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Oregon Median Household Income for Population Ages 55 to 64 County Rank

Based on US Census 2000 data

A total of 36 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income for Population Ages 55 to 64 ▼County / Population
1.$59,258Washington, OR / 445,342
2.$57,991Benton, OR / 78,153
3.$57,989Clackamas, OR / 338,391
4.$53,482Yamhill, OR / 84,992
5.$53,057Polk, OR / 62,380
6.$50,321Columbia, OR / 43,560
7.$47,735Marion, OR / 284,834
8.$47,639Hood River, OR / 20,411
9.$46,389Deschutes, OR / 115,367
10.$46,117Multnomah, OR / 660,486
11.$46,087Jefferson, OR / 19,009
12.$45,781Linn, OR / 103,069
13.$44,696Lane, OR / 322,959
14.$43,630Clatsop, OR / 35,630
15.$42,433Umatilla, OR / 70,548
16.$42,361Wasco, OR / 23,791
17.$41,845Crook, OR / 19,182
18.$41,760Jackson, OR / 181,269
19.$41,298Morrow, OR / 10,995
20.$37,099Union, OR / 24,530
21.$37,039Douglas, OR / 100,399
22.$37,013Tillamook, OR / 24,262
23.$36,563Grant, OR / 7,935
24.$36,323Coos, OR / 62,779
25.$34,844Malheur, OR / 31,615
26.$34,824Klamath, OR / 63,775
27.$34,777Wallowa, OR / 7,226
28.$34,708Josephine, OR / 75,726
29.$34,530Lincoln, OR / 44,479
30.$33,611Harney, OR / 7,609
31.$33,221Curry, OR / 21,137
32.$33,125Wheeler, OR / 1,547
33.$32,330Baker, OR / 16,741
34.$31,034Lake, OR / 7,422
35.$30,833Sherman, OR / 1,934
36.$28,750Gilliam, OR / 1,915

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income for Population Ages 55 to 64' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income for Population Ages 55 to 64' data are not listed.

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