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Oklahoma Average Snow City Rank

A total of 797 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankAverage Snow ▼City / Population
1.26.16 inchesKenton, OK / 69
2.23.65 inchesKeyes, OK / 260
3.23.60 inchesBoise City, OK / 1,162
4.22.13 inchesFelt, OK / 88
5.18.46 inchesTyrone, OK / 812
6.17.62 inchesHooker, OK / 2,082
7.17.32 inchesTexhoma, OK / 894
8.16.62 inchesOptima, OK / 516
9.16.14 inchesBuffalo, OK / 1,397
10.16.01 inchesLaverne, OK / 1,206
11.15.46 inchesFort Supply, OK / 519
12.15.31 inchesForgan, OK / 484
13.15.28 inchesShattuck, OK / 1,281
14.15.22 inchesKnowles, OK / 26
15.15.21 inchesTurpin, OK / 584
16.15.20 inchesBeaver, OK / 1,511
17.14.88 inchesMay, OK / 49
18.14.78 inchesRosston, OK / 31
19.14.78 inchesGage, OK / 445
20.14.37 inchesAmorita, OK / 1
21.14.36 inchesByron, OK / 37
22.14.02 inchesGate, OK / 91
23.13.80 inchesFargo, OK / 354
24.13.77 inchesManchester, OK / 86
25.13.76 inchesGuymon, OK / 11,921
26.13.73 inchesCapron, OK / 3
27.13.72 inchesWoodward, OK / 12,389
28.13.59 inchesBurlington, OK / 213
29.13.46 inchesMooreland, OK / 1,590
30.13.46 inchesFreedom, OK / 275
31.13.42 inchesSharon, OK / 61
32.13.40 inchesAlva, OK / 4,990
33.13.29 inchesArnett, OK / 504
34.13.01 inchesGoodwell, OK / 1,498
35.12.95 inchesTaloga, OK / 325
36.12.65 inchesWakita, OK / 335
37.12.62 inchesMutual, OK / 115
38.12.61 inchesVici, OK / 859
39.12.42 inchesCamargo, OK / 204
40.12.05 inchesLambert, OK / 6
41.12.03 inchesAdams, OK
42.11.96 inchesCherokee, OK / 1,557
43.11.86 inchesSeiling, OK / 869
44.11.83 inchesChester, OK / 162
45.11.71 inchesHopeton, OK
46.11.69 inchesWaynoka, OK / 1,081
47.11.63 inchesDurham, OK
48.11.63 inchesNescatunga, OK / 87
49.11.60 inchesCrawford, OK
50.11.57 inchesDacoma, OK / 126
51.11.35 inchesCanton, OK / 600
52.11.23 inchesHelena, OK / 1,458
53.11.18 inchesLeedey, OK / 438
54.11.17 inchesLongdale, OK / 302
55.11.14 inchesSouthard, OK
56.11.14 inchesCleo Springs, OK / 354
57.11.13 inchesNash, OK / 214
58.11.13 inchesAline, OK / 234
59.11.12 inchesJet, OK / 160
60.10.93 inchesOakwood, OK / 58
61.10.87 inchesCarmen, OK / 501
62.10.87 inchesPond Creek, OK / 847
63.10.79 inchesPutnam, OK / 5
64.10.76 inchesFairview, OK / 2,613
65.10.75 inchesRenfrow, OK / 15
66.10.73 inchesMeno, OK / 247
67.10.72 inchesRingwood, OK / 475
68.10.62 inchesHardesty, OK / 243
69.10.61 inchesGoltry, OK / 163
70.10.57 inchesDeer Creek, OK / 145
71.10.56 inchesLahoma, OK / 665
72.10.51 inchesHillsdale, OK / 138
73.10.44 inchesS Coffeyville, OK
74.10.43 inchesCarrier, OK / 69
75.10.37 inchesDrummond, OK / 460
76.10.36 inchesJefferson, OK / 24
77.10.27 inchesNardin, OK / 84
78.10.22 inchesBlackwell, OK / 6,957
79.10.14 inchesMedford, OK / 1,008
80.10.12 inchesFay, OK
81.10.10 inchesKildare, OK / 71
82.10.02 inchesWann, OK / 192
83.10.00 inchesHitchcock, OK / 103
84.9.97 inchesLoyal, OK / 92
85.9.94 inchesSouth Coffeyville, OK / 787
86.9.89 inchesWaukomis, OK / 1,505
87.9.89 inchesOkeene, OK / 1,108
88.9.88 inchesLamont, OK / 318
89.9.88 inchesWatonga, OK / 2,993
90.9.87 inchesWelch, OK / 588
91.9.86 inchesPeoria, OK / 102
92.9.74 inchesNorth Enid, OK / 950
93.9.74 inchesMccord, OK / 1,594
94.9.73 inchesEnid, OK / 50,232
95.9.72 inchesMarland, OK / 266
96.9.67 inchesBalko, OK
97.9.65 inchesCopan, OK / 769
98.9.60 inchesIsabella, OK / 186
99.9.59 inchesKremlin, OK / 264
