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Fastest Growing Cities Near Benton, CA

Population Growth Rate Rank of City within 50 miles of Benton, CA

A total of 24 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankPopulation Growth Rate ▼City / Population
1.331.03%Mcgee Creek, CA / 125
2.106.54%Mesa, CA / 442
3.89.30%Bridgeport, CA / 761
4.63.64%Aspen Springs, CA / 54
5.56.83%Round Valley, CA / 436
6.27.62%Crowley Lake, CA / 707
7.19.41%Big Pine, CA / 1,612
8.14.96%Mammoth Lakes, CA / 8,154
9.7.72%Bishop, CA / 3,851
10.2.07%West Bishop, CA / 2,865
11.0.17%June Lake, CA / 589
12.-1.18%Hawthorne, NV / 3,272
13.-2.14%Wilkerson, CA / 550
14.-8.46%Chalfant, CA / 714
15.-9.44%Dixon Lane-Meadow Creek, CA / 2,447
16.-14.10%Mono City, CA / 67
17.-16.96%Paradise CDP, CA / 235
18.-29.73%Lee Vining, CA / 234
19.-30.81%Sunny Slopes, CA / 137
20.-33.78%Dyer, NV / 149
21.-34.76%Swall Meadows, CA / 259
22.-38.41%Benton, CA / 178
23.-62.50%Mina, NV / 33
24.-67.03%Silver Peak, NV / 91

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Population Growth Rate' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Population Growth Rate' data are not listed.

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