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New Hampshire Solar Energy Heating House Percentage Census Tract Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 33 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankSolar Energy Heating House Percentage ▼Census Tract / Population
1.3.6%NH017080203 / 5,201
2.2.1%NH015058000 / 4,855
3.1.7%NH011019501 / 1,633
4.1.6%NH013032600 / 3,841
5.1.4%NH011002200 / 3,506
6.1.2%NH015107500 / 4,468
7.1.0%NH011018502 / 1,329
8.0.9%NH017084100 / 5,071
9.0.9%NH015003602 / 5,322
10.0.8%NH019975100 / 4,119
11.0.8%NH005970600 / 5,958
12.0.7%NH011019000 / 3,679
13.0.7%NH011025500 / 6,263
13.0.7%NH013037000 / 2,291
13.0.7%NH011018501 / 2,374
16.0.6%NH009961000 / 6,902
17.0.5%NH011025000 / 2,640
18.0.4%NH013040500 / 5,469
19.0.4%NH011021500 / 4,680
20.0.4%NH013031002 / 3,707
21.0.3%NH013042500 / 3,834
21.0.3%NH001965700 / 4,605
23.0.3%NH005970400 / 5,260
24.0.3%NH013038500 / 4,742
25.0.3%NH009961700 / 7,406
26.0.2%NH001965100 / 3,278
27.0.2%NH007950200 / 3,066
28.0.2%NH003955600 / 5,135
29.0.2%NH019975500 / 2,923
30.0.1%NH005971500 / 5,667
31.0.1%NH011022500 / 7,037
32.0.1%NH007951000 / 2,326
33.0.1%NH009960900 / 3,266

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Solar Energy Heating House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Solar Energy Heating House Percentage' data are not listed.

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