100.9.57 inchesMiami, OK / 13,669
101.9.57 inchesNorth Miami, OK / 340
102.9.57 inchesCommerce, OK / 2,520
103.9.57 inchesCardin, OK / 3
103.9.57 inchesPicher, OK / 20
105.9.53 inchesDotyville, OK / 95
106.9.53 inchesTonkawa, OK / 3,144
107.9.52 inchesQuapaw, OK / 920
108.9.49 inchesBluejacket, OK / 319
109.9.49 inchesOmega, OK
110.9.47 inchesLenapah, OK / 240
111.9.40 inchesRed Rock, OK / 256
112.9.34 inchesBison, OK / 88
113.9.33 inchesPonca City, OK / 24,951
114.9.33 inchesBillings, OK / 487
115.9.31 inchesNewkirk, OK / 2,297
116.9.27 inchesAmes, OK / 254
117.9.23 inchesBraman, OK / 174
118.9.20 inchesGrainola, OK / 27
119.9.17 inchesGarber, OK / 720
120.9.17 inchesHunter, OK / 155
121.9.13 inchesReydon, OK / 202
122.9.06 inchesNarcissa, OK / 49
123.9.01 inchesPawnee, OK / 2,247
124.9.01 inchesAfton, OK / 930
125.8.94 inchesFairland, OK / 1,028
126.8.94 inchesCopeland, OK / 1,288
127.8.88 inchesMorrison, OK / 846
128.8.84 inchesGlencoe, OK / 519
129.8.73 inchesMarshall, OK / 347
130.8.69 inchesBreckinridge, OK / 280
131.8.68 inchesCovington, OK / 499
132.8.68 inchesFairmont, OK / 160
133.8.67 inchesLucien, OK / 100
134.8.62 inchesDover, OK / 341
135.8.56 inchesRalston, OK / 324
136.8.54 inchesHennessey, OK / 2,508
137.8.34 inchesDewey, OK / 3,476
138.8.34 inchesThomas, OK / 1,278
139.8.30 inchesDrowning Creek, OK / 207
140.8.28 inchesOrlando, OK / 200
141.8.23 inchesDouglas, OK / 18
142.8.21 inchesCleora, OK / 1,429
143.8.17 inchesBernice, OK / 499
144.8.17 inchesCuster City, OK / 314
145.8.11 inchesWebb City, OK / 85
146.8.11 inchesDelaware, OK / 285
147.8.10 inchesWyandotte, OK / 329
148.8.07 inchesKetchum, OK / 464
149.8.07 inchesPerry, OK / 5,087
150.8.07 inchesStillwater, OK / 46,851
151.8.04 inchesBartlesville, OK / 36,193
152.8.00 inchesGreenfield, OK / 97
153.7.99 inchesCoyle, OK / 310
154.7.99 inchesCayuga, OK / 232
155.7.96 inchesMulhall, OK / 195
156.7.93 inchesShidler, OK / 402
157.7.90 inchesKansas, OK / 857
158.7.88 inchesPensacola, OK / 188
159.7.88 inchesCloud Creek, OK / 84
160.7.84 inchesGrand Lake Towne, OK / 151
161.7.83 inchesLangley, OK / 759
162.7.81 inchesDisney, OK / 168
163.7.79 inchesTexola, OK / 43
164.7.79 inchesSkedee, OK / 41
165.7.78 inchesBurbank, OK / 146
166.7.75 inchesSpavinaw, OK / 372
167.7.74 inchesStrang, OK / 58
168.7.71 inchesKaw City, OK / 277
169.7.70 inchesFairfax, OK / 1,639
170.7.68 inchesOld Eucha, OK / 3
171.7.66 inchesHoot Owl, OK / 4
172.7.65 inchesSweetwater, OK / 134
173.7.62 inchesJay, OK / 2,481
174.7.62 inchesKingfisher, OK / 4,707
175.7.62 inchesOaks, OK / 316
176.7.61 inchesForaker, OK / 6
177.7.60 inchesWatts, OK / 293
178.7.60 inchesKenwood, OK / 1,003
179.7.60 inchesBrush Creek, OK / 60
180.7.55 inchesWickliffe, OK / 28
181.7.55 inchesChewey, OK / 98
182.7.52 inchesIndianola, OK / 48
183.7.52 inchesPump Back, OK / 192
184.7.51 inchesBallou, OK / 63
185.7.50 inchesDeer Lick, OK / 22
186.7.49 inchesIron Post, OK / 69
187.7.49 inchesSalina, OK / 1,331
188.7.48 inchesDennis, OK / 79
189.7.48 inchesCedar Crest, OK / 240
190.7.47 inchesRose, OK / 142
191.7.46 inchesBig Cabin, OK / 290
192.7.45 inchesButler CDP, OK / 169
193.7.45 inchesPeggs, OK / 739
194.7.44 inchesMurphy, OK / 168
195.7.44 inchesGideon, OK / 17
196.7.44 inchesWhite Water, OK / 17
197.7.44 inchesZena, OK / 58
198.7.43 inchesBarnsdall, OK / 1,244
199.7.37 inchesPawhuska, OK / 3,679
