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Pennsylvania Median Costs for House without Mortgage Census Tract Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 3,155 results found. Show Results on Map.

1-200 of 3155. Page 1 of 16.
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RankMedian Costs for House without Mortgage ▼Census Tract / Population
1.$1,001PA003020100 / 4,086
1.$1,001PA003070300 / 2,056
1.$1,001PA003140200 / 2,627
1.$1,001PA003422000 / 5,397
1.$1,001PA003446000 / 1,650
1.$1,001PA017100809 / 5,772
1.$1,001PA017104201 / 2,853
1.$1,001PA017104301 / 2,686
1.$1,001PA017104304 / 1,304
1.$1,001PA017104503 / 4,324
1.$1,001PA017104506 / 2,278
1.$1,001PA017105208 / 2,565
1.$1,001PA017105400 / 8,222
1.$1,001PA017105505 / 3,947
1.$1,001PA017105506 / 4,132
1.$1,001PA017105507 / 7,247
1.$1,001PA017105508 / 3,674
1.$1,001PA017105509 / 4,630
1.$1,001PA021000100 / 1,206
1.$1,001PA029300107 / 4,212
1.$1,001PA029300109 / 3,752
1.$1,001PA029300201 / 5,012
1.$1,001PA029300202 / 5,550
1.$1,001PA029300501 / 4,406
1.$1,001PA029301700 / 1,779
1.$1,001PA029301800 / 4,787
1.$1,001PA029302802 / 4,951
1.$1,001PA029303100 / 4,242
1.$1,001PA029303302 / 4,839
1.$1,001PA029304502 / 2,992
1.$1,001PA029311300 / 4,713
1.$1,001PA045407401 / 4,182
1.$1,001PA045407404 / 3,017
1.$1,001PA045407600 / 6,284
1.$1,001PA045407901 / 4,197
1.$1,001PA045408400 / 1,733
1.$1,001PA045409701 / 7,298
1.$1,001PA045409802 / 6,191
1.$1,001PA045409904 / 3,590
1.$1,001PA045410800 / 7,443
1.$1,001PA091200103 / 4,168
1.$1,001PA091200105 / 2,962
1.$1,001PA091201404 / 4,571
1.$1,001PA091201408 / 4,495
1.$1,001PA091201502 / 1,857
1.$1,001PA091202301 / 4,782
1.$1,001PA091202602 / 2,708
1.$1,001PA091202604 / 2,409
1.$1,001PA091203000 / 3,360
1.$1,001PA091204300 / 2,685
1.$1,001PA091204400 / 3,368
1.$1,001PA091204500 / 4,776
1.$1,001PA091204600 / 4,308
1.$1,001PA091204800 / 4,892
1.$1,001PA091204900 / 5,121
1.$1,001PA091205000 / 2,458
1.$1,001PA091205100 / 1,635
1.$1,001PA091205200 / 3,022
1.$1,001PA091205400 / 6,344
1.$1,001PA091205502 / 3,523
1.$1,001PA101000803 / 3,688
1.$1,001PA101000804 / 3,785
1.$1,001PA101001001 / 2,400
1.$1,001PA101001002 / 3,340
1.$1,001PA101001101 / 3,198
1.$1,001PA101013401 / 2,390
1.$1,001PA101020600 / 1,877
1.$1,001PA101023500 / 1,276
1.$1,001PA101036600 / 1,727
1.$1,001PA101038500 / 1,934
1.$1,001PA101038600 / 1,384
72.$1,000PA091202202 / 3,227
73.$990PA045400900 / 1,691
74.$989PA091202302 / 1,898
75.$988PA101000700 / 3,097
76.$986PA101038700 / 2,358
77.$983PA045401103 / 3,351
78.$982PA045409601 / 4,911
78.$982PA101001202 / 5,046
80.$980PA091201006 / 2,299
81.$979PA003563300 / 1,391
81.$979PA091200106 / 1,872
83.$975PA091203208 / 2,819
84.$971PA029304501 / 8,427
85.$963PA029306501 / 4,448
85.$963PA091201409 / 4,331
85.$963PA091202500 / 5,850
88.$961PA029302804 / 3,982
89.$958PA003140100 / 5,548
90.$953PA045408002 / 3,908
91.$950PA045402200 / 2,290
92.$948PA029300400 / 3,179
92.$948PA091205600 / 4,295
92.$948PA101008702 / 3,488
95.$946PA045410100 / 7,833
96.$944PA029301900 / 4,047
97.$943PA003474102 / 3,724
98.$942PA045401000 / 2,029
98.$942PA091204702 / 3,344
