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Pennsylvania Percentage of Population Age 10 to 14 Census Block Group Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 9,185 results found. Show Results on Map.

1-200 of 9185. Page 1 of 46.
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RankPercentage of Population Age 10 to 14 ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.33.3%PA0034869003 / 102
2.27.9%PA0710132045 / 991
3.25.5%PA0033001005 / 609
4.24.3%PA1010032006 / 803
5.23.7%PA1010301001 / 899
6.23.4%PA0171007001 / 649
7.21.5%PA1010286002 / 1,175
8.21.1%PA0391118003 / 938
9.21.1%PA1010190005 / 1,834
10.20.9%PA1010112005 / 868
11.20.8%PA1330104004 / 735
12.20.8%PA0770062022 / 572
13.20.7%PA0770015011 / 1,317
14.20.6%PA1010112003 / 733
15.20.5%PA0893002023 / 1,390
16.20.2%PA0970812004 / 575
17.20.1%PA1010316004 / 708
18.20.0%PA1010178004 / 884
19.19.9%PA0171055073 / 2,278
20.19.9%PA1010279012 / 1,471
21.19.7%PA0850333001 / 1,172
22.19.6%PA0912035003 / 864
23.19.2%PA1010277004 / 790
24.19.1%PA0430223004 / 951
25.19.1%PA1010028012 / 1,283
26.19.0%PA0710109003 / 969
27.18.8%PA1010267004 / 844
28.18.7%PA0710147003 / 1,340
29.18.6%PA0770062031 / 2,119
30.18.6%PA0454050001 / 640
31.18.6%PA0430233003 / 786
32.18.3%PA0171002102 / 694
33.18.2%PA0391115003 / 713
33.18.2%PA0770016001 / 883
35.18.2%PA1070033004 / 851
36.18.1%PA1010199003 / 1,400
37.17.8%PA1010151011 / 656
38.17.8%PA1330007003 / 1,166
39.17.7%PA0490007002 / 1,005
40.17.7%PA0030511001 / 578
41.17.6%PA0210136001 / 1,145
42.17.6%PA0110124003 / 846
43.17.6%PA0792008002 / 887
44.17.6%PA1010179004 / 2,596
45.17.6%PA0031204001 / 507
45.17.6%PA0034731004 / 621
47.17.5%PA1010179003 / 1,058
48.17.5%PA1010318002 / 1,705
49.17.4%PA0454025003 / 1,073
50.17.4%PA1010163002 / 962
51.17.3%PA1257957003 / 762
52.17.3%PA0430211002 / 1,140
53.17.3%PA1279607002 / 967
54.17.2%PA1330229103 / 1,240
55.17.2%PA0770016003 / 804
55.17.2%PA1010081024 / 2,372
57.17.1%PA1010172013 / 829
58.17.1%PA0454028001 / 1,646
59.17.0%PA0110013002 / 740
60.17.0%PA1070026004 / 1,052
61.17.0%PA0171004047 / 623
62.17.0%PA0076011001 / 755
62.17.0%PA0391101005 / 1,280
64.16.9%PA0950169022 / 988
64.16.9%PA1010298004 / 1,065
66.16.9%PA0550114002 / 1,409
67.16.8%PA1010195012 / 1,539
68.16.8%PA0430213002 / 1,304
69.16.8%PA0792177004 / 1,049
70.16.8%PA1010060004 / 1,909
71.16.7%PA0710009001 / 616
72.16.7%PA1010101004 / 1,173
73.16.6%PA1330208003 / 1,073
74.16.6%PA0454037021 / 441
75.16.5%PA0430213001 / 1,230
76.16.5%PA1010243001 / 1,068
77.16.4%PA0850327014 / 1,090
78.16.4%PA0035234001 / 1,382
79.16.3%PA0490020003 / 607
80.16.3%PA0990305012 / 822
80.16.3%PA1010176021 / 1,877
82.16.3%PA1010192005 / 1,303
83.16.2%PA1039506051 / 1,410
84.16.2%PA1330012003 / 675
85.16.1%PA0490015001 / 1,695
86.16.1%PA0370507001 / 1,627
87.16.1%PA0792174001 / 971
88.16.1%PA1010274025 / 990
89.16.1%PA0691113002 / 592
90.16.0%PA0293045012 / 2,120
91.16.0%PA0912044004 / 743
92.16.0%PA1010253003 / 1,069
93.15.9%PA0912005024 / 867
94.15.9%PA0110002001 / 1,943
95.15.9%PA1010100002 / 958
96.15.8%PA1010190003 / 2,055
97.15.8%PA1010032003 / 1,056
98.15.8%PA1010191002 / 1,260
99.15.8%PA0912089031 / 824
100.15.7%PA0032902004 / 923