200.7.37 inchesPerkins, OK / 2,851
201.7.35 inchesCalumet, OK / 687
202.7.33 inchesSportsmen Acres, OK / 390
203.7.33 inchesVinita, OK / 5,637
204.7.27 inchesEucha, OK
205.7.26 inchesLangston, OK / 1,457
206.7.25 inchesColony, OK / 134
207.7.25 inchesCheyenne, OK / 961
208.7.25 inchesTagg Flats, OK / 112
209.7.24 inchesNew Eucha, OK / 528
210.7.24 inchesSteely Hollow, OK / 105
211.7.24 inchesMoodys, OK
212.7.23 inchesBull Hollow, OK / 34
213.7.22 inchesTeresita, OK / 142
214.7.22 inchesWhite Oak, OK / 214
215.7.21 inchesSycamore, OK / 294
216.7.19 inchesRocky Ford, OK / 62
217.7.19 inchesStrong City, OK / 70
218.7.19 inchesWest Siloam Springs, OK / 988
219.7.18 inchesLeach, OK / 231
220.7.14 inchesWynona, OK / 431
221.7.12 inchesColcord, OK / 924
222.7.09 inchesGrove, OK / 6,658
223.7.09 inchesDripping Springs, OK / 21
224.7.08 inchesWelling, OK / 874
225.7.05 inchesNew Alluwe, OK / 83
226.7.04 inchesTenkiller, OK / 591
227.7.00 inchesChelsea, OK / 1,892
228.6.97 inchesTwin Oaks, OK / 401
229.6.93 inchesGotebo, OK / 171
230.6.92 inchesWeatherford, OK / 11,410
231.6.91 inchesHulbert, OK / 624
232.6.90 inchesLocust Grove, OK / 1,307
233.6.90 inchesMountain View, OK / 832
234.6.89 inchesAdair, OK / 738
235.6.87 inchesHobart, OK / 3,729
236.6.83 inchesGrandview, OK / 323
237.6.83 inchesSams Corner, OK / 172
238.6.81 inchesLimestone, OK / 697
239.6.78 inchesCarnegie, OK / 2,021
240.6.78 inchesCrescent, OK / 1,384
241.6.78 inchesHominy, OK / 3,548
242.6.76 inchesPiedmont, OK / 6,232
243.6.76 inchesCedar Valley, OK / 336
244.6.76 inchesCimarron City, OK / 176
245.6.75 inchesWillow, OK / 216
246.6.74 inchesAlbert, OK
247.6.72 inchesGranite, OK / 1,911
248.6.72 inchesSnake Creek, OK / 121
249.6.72 inchesMazie, OK / 175
250.6.71 inchesPin Oak Acres, OK / 574
251.6.71 inchesDodge, OK / 101
252.6.70 inchesLone Wolf, OK / 405
253.6.69 inchesTahlequah, OK / 16,190
254.6.69 inchesBriggs, OK / 287
255.6.69 inchesEakly, OK / 344
256.6.69 inchesCordell, OK
257.6.68 inchesWest Peavine, OK / 267
258.6.68 inchesPeavine, OK / 403
259.6.66 inchesHydro, OK / 1,029
260.6.64 inchesBridgeport, OK / 170
261.6.63 inchesLookeba, OK / 146
262.6.62 inchesFlint Creek, OK / 703
263.6.62 inchesHinton, OK / 3,199
264.6.58 inchesCarter, OK / 275
265.6.57 inchesPrue, OK / 451
266.6.57 inchesSayre, OK / 4,524
267.6.56 inchesMeridian, OK / 45
268.6.51 inchesCorn, OK / 504
269.6.49 inchesProctor, OK / 152
270.6.47 inchesCashion, OK / 704
271.6.46 inchesTryon, OK / 471
272.6.44 inchesValley Park, OK / 30
273.6.39 inchesNorman, OK / 115,521
274.6.38 inchesSequoyah, OK / 571
275.6.38 inchesClaremore, OK / 18,849
276.6.36 inchesJustice, OK / 1,183
277.6.35 inchesBushyhead, OK / 1,178
278.6.34 inchesNowata, OK / 3,734
279.6.32 inchesVinson, OK
280.6.30 inchesNew Cordell, OK / 2,917
281.6.30 inchesFoyil, OK / 285
282.6.27 inchesShady Grove, OK / 484
283.6.26 inchesButler, OK / 301
284.6.26 inchesTulsa, OK / 395,599
285.6.24 inchesGeary, OK / 1,197
286.6.22 inchesBinger, OK / 606
287.6.21 inchesTitanic, OK / 189
288.6.20 inchesWauhillau, OK / 341
289.6.20 inchesKeys, OK / 707
290.6.20 inchesVera, OK / 130
291.6.19 inchesSentinel, OK / 972
292.6.18 inchesRocky, OK / 169
293.6.17 inchesDepew, OK / 484
294.6.17 inchesBlackburn, OK / 77
295.6.17 inchesPryor, OK
296.6.15 inchesLost City, OK / 821
297.6.14 inchesHammon, OK / 534
298.6.12 inchesMangum, OK / 2,947
299.6.11 inchesOkarche, OK / 998