100.$941PA017105300 / 2,240
101.$940PA091201501 / 3,346
102.$939PA017104601 / 4,392
103.$936PA101000801 / 1,764
104.$935PA095010200 / 3,648
105.$934PA045410400 / 8,986
105.$934PA091200505 / 6,959
107.$932PA017104303 / 4,684
107.$932PA045407802 / 6,746
109.$931PA017104505 / 6,186
109.$931PA091202100 / 4,441
109.$931PA091205801 / 2,866
112.$926PA029300301 / 3,960
113.$925PA017104901 / 7,582
114.$924PA017100807 / 4,388
115.$922PA091206801 / 6,892
116.$920PA003473500 / 3,934
116.$920PA045407000 / 2,568
118.$919PA029306504 / 4,823
118.$919PA091201800 / 2,793
120.$917PA003140300 / 3,621
121.$915PA029304406 / 3,325
122.$914PA091205503 / 4,793
123.$913PA017105511 / 4,351
124.$912PA017100808 / 5,133
124.$912PA045410000 / 4,011
126.$911PA045408300 / 4,588
127.$909PA091200200 / 1,348
128.$908PA029302000 / 5,659
129.$906PA101000902 / 2,599
130.$901PA133010510 / 5,088
131.$900PA017105012 / 2,987
131.$900PA091202603 / 2,941
133.$898PA091201201 / 5,870
133.$898PA091201608 / 4,741
135.$895PA029303501 / 4,195
136.$893PA091203207 / 3,255
137.$892PA017101404 / 2,284
138.$889PA029303502 / 2,957
139.$888PA017104400 / 2,526
139.$888PA029311100 / 3,621
139.$888PA101001600 / 1,942
142.$884PA003474201 / 2,522
143.$883PA017105011 / 3,483
143.$883PA017105100 / 3,056
143.$883PA091202402 / 4,643
143.$883PA101001201 / 4,012
147.$882PA029302803 / 1,896
148.$881PA017101802 / 6,766
148.$881PA017106100 / 2,949
148.$881PA029300104 / 5,000
151.$879PA029303301 / 2,915
151.$879PA091203204 / 6,688
153.$878PA029303901 / 4,535
153.$878PA069110402 / 2,507
153.$878PA089301001 / 11,771
156.$877PA045410301 / 7,881
157.$876PA017105006 / 5,912
157.$876PA045408700 / 4,714
159.$873PA091201406 / 4,607
160.$871PA091200104 / 4,131
161.$869PA017104603 / 7,557
162.$868PA045400802 / 3,629
162.$868PA101023100 / 1,269
164.$867PA003445500 / 3,832
164.$867PA003473401 / 3,665
164.$867PA091206501 / 4,332
167.$865PA045407805 / 1,653
167.$865PA045409902 / 4,818
167.$865PA091206704 / 7,544
170.$864PA045401200 / 3,876
171.$863PA003412002 / 5,481
172.$862PA003040400 / 2,126
172.$862PA029307200 / 1,272
172.$862PA045409803 / 6,862
175.$859PA091204009 / 1,409
175.$859PA091206802 / 3,142
177.$858PA029302101 / 6,477
177.$858PA091202201 / 4,915
179.$857PA017101808 / 2,500
179.$857PA071013503 / 2,595
181.$856PA089300502 / 5,336
182.$855PA029303000 / 3,310
182.$855PA045401900 / 4,454
184.$854PA017105805 / 5,478
185.$852PA017105600 / 2,324
186.$850PA029304405 / 6,180
186.$850PA091205300 / 2,087
186.$850PA091206104 / 3,090
189.$849PA017105206 / 4,836
190.$847PA101023600 / 3,102
191.$846PA091210500 / 4,302
192.$845PA103950603 / 1,039
193.$844PA077006002 / 5,767
193.$844PA091204701 / 2,201
195.$843PA045407101 / 3,870
195.$843PA091201203 / 3,208
197.$841PA091201902 / 5,837
198.$840PA029306503 / 2,808
198.$840PA045407903 / 3,408
200.$839PA003070900 / 4,787
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Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Costs for House without Mortgage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Costs for House without Mortgage' data are not listed.

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