101.15.7%PA0410119024 / 860
102.15.7%PA0810111006 / 944
103.15.6%PA0110118001 / 679
104.15.6%PA0031114002 / 758
105.15.5%PA0430219041 / 1,024
106.15.5%PA1070033005 / 950
107.15.5%PA0430233004 / 1,301
108.15.4%PA1330016001 / 544
108.15.4%PA1010266001 / 758
110.15.4%PA1010062003 / 947
111.15.4%PA1010067003 / 883
112.15.4%PA0039801001 / 26
113.15.4%PA1010168005 / 807
114.15.4%PA1010139001 / 1,439
114.15.4%PA0430211003 / 1,263
116.15.3%PA0171042041 / 1,723
117.15.3%PA0430229006 / 706
117.15.3%PA0454028003 / 523
119.15.3%PA1010164002 / 582
120.15.3%PA1010032004 / 792
121.15.3%PA0032703002 / 622
122.15.3%PA1010267002 / 590
123.15.2%PA0850334001 / 802
123.15.2%PA1010082006 / 1,256
125.15.2%PA1330227005 / 1,036
126.15.1%PA0792155023 / 734
127.15.1%PA0893010011 / 4,130
127.15.1%PA0034110003 / 3,402
129.15.1%PA0770008002 / 1,020
130.15.1%PA1039506064 / 1,439
131.15.1%PA1298059023 / 1,673
132.15.0%PA0250206002 / 1,509
132.15.0%PA1010178002 / 698
134.15.0%PA0950105004 / 606
135.15.0%PA1010362033 / 2,633
136.15.0%PA0032902003 / 628
136.15.0%PA0410106005 / 1,229
138.15.0%PA0171014055 / 843
138.15.0%PA0370506002 / 1,010
138.15.0%PA0691014001 / 1,879
141.14.9%PA0710003004 / 1,787
141.14.9%PA1010336002 / 1,151
143.14.9%PA0293045022 / 994
144.14.8%PA0034773004 / 1,092
144.14.8%PA0950107002 / 2,022
146.14.8%PA1010331021 / 992
147.14.8%PA0454024002 / 797
148.14.8%PA0035237024 / 473
148.14.8%PA0171018021 / 3,082
150.14.8%PA0171058114 / 826
150.14.8%PA0479513002 / 1,117
150.14.8%PA1010280001 / 799
153.14.8%PA1010176022 / 705
154.14.7%PA0893008001 / 1,059
155.14.7%PA0454098031 / 856
156.14.7%PA0171001052 / 1,287
156.14.7%PA1010274022 / 1,348
158.14.7%PA0770008001 / 1,009
158.14.7%PA1257463012 / 1,656
160.14.7%PA1010337023 / 1,214
161.14.6%PA1010319003 / 629
162.14.6%PA0454097014 / 1,040
163.14.6%PA0912005051 / 1,738
164.14.6%PA1010294001 / 637
165.14.6%PA0792141002 / 686
165.14.6%PA0454076003 / 789
167.14.6%PA1010084002 / 1,058
168.14.5%PA1010188006 / 729
169.14.5%PA1298079002 / 1,818
169.14.5%PA0110016001 / 1,460
171.14.5%PA0171054001 / 1,385
171.14.5%PA0710142013 / 1,723
173.14.5%PA0293065032 / 2,138
174.14.5%PA1298035011 / 2,788
175.14.5%PA1330233024 / 1,934
175.14.5%PA0370505003 / 525
177.14.5%PA0171042032 / 2,619
178.14.5%PA0770017001 / 830
179.14.4%PA0110001003 / 561
180.14.4%PA1039506063 / 1,175
181.14.4%PA1010291002 / 1,816
181.14.4%PA1330007002 / 821
183.14.4%PA1330237214 / 996
184.14.4%PA0110129002 / 906
184.14.4%PA0454076004 / 1,317
184.14.4%PA0490026003 / 1,052
184.14.4%PA0770095003 / 1,199
184.14.4%PA1010298002 / 1,199
189.14.3%PA0490117021 / 1,039
190.14.3%PA1010111001 / 349
191.14.3%PA0912036023 / 1,487
191.14.3%PA0912045001 / 740
193.14.3%PA0810116025 / 1,203
193.14.3%PA1010266002 / 755
193.14.3%PA0333308004 / 1,448
196.14.3%PA0490121002 / 2,018
197.14.3%PA1010280002 / 821
198.14.2%PA0912043002 / 1,012
198.14.2%PA1010176013 / 1,405
198.14.2%PA1330234002 / 738
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Please note that we only rank locations with 'Percentage of Population Age 10 to 14' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Percentage of Population Age 10 to 14' data are not listed.

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