300.6.10 inchesChouteau, OK / 2,060
301.6.09 inchesFort Cobb, OK / 638
302.6.06 inchesPryor Creek, OK / 9,479
303.6.06 inchesTalala, OK / 398
304.6.04 inchesPiney, OK / 244
305.6.04 inchesArapaho, OK / 483
306.6.03 inchesPark Hill, OK / 3,887
307.6.01 inchesClinton, OK / 9,281
308.6.00 inchesGuthrie, OK / 10,668
309.6.00 inchesSlick, OK / 148
310.5.98 inchesRipley, OK / 369
311.5.97 inchesWagoner, OK / 8,499
312.5.96 inchesFoss, OK / 194
313.5.95 inchesWheatland, OK
314.5.94 inchesWoodall, OK / 949
315.5.94 inchesCooperton, OK / 16
316.5.91 inchesWestville, OK / 1,860
317.5.91 inchesOsage, OK / 121
318.5.89 inchesScraper, OK / 178
319.5.88 inchesAgra, OK / 314
320.5.88 inchesCleveland, OK / 3,238
321.5.86 inchesEldon, OK / 268
322.5.85 inchesCanute, OK / 385
323.5.84 inchesBeggs, OK / 1,127
324.5.84 inchesErick, OK / 921
325.5.83 inchesBessie, OK / 186
326.5.82 inchesElk City, OK / 12,198
327.5.82 inchesConcho, OK
328.5.79 inchesPorum, OK / 590
329.5.78 inchesTurley, OK / 2,516
330.5.75 inchesOld Green, OK / 520
331.5.73 inchesChristie, OK / 192
332.5.72 inchesWinchester, OK / 478
333.5.68 inchesNicoma Park, OK / 2,480
334.5.64 inchesAnadarko, OK / 6,786
335.5.64 inchesOkay, OK / 566
336.5.63 inchesVerden, OK / 495
337.5.63 inchesCookson, OK
338.5.62 inchesDill City, OK / 607
339.5.62 inchesMoore, OK / 57,563
340.5.62 inchesVian, OK / 1,510
341.5.62 inchesGracemont, OK / 222
342.5.62 inchesCarlisle, OK / 649
343.5.61 inchesAvant, OK / 369
344.5.61 inchesBox, OK / 129
345.5.60 inchesRedbird Smith, OK / 282
346.5.60 inchesBlackgum, OK / 71
347.5.57 inchesBunch, OK
348.5.57 inchesRamona, OK / 503
349.5.56 inchesEvening Shade, OK / 233
350.5.56 inchesPorter, OK / 572
351.5.55 inchesHarrah, OK / 5,412
352.5.55 inchesBurns Flat, OK / 2,357
353.5.54 inchesTullahassee, OK / 266
354.5.54 inchesEl Reno, OK / 17,515
355.5.52 inchesInola, OK / 1,838
356.5.51 inchesMilfay, OK
357.5.51 inchesPaden, OK / 602
358.5.50 inchesRedbird, OK / 92
359.5.49 inchesPettit, OK / 888
360.5.49 inchesWoodlawn Park, OK / 155
361.5.49 inchesOklahoma City, OK / 600,729
362.5.49 inchesBethany, OK / 19,390
363.5.49 inchesWarr Acres, OK / 10,268
364.5.48 inchesStroud, OK / 2,696
365.5.47 inchesCarney, OK / 712
366.5.47 inchesDrumright, OK / 2,926
367.5.47 inchesOilton, OK / 1,188
368.5.45 inchesNewalla, OK
369.5.45 inchesValley Brook, OK / 677
370.5.45 inchesUnion City, OK / 1,647
371.5.44 inchesKendrick, OK / 125
372.5.44 inchesWellston, OK / 797
373.5.44 inchesKeota, OK / 602
374.5.44 inchesYukon, OK / 24,127
375.5.43 inchesSimms, OK / 247
376.5.42 inchesOkemah, OK / 3,263
377.5.41 inchesClearview, OK / 32
378.5.40 inchesTamaha, OK / 126
379.5.39 inchesChandler, OK / 3,113
380.5.39 inchesGregory, OK / 138
381.5.39 inchesRocky Mountain, OK / 448
382.5.38 inchesNoble, OK / 6,602
383.5.37 inchesMaramec, OK / 104
384.5.36 inchesLawrence Creek, OK / 220
385.5.35 inchesYale, OK / 1,169
386.5.35 inchesWarwick, OK / 125
387.5.32 inchesRoosevelt, OK / 263
388.5.29 inchesMustang, OK / 18,575
389.5.29 inchesGoldsby, OK / 2,246
389.5.29 inchesSkiatook, OK / 7,571
391.5.28 inchesTiawah, OK / 213
392.5.27 inchesHallett, OK / 111
393.5.27 inchesPurcell, OK / 6,259
394.5.26 inchesParadise Hill, OK / 40
395.5.26 inchesNotiechtown, OK / 301
396.5.25 inchesGore, OK / 1,026
397.5.25 inchesCatoosa, OK / 7,407
398.5.24 inchesMccurtain, OK / 450
399.5.24 inchesSour John, OK / 37
