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North Carolina Average Education Index County Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 100 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼County / Population
1.15.23Orange, NC / 137,275
2.14.66Wake, NC / 952,513
3.14.43Durham, NC / 282,422
4.14.19Mecklenburg, NC / 968,500
5.14.16Watauga, NC / 51,903
6.14.14New Hanover, NC / 209,586
7.13.99Buncombe, NC / 244,599
8.13.92Chatham, NC / 66,050
9.13.89Moore, NC / 90,579
10.13.86Dare, NC / 34,530
11.13.80Guilford, NC / 500,899
12.13.73Polk, NC / 20,352
13.13.70Union, NC / 209,387
14.13.70Transylvania, NC / 32,943
15.13.67Forsyth, NC / 358,130
16.13.64Henderson, NC / 108,642
17.13.59Pitt, NC / 172,438
18.13.56Jackson, NC / 40,598
19.13.54Cumberland, NC / 324,002
20.13.50Carteret, NC / 67,851
21.13.45Cabarrus, NC / 184,855
22.13.40Brunswick, NC / 112,907
23.13.39Iredell, NC / 162,999
24.13.38Onslow, NC / 182,921
25.13.36Clay, NC / 10,616
26.13.34Haywood, NC / 59,012
27.13.29Craven, NC / 104,574
28.13.29Camden, NC / 10,127
29.13.26Davie, NC / 41,411
30.13.23Macon, NC / 33,840
31.13.17Pamlico, NC / 13,062
32.13.17Pender, NC / 54,218
33.13.03Harnett, NC / 121,789
34.13.03Pasquotank, NC / 40,233
35.13.01Hoke, NC / 50,034
36.13.00Alamance, NC / 153,713
37.12.99Johnston, NC / 175,343
38.12.99Currituck, NC / 24,212
39.12.99Catawba, NC / 154,457
40.12.96Chowan, NC / 14,703
41.12.95Lincoln, NC / 79,041
42.12.91Yancey, NC / 17,662
43.12.89Avery, NC / 17,739
44.12.89Cherokee, NC / 27,156
45.12.88Lee, NC / 59,096
46.12.86Nash, NC / 95,174
47.12.85Gaston, NC / 208,379
48.12.84Wayne, NC / 124,093
49.12.81Beaufort, NC / 47,587
50.12.80Madison, NC / 20,951
51.12.78Jones, NC / 10,184
52.12.78Franklin, NC / 61,723
53.12.77Cleveland, NC / 97,464
54.12.77Granville, NC / 57,955
55.12.77Ashe, NC / 27,173
56.12.77Rowan, NC / 138,246
57.12.76Perquimans, NC / 13,507
58.12.75Rutherford, NC / 67,181
59.12.72Swain, NC / 14,070
60.12.70Davidson, NC / 163,545
61.12.68Stanly, NC / 60,553
62.12.66Mitchell, NC / 15,380
63.12.62Person, NC / 39,303
64.12.62Wilson, NC / 81,499
65.12.61Lenoir, NC / 59,095
66.12.61Graham, NC / 8,743
67.12.60Alleghany, NC / 10,974
68.12.60Burke, NC / 90,164
69.12.55Mcdowell, NC / 44,982
70.12.55Gates, NC / 11,877
71.12.54Columbus, NC / 57,512
72.12.54Martin, NC / 23,947
73.12.49Richmond, NC / 46,317
74.12.45Stokes, NC / 46,858
75.12.44Warren, NC / 20,628
76.12.43Randolph, NC / 142,276
77.12.43Scotland, NC / 36,034
78.12.42Hertford, NC / 24,460
79.12.42Alexander, NC / 37,175
80.12.41Rockingham, NC / 92,602
81.12.41Surry, NC / 73,391
82.12.35Yadkin, NC / 38,101
83.12.32Bladen, NC / 34,915
84.12.31Hyde, NC / 5,757
85.12.30Montgomery, NC / 27,626
86.12.30Caldwell, NC / 82,140
87.12.29Vance, NC / 44,998
88.12.24Edgecombe, NC / 55,779
89.12.23Halifax, NC / 53,803
90.12.21Washington, NC / 12,837
91.12.21Greene, NC / 21,353
92.12.20Anson, NC / 26,309
93.12.18Wilkes, NC / 69,093
94.12.17Caswell, NC / 23,357
95.12.13Sampson, NC / 63,842
96.12.10Northampton, NC / 21,310
97.12.09Robeson, NC / 134,913
98.12.04Bertie, NC / 20,677
99.12.00Duplin, NC / 59,455
100.11.72Tyrrell, NC / 4,219

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

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