UT / 253
30.48.26%Annabella, UT / 894
31.49.31%Scipio, UT / 433
32.49.38%Monroe, UT / 2,756
33.53.47%Circleville, UT / 775
34.67.25%Torrey, UT / 286
35.95.07%Kingston, UT / 277
36.110.87%Fremont, UT / 97
37.134.38%Oasis, UT / 75
38.167.80%Central Valley, UT / 632
39.238.46%Teasdale, UT / 88

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Population Growth Rate' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Population Growth Rate' data are not listed.

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