400.5.24 inchesWebbers Falls, OK / 482
401.5.23 inchesDavenport, OK / 808
402.5.23 inchesBraggs, OK / 196
403.5.22 inchesJennings, OK / 304
404.5.22 inchesSand Hill, OK / 317
405.5.21 inchesApache, OK / 1,315
406.5.21 inchesRiver Bottom, OK / 134
407.5.20 inchesWarner, OK / 1,763
408.5.20 inchesNewcastle, OK / 8,383
409.5.19 inchesMinco, OK / 1,423
410.5.16 inchesMulberry, OK / 119
411.5.15 inchesMarietta CDP, OK / 132
412.5.15 inchesStigler, OK / 2,704
413.5.15 inchesOologah, OK / 1,054
414.5.15 inchesWhitefield, OK / 484
415.5.14 inchesFair Oaks, OK / 49
416.5.14 inchesFort Gibson, OK / 4,129
417.5.14 inchesDale, OK / 151
418.5.13 inchesSpencer, OK / 3,979
419.5.13 inchesJones, OK / 2,773
420.5.12 inchesTerlton, OK / 107
421.5.12 inchesElm Grove, OK / 194
422.5.11 inchesCyril, OK / 1,080
423.5.11 inchesLequire, OK
424.5.11 inchesBlanchard, OK / 7,625
425.5.11 inchesLyons Switch, OK / 329
426.5.11 inchesEdmond, OK / 85,084
427.5.11 inchesZion, OK / 15
428.5.10 inchesArcadia, OK / 145
429.5.10 inchesBethel Acres, OK / 2,970
430.5.09 inchesLake Aluma, OK / 91
431.5.09 inchesSalem, OK / 126
432.5.08 inchesDel City, OK / 21,756
433.5.08 inchesBridge Creek, OK / 227
434.5.07 inchesSmith Village, OK / 63
435.5.07 inchesForest Park, OK / 1,179
436.5.07 inchesVerdigris, OK / 4,117
437.5.07 inchesPreston, OK
438.5.06 inchesPink, OK / 2,282
439.5.06 inchesCherry Tree, OK / 970
440.5.05 inchesZeb, OK / 565
441.5.04 inchesCement, OK / 550
442.5.04 inchesNorge, OK / 129
443.5.03 inchesKinta, OK / 257
444.5.03 inchesMidwest City, OK / 55,964
445.5.02 inchesOchelata, OK / 335
446.5.01 inchesAsher, OK / 409
447.5.01 inchesFallis, OK / 33
448.5.01 inchesCushing, OK / 7,870
449.5.00 inchesWashington, OK / 613
450.4.99 inchesLuther, OK / 1,170
451.4.99 inchesThe Village, OK / 9,147
452.4.99 inchesGreasy, OK / 300
453.4.98 inchesHoyt, OK
454.4.97 inchesCole, OK / 603
455.4.97 inchesNichols Hills, OK / 3,797
456.4.96 inchesBroken Arrow, OK / 101,917
457.4.96 inchesChoctaw, OK / 11,619
458.4.96 inchesSperry, OK / 1,040
459.4.96 inchesDry Creek, OK / 256
460.4.96 inchesCastle, OK / 124
461.4.95 inchesPocasset, OK / 130
462.4.94 inchesMcloud, OK / 4,557
463.4.92 inchesMarble City, OK / 235
464.4.91 inchesBristow, OK / 4,251
465.4.91 inchesDibble, OK / 979
466.4.91 inchesFlute Springs, OK / 51
467.4.91 inchesIxl, OK / 38
468.4.90 inchesBlair, OK / 606
469.4.90 inchesStilwell, OK / 3,974
470.4.89 inchesLexington, OK / 2,339
471.4.88 inchesShamrock, OK / 51
472.4.88 inchesPrague, OK / 2,671
473.4.86 inchesBearden, OK / 159
474.4.84 inchesRosedale, OK / 65
475.4.84 inchesPinhook Corner, OK / 192
476.4.82 inchesMuskogee, OK / 38,937
477.4.81 inchesDwight Mission, OK / 55
478.4.81 inchesByars, OK / 179
479.4.81 inchesSlaughterville, OK / 4,223
480.4.80 inchesWayne, OK / 646
481.4.79 inchesMacomb, OK / 32
482.4.79 inchesEtowah, OK / 96
483.4.76 inchesPanola, OK
484.4.76 inchesRed Oak, OK / 564
485.4.76 inchesTribbey, OK / 402
486.4.75 inchesDuchess Landing, OK / 219
487.4.75 inchesBoynton, OK / 167
488.4.72 inchesSparks, OK / 166
489.4.72 inchesBoley, OK / 1,078
490.4.71 inchesShady Grove CDP, OK / 300
491.4.70 inchesTaft, OK / 240
492.4.68 inchesFanshawe, OK / 410
493.4.63 inchesLiberty town, OK / 189
494.4.63 inchesHaskell, OK / 1,760
495.4.62 inchesWanette, OK / 295
496.4.60 inchesChecotah, OK / 3,343
497.4.58 inchesRentiesville, OK / 116
