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Pennsylvania Solar Energy Heating House Percentage Census Block Group Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 155 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankSolar Energy Heating House Percentage ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.5.2%PA0710146024 / 2,003
2.4.4%PA0770052005 / 942
3.4.3%PA1298047021 / 898
4.4.3%PA0311602001 / 692
5.4.2%PA0792166001 / 1,268
6.4.1%PA0912024023 / 1,526
7.4.1%PA0171054001 / 1,385
8.4.0%PA0099607001 / 924
9.4.0%PA0350304003 / 936
10.3.7%PA1010363034 / 1,085
11.3.7%PA0710127004 / 1,590
12.3.5%PA1010103001 / 1,392
13.3.4%PA0950176051 / 2,669
14.3.3%PA0970817001 / 666
15.3.3%PA1330203201 / 881
16.3.2%PA0792154002 / 813
17.3.0%PA0970824003 / 956
18.2.9%PA0293045022 / 994
19.2.9%PA1070032003 / 800
20.2.9%PA0792102002 / 644
21.2.9%PA0879601001 / 839
22.2.8%PA0710145012 / 2,098
23.2.8%PA0199119004 / 948
24.2.7%PA0010301023 / 1,915
25.2.6%PA0430245023 / 1,741
26.2.5%PA1330205221 / 929
27.2.5%PA1330240011 / 1,279
28.2.5%PA0792009001 / 801
29.2.4%PA1298081001 / 1,003
30.2.4%PA0199127002 / 1,525
31.2.3%PA0912070032 / 882
32.2.3%PA0454086002 / 669
32.2.3%PA0171050031 / 1,075
34.2.3%PA0010316002 / 831
35.2.2%PA0710129002 / 1,897
36.2.2%PA0076050021 / 1,169
36.2.2%PA1010109003 / 809
38.2.2%PA0293031001 / 2,801
39.2.1%PA1330005003 / 894
40.2.1%PA1330008001 / 1,109
41.2.1%PA0293001032 / 797
42.2.0%PA0710130003 / 2,516
43.2.0%PA0159509001 / 1,070
44.1.9%PA0410127013 / 1,397
45.1.8%PA0912007083 / 1,251
46.1.8%PA0710123021 / 1,095
47.1.8%PA0770053012 / 904
48.1.8%PA0370509001 / 866
49.1.7%PA1330202223 / 2,095
50.1.7%PA1150321002 / 1,398
51.1.7%PA0293112001 / 1,317
52.1.6%PA0912026022 / 1,294
53.1.6%PA1330239011 / 2,145
53.1.6%PA1070036001 / 1,110
55.1.6%PA0710133044 / 1,893
55.1.6%PA0130115001 / 2,242
57.1.6%PA0410119022 / 1,620
57.1.6%PA0710118045 / 1,624
59.1.5%PA0171002091 / 3,081
60.1.5%PA0750024001 / 1,116
61.1.5%PA0659513002 / 1,294
62.1.4%PA0810104006 / 656
63.1.4%PA1110215001 / 1,243
64.1.4%PA0950160023 / 1,435
65.1.4%PA0930501001 / 1,617
65.1.4%PA0199115023 / 1,020
67.1.4%PA0512627022 / 1,638
68.1.3%PA0454102001 / 1,200
69.1.3%PA0110141001 / 1,720
69.1.3%PA0710142012 / 2,059
71.1.3%PA0171042032 / 2,619
71.1.3%PA0293113002 / 2,841
73.1.3%PA1070014001 / 2,258
73.1.3%PA0454016002 / 884
75.1.3%PA1110205002 / 891
76.1.2%PA0792165012 / 925
77.1.2%PA0270109002 / 1,331
78.1.2%PA0792113042 / 844
78.1.2%PA1330013003 / 1,317
80.1.2%PA1150327001 / 627
80.1.2%PA0912069042 / 1,964
82.1.2%PA0490101031 / 1,180
83.1.2%PA1010063004 / 1,627
84.1.2%PA0171050041 / 2,460
85.1.1%PA0710129003 / 3,786
86.1.1%PA0034571001 / 917
86.1.1%PA0171037002 / 1,444
88.1.1%PA0210132004 / 1,200
88.1.1%PA0912014043 / 1,724
90.1.1%PA0171037001 / 1,981
90.1.1%PA0912075002 / 2,467
92.1.1%PA1279608004 / 898
93.1.1%PA0110139001 / 1,561
94.1.0%PA0010311021 / 3,354
95.1.0%PA0912085002 / 2,380
96.1.0%PA0410131012 / 2,661
97.1.0%PA0293067002 / 1,915
98.1.0%PA0199117002 / 1,324
99.0.9%PA0912071011 / 2,938
99.0.9%PA0710107021 / 1,743
101.0.9%PA1070032002 / 1,015
102.0.9%PA0619506001 / 2,781
103.0.9%PA0750021001 / 2,702
104.0.9%PA0792111021 / 1,586
105.0.9%PA0750024002 / 1,234
106.0.8%PA0579603001 / 1,153
107.0.8%PA1010142002 / 2,947
107.0.8%PA0171008093 / 2,593
107.0.8%PA0171059001 / 756
107.0.8%PA1179509001 / 1,270
111.0.8%PA0270105002 / 1,382
111.0.8%PA0691002002 / 1,770
113.0.7%PA0970819006 / 1,326
114.0.7%PA0810108001 / 1,102
114.0.7%PA0990303021 / 2,474
114.0.7%PA1110219021 / 1,452
114.0.7%PA0710145023 / 1,773
118.0.7%PA1330203206 / 1,751
119.0.7%PA0350309001 / 1,408
120.0.7%PA0370503003 / 1,419
121.0.7%PA0171059002 / 1,025
122.0.7%PA0490117024 / 1,155
123.0.6%PA1279604003 / 813
124.0.6%PA0293027051 / 2,842
125.0.6%PA1279609002 / 3,964
126.0.6%PA0670702021 / 2,647
127.0.6%PA1150321003 / 918
128.0.5%PA0210120003 / 1,284
129.0.5%PA1070001002 / 1,432
130.0.5%PA0293071001 / 2,339
130.0.5%PA0970823003 / 949
132.0.5%PA0410118013 / 5,070
133.0.5%PA0810117001 / 1,783
134.0.5%PA0159512001 / 1,166
135.0.5%PA0059515003 / 1,009
135.0.5%PA1110219022 / 1,062
137.0.4%PA0750037002 / 1,810
137.0.4%PA0750042002 / 2,671
137.0.4%PA0370503002 / 2,244
140.0.4%PA1139601001 / 1,528
141.0.4%PA0293028031 / 1,896
142.0.4%PA0912074001 / 2,673
143.0.4%PA1179509002 / 1,174
144.0.4%PA0659509003 / 1,355
145.0.4%PA0159502002 / 1,219
145.0.4%PA0059502002 / 1,306
147.0.4%PA0311607002 / 1,362
148.0.3%PA1257910002 / 776
149.0.3%PA0912059042 / 699
150.0.3%PA0293017001 / 1,779
150.0.3%PA0010305002 / 1,583
152.0.2%PA1330239021 / 1,558
153.0.2%PA0099610004 / 1,380
154.0.2%PA0834201001 / 1,569
155.0.2%PA1330237102 / 1,833

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Solar Energy Heating House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Solar Energy Heating House Percentage' data are not listed.

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