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New Mexico 1 Room House Percentage County Rank

Based on US Census 2000 data

A total of 33 results found. Show Results on Map.

Rank1 Room House Percentage ▼County / Population
1.15.8%Mckinley, NM / 74,798
2.5.7%San Juan, NM / 113,801
3.5.0%Catron, NM / 3,543
4.5.0%Cibola, NM / 25,595
5.4.1%Sierra, NM / 13,270
6.3.8%Luna, NM / 25,016
7.3.8%Los Alamos, NM / 18,343
8.3.1%Curry, NM / 45,044
9.3.1%Bernalillo, NM / 556,678
10.3.0%Socorro, NM / 18,078
11.2.9%Taos, NM / 29,979
12.2.4%Mora, NM / 5,180
13.2.2%Grant, NM / 31,002
14.2.1%Chaves, NM / 61,382
15.2.0%Rio Arriba, NM / 41,190
16.2.0%Sandoval, NM / 89,908
17.1.9%Dona Ana, NM / 174,682
17.1.9%Hidalgo, NM / 5,932
19.1.8%Santa Fe, NM / 129,292
20.1.7%Torrance, NM / 16,911
21.1.7%San Miguel, NM / 30,126
22.1.5%Lea, NM / 55,511
23.1.5%Eddy, NM / 51,658
24.1.2%Colfax, NM / 14,189
24.1.2%Roosevelt, NM / 18,018
26.1.1%De Baca, NM / 2,240
27.1.1%Otero, NM / 62,298
28.0.8%Union, NM / 4,174
29.0.8%Lincoln, NM / 19,411
30.0.7%Valencia, NM / 66,152
31.0.7%Guadalupe, NM / 4,680
32.0.6%Quay, NM / 10,155
33.0.6%Harding, NM / 810

Please note that we only rank locations with '1 Room House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without '1 Room House Percentage' data are not listed.

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