498.4.58 inchesMaysville, OK / 1,322
499.4.58 inchesLeflore, OK / 197
500.4.57 inchesOktaha, OK / 392
501.4.56 inchesOwasso, OK / 31,738
502.4.55 inchesBlocker, OK
503.4.55 inchesTuttle, OK / 6,252
504.4.55 inchesGowen, OK
505.4.54 inchesBell, OK / 522
506.4.54 inchesWainwright, OK / 163
507.4.53 inchesQuinton, OK / 1,027
508.4.51 inchesLindsay, OK / 2,822
509.4.51 inchesFairfield, OK / 490
510.4.49 inchesCollinsville, OK / 5,970
511.4.48 inchesMounds, OK / 1,169
512.4.47 inchesSummit, OK / 176
513.4.47 inchesCromwell, OK / 307
514.4.46 inchesBokoshe, OK / 487
515.4.46 inchesOak Grove, OK / 11
516.4.45 inchesSand Springs, OK / 19,277
517.4.45 inchesJenks, OK / 18,312
518.4.44 inchesOakhurst, OK / 2,448
519.4.44 inchesCouncil Hill, OK / 129
520.4.43 inchesSchulter, OK / 464
521.4.42 inchesSallisaw, OK / 8,761
522.4.42 inchesWestport, OK / 343
523.4.41 inchesWilburton, OK / 2,797
524.4.39 inchesHartshorne, OK / 1,969
525.4.39 inchesBrushy, OK / 865
526.4.38 inchesBrooksville, OK / 71
527.4.37 inchesOkmulgee, OK / 12,398
528.4.36 inchesFoster, OK / 120
529.4.35 inchesNicut, OK / 225
530.4.34 inchesEast Duke, OK / 332
531.4.34 inchesEufaula, OK / 2,881
532.4.34 inchesShawnee, OK / 30,609
533.4.34 inchesBelfonte, OK / 390
534.4.34 inchesSeminole, OK / 7,493
535.4.32 inchesBixby, OK / 22,480
536.4.32 inchesAlex, OK / 547
537.4.32 inchesLongtown, OK / 3,100
538.4.32 inchesStoney Point, OK / 271
539.4.31 inchesJohnson, OK / 251
540.4.29 inchesShort, OK / 373
541.4.29 inchesTexanna, OK / 2,355
542.4.29 inchesHaileyville, OK / 698
543.4.29 inchesMartha, OK / 140
544.4.29 inchesAkins, OK / 481
545.4.29 inchesAlderson, OK / 300
546.4.27 inchesStratford, OK / 1,478
547.4.26 inchesElmore City, OK / 730
548.4.24 inchesWeleetka, OK / 997
549.4.23 inchesBadger Lee, OK / 102
550.4.23 inchesLong, OK / 335
551.4.22 inchesMuldrow, OK / 3,375
552.4.21 inchesHenryetta, OK / 5,848
553.4.20 inchesHollis, OK / 2,110
554.4.20 inchesKellyville, OK / 1,429
555.4.19 inchesLiberty, OK / 220
556.4.17 inchesGrayson, OK / 154
557.4.17 inchesDewar, OK / 960
558.4.17 inchesMoffett, OK / 122
559.4.15 inchesRoland, OK / 3,284
560.4.15 inchesYeager, OK / 76
561.4.15 inchesHanna, OK / 135
562.4.14 inchesBradley, OK / 113
563.4.10 inchesBrent, OK / 647
564.4.10 inchesCowlington, OK / 172
565.4.10 inchesRemy, OK / 465
566.4.09 inchesErin Springs, OK / 167
567.4.06 inchesCrowder, OK / 397
568.4.05 inchesCanadian, OK / 219
569.4.04 inchesMonroe, OK
570.4.04 inchesGould, OK / 181
571.4.02 inchesDuke, OK
572.4.01 inchesFletcher, OK / 1,059
573.4.00 inchesStidham, OK / 50
574.4.00 inchesPauls Valley, OK / 6,054
575.3.99 inchesFrancis, OK / 300
576.3.99 inchesChickasha, OK / 16,195
577.3.99 inchesNinnekah, OK / 990
578.3.94 inchesHitchita, OK / 125
579.3.92 inchesRoff, OK / 809
580.3.91 inchesHickory, OK / 64
581.3.91 inchesPoteau, OK / 8,563
582.3.90 inchesClarita, OK
583.3.90 inchesIndiahoma, OK / 329
584.3.89 inchesGans, OK / 337
585.3.89 inchesTupelo, OK / 330
586.3.89 inchesIndianola town, OK / 198
587.3.88 inchesHennepin, OK
588.3.88 inchesShady Point, OK / 1,143
589.3.87 inchesTecumseh, OK / 6,556
590.3.86 inchesFort Coffee, OK / 485
591.3.86 inchesBowlegs, OK / 431
592.3.85 inchesStonewall, OK / 348
593.3.85 inchesLima, OK / 78
594.3.85 inchesLamar, OK / 181
595.3.84 inchesLotsee, OK / 3
596.3.84 inchesCameron, OK / 291
597.3.84 inchesArkoma, OK / 1,954
