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New Mexico No Fuel Used Heating House Percentage City Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 34 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankNo Fuel Used Heating House Percentage ▼City / Population
1.22.3%Sunshine, NM / 589
2.5.3%San Antonito, NM / 1,396
3.4.1%Columbus, NM / 1,285
4.3.4%Mescalero, NM / 1,899
5.2.3%Tome, NM / 1,446
6.1.9%Santa Clara Pueblo, NM / 770
7.1.6%Lordsburg, NM / 3,112
8.1.3%Clayton, NM / 2,693
9.0.9%Taos, NM / 5,597
10.0.8%Los Alamos, NM / 12,030
11.0.8%Carlsbad, NM / 25,698
12.0.7%Kirtland, NM / 6,418
12.0.7%Grants, NM / 9,215
14.0.7%North Hobbs, NM / 4,981
15.0.6%Deming, NM / 14,877
16.0.6%Sunland Park, NM / 13,832
17.0.6%Los Chaves, NM / 4,451
18.0.5%Chaparral, NM / 13,540
19.0.4%Tucumcari, NM / 5,338
20.0.4%Anthony, NM / 8,279
21.0.4%Clovis, NM / 36,217
21.0.4%Edgewood, NM / 3,664
23.0.3%Belen, NM / 7,255
24.0.3%Bernalillo, NM / 8,073
25.0.3%Portales, NM / 12,017
26.0.2%Lovington, NM / 10,644
26.0.2%Las Cruces, NM / 92,897
28.0.2%Roswell, NM / 47,414
28.0.2%Santa Fe, NM / 67,588
28.0.2%Espanola, NM / 10,183
28.0.2%Hobbs, NM / 32,940
32.0.2%Albuquerque, NM / 531,403
33.0.1%South Valley, NM / 41,992
34.0.0%Rio Rancho, NM / 81,056

Please note that we only rank locations with 'No Fuel Used Heating House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'No Fuel Used Heating House Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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