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Oklahoma Hungarian as First Ancestry Population Percentage City Rank

Based on ACS 2005-2009 data*

A total of 75 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHungarian as First Ancestry Population Percentage ▼City / Population
1.7.4%Canadian, OK / 296
2.4.2%Greenfield, OK / 120
3.4.1%Devol, OK / 185
4.3.3%Weleetka, OK / 835
5.3.0%Randlett, OK / 459
6.2.9%Drummond, OK / 287
7.2.5%Agra, OK / 538
8.1.5%Limestone, OK / 610
9.1.4%Fargo, OK / 259
10.1.4%Welch, OK / 537
10.1.4%Rock Island, OK / 707
12.1.3%Okeene, OK / 1,606
13.1.1%Cameron, OK / 404
14.1.1%Haileyville, OK / 763
15.1.0%Achille, OK / 412
16.1.0%Quapaw, OK / 587
17.1.0%Warr Acres, OK / 9,443
18.0.8%Nichols Hills, OK / 4,033
19.0.8%Medford, OK / 1,068
20.0.8%Harrah, OK / 5,151
20.0.8%Beaver, OK / 1,590
22.0.8%Oakland, OK / 809
23.0.8%Arnett, OK / 545
24.0.8%Dewey, OK / 3,302
24.0.8%Wyandotte, OK / 431
26.0.7%Roland, OK / 3,310
27.0.7%Justice, OK / 1,534
28.0.6%Guymon, OK / 10,754
29.0.6%Piedmont, OK / 5,186
30.0.5%North Enid, OK / 1,240
31.0.5%Cherokee, OK / 1,449
32.0.4%Copan, OK / 1,096
33.0.4%Mccord, OK / 1,642
34.0.4%Tonkawa, OK / 3,135
34.0.4%Vinita, OK / 6,055
36.0.3%Sapulpa, OK / 20,679
37.0.3%Lawton, OK / 90,766
37.0.3%Broken Arrow, OK / 90,426
39.0.3%Mcloud, OK / 4,294
40.0.3%Hobart, OK / 3,632
40.0.3%Ada, OK / 16,471
42.0.3%Norman, OK / 105,870
42.0.3%Enid, OK / 46,973
42.0.3%Waurika, OK / 2,058
45.0.3%Bethel Acres, OK / 2,856
46.0.3%Jenks, OK / 14,741
46.0.3%Weatherford, OK / 10,075
46.0.3%Mcalester, OK / 18,100
49.0.2%Oklahoma City, OK / 546,051
49.0.2%Poteau, OK / 8,177
51.0.2%Sayre, OK / 3,838
51.0.2%Elgin, OK / 1,573
53.0.2%Tulsa, OK / 384,415
54.0.2%Muskogee, OK / 39,614
55.0.2%Blanchard, OK / 6,949
55.0.2%Miami, OK / 13,176
55.0.2%Mustang, OK / 17,034
55.0.2%Edmond, OK / 78,021
59.0.2%Moore, OK / 50,995
60.0.1%Duncan, OK / 22,354
60.0.1%Bartlesville, OK / 35,283
60.0.1%Yukon, OK / 22,563
63.0.1%Del City, OK / 22,047
64.0.1%Owasso, OK / 26,663
64.0.1%Alva, OK / 4,822
66.0.1%Mooreland, OK / 1,296
67.0.1%Stillwater, OK / 45,749
67.0.1%Grove, OK / 6,125
69.0.1%Ardmore, OK / 24,381
69.0.1%Sallisaw, OK / 8,672
69.0.1%Altus, OK / 19,345
72.0.1%Ponca City, OK / 24,741
73.0.1%Bixby, OK / 19,519
74.0.0%Shawnee, OK / 30,021
74.0.0%Midwest City, OK / 56,040

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Hungarian as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Hungarian as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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