598.3.83 inchesMeeker, OK / 1,135
599.3.82 inchesPaoli, OK / 588
600.3.82 inchesSaint Louis, OK / 167
601.3.81 inchesSapulpa, OK / 20,308
602.3.81 inchesKonawa, OK / 1,398
603.3.80 inchesArpelar, OK / 276
604.3.80 inchesKiefer, OK / 2,005
605.3.80 inchesFriendship, OK / 26
606.3.79 inchesGlenpool, OK / 11,398
607.3.78 inchesWister, OK / 1,147
608.3.77 inchesSavanna, OK / 636
609.3.77 inchesBromide, OK / 184
610.3.74 inchesWapanucka, OK / 389
611.3.74 inchesHeadrick, OK / 147
612.3.73 inchesEarlsboro, OK / 574
613.3.72 inchesSasakwa, OK / 122
614.3.72 inchesDavis, OK / 2,723
615.3.71 inchesHoffman, OK / 140
616.3.70 inchesMaud, OK / 1,046
617.3.68 inchesWewoka, OK / 3,444
618.3.68 inchesAmber, OK / 352
619.3.67 inchesTussy, OK
620.3.67 inchesManitou, OK / 195
621.3.66 inchesMorris, OK / 1,606
622.3.66 inchesHorntown, OK / 107
623.3.66 inchesCoweta, OK / 9,483
624.3.66 inchesChattanooga, OK / 422
625.3.65 inchesMannford, OK / 3,214
626.3.65 inchesEldorado, OK / 466
627.3.64 inchesRock Island, OK / 735
628.3.64 inchesConnerville, OK
629.3.62 inchesMcalester, OK / 18,354
630.3.61 inchesTatums, OK / 74
631.3.60 inchesStuart, OK / 202
632.3.60 inchesFitzhugh, OK / 273
633.3.60 inchesHodgen, OK
634.3.59 inchesDustin, OK / 339
635.3.59 inchesHollister, OK / 33
636.3.59 inchesShady Grove town, OK / 2
637.3.58 inchesSnyder, OK / 1,564
638.3.57 inchesByng, OK / 1,297
639.3.57 inchesMountain Park, OK / 436
640.3.56 inchesBlanco, OK
641.3.51 inchesKrebs, OK / 2,384
642.3.51 inchesLeonard, OK
643.3.50 inchesFittstown, OK
644.3.48 inchesCentrahoma, OK / 84
645.3.46 inchesTipton, OK / 950
646.3.45 inchesCoalgate, OK / 1,920
647.3.43 inchesAltus Afb, OK
648.3.43 inchesAllen, OK / 990
649.3.42 inchesAltus, OK / 19,716
650.3.42 inchesCalvin, OK / 260
651.3.42 inchesAtwood, OK / 76
652.3.41 inchesPanama, OK / 1,457
653.3.40 inchesOlustee, OK / 450
654.3.40 inchesHoldenville, OK / 5,768
655.3.39 inchesKatie, OK / 251
656.3.39 inchesCache, OK / 2,922
657.3.39 inchesPocola, OK / 4,043
658.3.39 inchesLoveland, OK / 7
659.3.38 inchesTalihina, OK / 1,230
660.3.38 inchesElmer, OK / 111
661.3.37 inchesAshland, OK / 24
662.3.35 inchesWynnewood, OK / 2,343
663.3.34 inchesFrederick, OK / 3,837
664.3.33 inchesAda, OK / 17,061
665.3.31 inchesGerty, OK / 84
666.3.31 inchesElgin, OK / 2,560
667.3.30 inchesSpaulding, OK / 212
668.3.30 inchesPhillips, OK / 134
669.3.29 inchesSpiro, OK / 2,502
670.3.25 inchesColeman, OK
671.3.25 inchesDavidson, OK / 374
672.3.24 inchesKiowa, OK / 536
673.3.23 inchesHowe, OK / 758
674.3.20 inchesLehigh, OK / 357
675.3.18 inchesMilburn, OK / 313
676.3.13 inchesHeavener, OK / 3,397
677.3.08 inchesMill Creek, OK / 365
678.3.08 inchesWhitesboro, OK / 193
679.3.06 inchesBethel, OK
680.3.05 inchesTishomingo, OK / 3,063
681.3.04 inchesRavia, OK / 476
682.3.02 inchesDougherty, OK / 256
683.2.99 inchesWatson, OK
684.2.96 inchesMedicine Park, OK / 212
685.2.96 inchesClayton, OK / 729
686.2.96 inchesSulphur, OK / 4,996
687.2.95 inchesBray, OK / 1,252
688.2.93 inchesBee, OK / 111
689.2.93 inchesTuskahoma, OK / 138
690.2.92 inchesAlbion, OK / 83
691.2.91 inchesRatliff City, OK / 109
692.2.88 inchesCountyline, OK
693.2.88 inchesNashoba, OK
694.2.85 inchesLoco, OK / 130
695.2.85 inchesVelma, OK / 727
696.2.84 inchesMuse, OK
697.2.83 inchesWetumka, OK / 1,231
698.2.82 inchesFox, OK
699.2.82 inchesRush Springs, OK / 1,301
700.2.80 inchesGraham, OK
