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North Dakota Female in Armed Forces Population Percentage City Rank

Based on US Census 2000 data

A total of 19 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankFemale in Armed Forces Population Percentage ▼City / Population
1.17.6%Grand Forks AFB CDP, ND / 4,832
2.16.4%Minot AFB CDP, ND / 7,599
3.2.8%Mountain, ND / 133
4.2.5%Glenburn, ND / 374
5.2.3%Lansford, ND / 253
6.2.3%Emerado, ND / 510
7.2.0%Wimbledon, ND / 237
8.1.6%Burlington, ND / 1,096
9.1.2%Minot, ND / 36,567
10.0.9%Wahpeton, ND / 8,586
11.0.8%Mohall, ND / 812
12.0.7%Larimore, ND / 1,433
13.0.7%Grand Forks, ND / 49,321
14.0.4%Tioga, ND / 1,125
15.0.3%Hazen, ND / 2,457
16.0.3%Mandan, ND / 16,718
17.0.2%New Town, ND / 1,367
18.0.1%Fargo, ND / 90,599
18.0.1%Bismarck, ND / 55,532

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Female in Armed Forces Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Female in Armed Forces Population Percentage' data are not listed.

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