701.2.77 inchesFaxon, OK / 73
702.2.73 inchesMarlow, OK / 4,635
703.2.72 inchesCaney, OK / 258
704.2.71 inchesKingston, OK / 1,658
705.2.71 inchesNew Woodville, OK / 106
706.2.70 inchesOakland, OK / 1,085
707.2.70 inchesMannsville, OK / 899
708.2.70 inchesMadill, OK / 3,810
709.2.70 inchesCaddo, OK / 1,203
710.2.70 inchesHealdton, OK / 2,779
711.2.68 inchesDuncan, OK / 23,364
712.2.64 inchesKenefic, OK / 214
713.2.63 inchesGrandfield, OK / 1,018
714.2.60 inchesPittsburg, OK / 172
715.2.60 inchesGolden, OK
716.2.58 inchesTushka, OK / 321
717.2.54 inchesSterling, OK / 630
718.2.52 inchesEagletown, OK / 664
719.2.51 inchesWardville, OK
720.2.50 inchesPlatter, OK
721.2.49 inchesRingling, OK / 960
722.2.49 inchesDurant, OK / 16,507
723.2.49 inchesCornish, OK / 198
724.2.48 inchesMead, OK / 72
725.2.48 inchesSmithville, OK / 123
726.2.46 inchesArmstrong, OK / 193
727.2.45 inchesSilo, OK / 291
728.2.45 inchesPickens, OK
729.2.43 inchesLebanon, OK / 208
730.2.34 inchesAtoka, OK / 3,093
731.2.33 inchesCalera, OK / 2,686
732.2.33 inchesMarietta, OK / 2,659
733.2.32 inchesBlue, OK / 302
734.2.29 inchesFort Sill, OK
735.2.28 inchesAlbany, OK / 115
736.2.27 inchesStringtown, OK / 320
737.2.27 inchesBurneyville, OK
738.2.26 inchesBroken Bow, OK / 4,141
739.2.25 inchesLawton, OK / 97,788
740.2.24 inchesMeers, OK
741.2.21 inchesThackerville, OK / 424
742.2.20 inchesGene Autry, OK / 169
743.2.18 inchesDickson, OK / 1,524
744.2.18 inchesArdmore, OK / 24,877
745.2.16 inchesMeridian CDP, OK / 1,108
746.2.16 inchesHaworth, OK / 261
747.2.15 inchesWilson, OK / 1,611
748.2.14 inchesOscar, OK
749.2.13 inchesIdabel, OK / 7,015
750.2.13 inchesGeronimo, OK / 989
751.2.10 inchesLeon, OK / 114
752.2.09 inchesBattiest, OK
753.2.08 inchesWalters, OK / 2,564
754.2.08 inchesSpringer, OK / 548
755.2.03 inchesKiamichi Christian Mission, OK
756.2.02 inchesRandlett, OK / 410
757.2.01 inchesCentral High, OK / 1,173
758.2.01 inchesSnow, OK
759.1.94 inchesOverbrook, OK
760.1.92 inchesBokchito, OK / 583
761.1.89 inchesHugo, OK / 5,294
762.1.88 inchesLone Grove, OK / 5,142
763.1.87 inchesDevol, OK / 154
764.1.84 inchesMillerton, OK / 325
765.1.82 inchesLane, OK / 340
766.1.82 inchesGarvin, OK / 197
767.1.81 inchesAntlers, OK / 2,437
768.1.81 inchesBennington, OK / 285
769.1.78 inchesDaisy, OK
770.1.76 inchesTerral, OK / 372
771.1.76 inchesTemple, OK / 1,208
772.1.73 inchesComanche, OK / 1,655
773.1.71 inchesHendrix, OK / 67
774.1.69 inchesWright City, OK / 629
775.1.63 inchesColbert, OK / 1,496
776.1.62 inchesCartwright, OK / 637
777.1.62 inchesAchille, OK / 493
778.1.59 inchesRufe, OK
779.1.52 inchesRingold, OK
780.1.49 inchesEmpire City, OK / 833
781.1.49 inchesSugden, OK / 45
782.1.46 inchesFinley, OK
783.1.45 inchesRyan, OK / 765
784.1.43 inchesMoyers, OK
785.1.43 inchesSpencerville, OK
786.1.42 inchesHastings, OK / 61
787.1.42 inchesAddington, OK / 110
788.1.41 inchesGrant, OK / 226
789.1.41 inchesFort Towson, OK / 669
790.1.40 inchesWaurika, OK / 1,856
791.1.37 inchesKemp, OK / 154
792.1.36 inchesSwink, OK / 86
793.1.31 inchesSawyer, OK / 373
794.1.21 inchesBoswell, OK / 729
795.1.12 inchesValliant, OK / 834
796.1.08 inchesRattan, OK / 291
797.0.86 inchesSoper, OK / 248

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Snow' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Snow' data are not listed.

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